Just Chatting - Take 3
Social forum
Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda
Third time's a charm.
Remember to please post Magic-related discussions in separate threads as appropriate. This thread is for non-MTG or very casual discussions; we want to foster new and continual game discussion across the rest of the site as well.
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Attention Modern players! There's a new Modern Chat. Please use that thread to discuss Modern-related things.
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You know how I said something was hilarious a couple comments back? It doesn't even compare to that.
May 2, 2015 11:15 p.m.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhQhZ4rcJdU while were on the topic of such.
May 2, 2015 11:15 p.m.
Wait but Varm...why would you even want a clockwork heart necklace? Unless it's steampunk. Steampunk stuff is really cool.
Also, those videos are going to make me have nightmares.
ChiefBell Low priority pool is the dumbest shit in the world. Good thing I played as Clinkz twice. Clinkz got gud.
May 2, 2015 11:19 p.m.
May 2, 2015 11:21 p.m.
while were on that topic too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXge6td1jfM
May 2, 2015 11:25 p.m.
Grammar correctors. The people who always correct your grammar. Those guys (or girls) are annoying.
May 2, 2015 11:25 p.m.
Alright Derp, I know I gave you some incentive to sh**post, but please don't spam all over. For your own good. Epoch's looming...
May 2, 2015 11:27 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #14
Oh no I was just loling at how dumb it sounds lololol
May 2, 2015 11:33 p.m.
Man i'm wiped. Drove an hour upstate with a few fiends to hit up an SCG Legacy IQ. Got 12th outa 56... and if I hadn't misplayed in my round 4, woulda top eighted. Ah well, was fun anyway; definitely tired though.
May 3, 2015 12:01 a.m.
I thought Ho-oh held the damage record. Lemme check.
Apparently not.
"A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by receiving the effects of Helping Hand from two allies in a triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power, a conversion to Ice, and 6 stages of positive Attack stat changes. Also, both of Shuckle's partners must have the Ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using a Defense Curl-boosted Ice Ball (learned via Mimic) consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Gible with minimum Defense stats, that has 6 stages of negative Defense stat changes (such as from being subject to Screech 3 times), and being under the effect of Forest's Curse it can deal 721,899,685 damage with a critical hit." -Bulbapedia
May 3, 2015 12:05 a.m.
kyuuri117 "Drove upstate with a couple of fiends"
I'm that one guy.
May 3, 2015 12:06 a.m.
Combo Elves. In my fourth match, game three, i was on the play vs Rug Delver. I T1 Deathrite Shaman, he bolts it his mainphase. I T2 Deathrite Shaman, and also Cabal Therapy naming Delver of Secrets. He's got 2 Brainstorm, a Lightning Bolt and two Submerge. So I sac the DRS and recast the Cabal Therapy from the yard, taking both Submerge's. Literally like fifteen seconds later i'm calling myself an idiot for not taking the Brainstorms. Still dunno why I made that choice, it's not like I care if he wastes those topping my DRS. He storms into removal and answers and I get run over by a Goyf and a freakin Hooting Mandrills. Couldn't block + bounce my creatures as is the usual plan cuz of trample.
May 3, 2015 12:10 a.m.
What format is this guy running friggin' Hooting Mandrills in? Expect the unexpected. Like Platinum Angel Selesnya Control in Legacy. I run that.
May 3, 2015 12:13 a.m.
Damn that sucks. And he is the guy to point out the fact that you put fiend not friend.
May 3, 2015 12:13 a.m.
Oh lol oops. Yep, tired. And yea, freakin hooting mandrills killed me and my friend running food chain. Fucking good meta call, think he made top 8.
Scorprix There are literally 8 creatures in the deck that untap elves via effects. Quirion Ranger and Wirewood Symbiote
May 3, 2015 12:16 a.m.
I hope you do find me derp. That way I can strip down naked and burn out your corneas.
May 3, 2015 12:27 a.m.
@VA: who said you'd ever see me?
a few things I'd like to ask/say.
1) I'd be upset by this, but not disturbed.
2)are you asking me for something?
3)do you have a thing for me?
May 3, 2015 12:33 a.m.
The derp is weirded out because I responded like the derp.
May 3, 2015 12:36 a.m.
no, I'm weirded out b/c I started thinking about whether or not you had a thing for me...
also, plz answer my questions. I'll give you the biggest HUG you've ever SEEN~~!
May 3, 2015 12:38 a.m.
I'm not sure, but I think I inadvertently started it around page 170 of JC2 (50-Comment Regime in place).
May 3, 2015 12:40 a.m.
I was referring to the advent of when you first started commenting like no tomorrow haha.
May 3, 2015 12:42 a.m.
xzzane it was a dark and stormy night of May 2, 1843. The world was ruled by and evil derpdevil who claimed verbal supremacy. It was a living nightmare for all those with an attention span of longer than three seconds. Scholars were defeated in all arguments by the phrase "because I said so." But then one day our hero Obama Barrack came to the rescue. He slayed this derp monster by engaging in wars in locations that didn't fought! So now every day we must honor our lord and saviour Obama Barrack with spaztic phrases over the internet.
May 3, 2015 12:45 a.m.
so still havent answered any of my questions, sirbar.
May 3, 2015 12:46 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #44
When Derp gets older, this chat will return to normal.
May 3, 2015 12:49 a.m.
Anyone willing to help me fund a time machine? Except we go in the future and get the Derp from there?
May 3, 2015 12:50 a.m.
I've grown up fast enough! or at least my body has. I'm 5'11" right now and I'm 13...
May 3, 2015 12:51 a.m.
It's going to be fun showing Derp all of these conversations in a few years when he matures.
May 3, 2015 12:52 a.m.
how would you all feel were I to dissappear all of a sudden? like, never comment again, never interact, etc.
May 3, 2015 12:52 a.m.
I would probably get some brain cells back but I would also be a little bored.
....something doesnt sound right...
have you tried setting her on fire to make sure she isnt a robot? because that sounded like something a robot would say.
May 2, 2015 11:13 p.m.