Just Chatting - Take 3

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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda

Third time's a charm.

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Attention Modern players! There's a new Modern Chat. Please use that thread to discuss Modern-related things.

Attention Standard players! There's a new Standard Chat. Please use that thread to discuss Standard-related things.

Epochalyptik says... #1

@NoPantsParade: I've already cut almost all of the processed or otherwise unhealthy foods from my diet over the past 6-9 months. The thing I really struggle with is nutritional optimization.

For example, today I ate scrambled egg whites with spinach and veg, a bowl of brown rice with tuna and beans, two servings of Greek yogurt, some hummus, a bowl of spaghetti squash with sausage, and two turkey burgers. With that went three fish oil supplements and a multivitamin. I couldn't tell you the numerical amount of this or that in my diet, and I don't really plan anything out.

That's not to say that I think doing so is absolutely necessary. But I don't think I'm really optimizing here. I guess it doesn't bother me all that much, but I wonder sometimes whether I'm deficient in some respect and could be doing something slightly different to better my routine. I do wonder whether I'm actually eating enough to grow. I generally physically can't eat large amounts at a time until dinner, and protein shakes taste like ass. Maybe I'll start cutting some peanut butter or powder into oatmeal in the morning or something.

May 11, 2015 11:11 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #2

Epochalyptik: I struggle with the same thing. But it sure as hell looks like you hit your nutritional optimization. Assuming the serving sizes are reasonably enough/high, you should be getting enough. Surprisingly, what I found to work was chocolate milk. That actually bulked me up a bit for the first year, then I quit for some odd reason. I don't know why, but it kind of happened.

I don't plan out my diet, either. I simply pay attention to what my stomach is telling me. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat, but I don't wait until I'm hungry. I just have 3 meals per day with snacks in between, generally nuts and fruits, so something like trail mix. I don't get enough vegetables, unfortunately. But here I am at 11:30 PM eating broccoli, studying for AP gov tomorrow.

Protein is probably the most important macronutrient for burning fat and building muscle. Protein shakes do taste bad with water, but I like them with unsweetened almond milk. You gotta find a good flavor. I went with Gold Standard Whey Protein double rich chocolate. Peanut butter is very good. It's high in healthy fats as well as protein. I tried eating cottage cheese mixed with other stuff before bed because it has casein protein, but I couldn't force myself to like it enough to keep going. Any ideas on what to throw in there?

Also try out liquid egg whites. I started mixing about 3/4 cup of liquid egg whites into my protein shakes which is about 4 eggs, 20 grams of protein plus the shake, which is about 50 grams right there. I started using the liquid egg whites on Saturday, so I can't say much. But they're 25 calories per serving, and I'm trying to burn fat at the moment. Not that I need to, but I like the vascular look with lean muscle.

I recommend trying to up your nut intake like cashews and almonds. Flaxseed and hemp seeds are also good choices. Nuts are high in healthy fats, protein, and are very satiating.

Nutrition's a bitch.

bigguy99, get back in here. He probably has more to offer since I'm half-asleep.

May 11, 2015 11:30 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #3

You're looking at it the wrong way. It's not just about getting all your vitamins - it's about getting a lot of protein. Good, clean chicken breast and ground turkey are 22g per serving I think and tilapia is also pretty healthy, although not as protein-heavy (it's just the best fish to eat if you want to). If you eat beef, only get lean cuts - probably around 85/15 if not 90/10. Also, protein shakes. I cannot stress the importance of protein shakes. I do two scoops with two cups of milk after the gym and that's over 60g of protein right there, which is essentially a meal replacement. More protein means your muscles repair faster and it's the reason for better growth. You can also go back to working out sooner since you won't be sore for as long.

May 11, 2015 11:31 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #4

As for everything other than protein, I have the same system as NoPantsParade where I don't plan anything out; rather I just eat what I know is good when I want to. I don't eat much anyway since it's summer and cutting season is here, but apples and almonds are my main snacks right now. I don't like yogurt at all, but I do sometimes get bags of granola and eat that, but it's not as filling as I'd like it to be. Also, if you want to make protein shakes taste good, do not use water. Forget the fat from milk - it's essentially negligible if the rest of your diet is in order - it's just disgusting. You can mix honey and peanut butter in there if you want, but I advise against honey too much because it's literally just sugar. Go nuts with peanut butter, but make sure your blender can handle it. Also, I use the same as NoPants, but mine is vanilla. Preference is all it is.

May 11, 2015 11:37 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #5

Looks like bigguy99 beat me to it. He's right about the protein though. Of course you still need your vitamins and whatnot, which can be achieved with fruit, vegetables, and the aforementioned seeds. I also highly recommend protein shakes. You can mix them with whatever beverage you like. Try to find a flavor you like and go crazy. I'm thinking about caramel since I'm almost done with my current one. The chocolate one I linked is good.

I completely forgot about fish. That shit will work too. High in protein. I've cut down on my meat, but I still eat fish out the wazoo. I prefer salmon, especially bourbon salmon. Or sushi. But avoid that mayo stuff sushi sometimes comes with.

It really comes down to protein. Just don't forget your other macros, vitamins, nutrients, and all those goodies.

May 11, 2015 11:40 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #6

bigguy99, do you do that bulking and cutting thing? Just curious. I've always been on the side of just staying cut the entire time just because I don't see the point in bulking up then cutting it off when you could be "cutting" all along.

May 11, 2015 11:42 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #7

Lastly, drink water. A lot of it. If we're going by the standard size water bottles (I think they're a bit over 16oz) drink at least three or four every day. It cleans out your system entirely and all the water weight ends up getting burned anyway.

I just want to get this out of the way before I forget: you can get fit no matter what kind of routine you're on. You can be doing heavy weight with less reps or less weight with more reps, powerlifting, or whatever else there is, but as long as you keep a steady routine and your diet is good you will get fit and toned. It might take a while, but it will happen, and I think the misconception is that all guys that lift heavy weights either look like the guys competing for Mr. Olympia or world's strongest man. Yesterday I saw a guy that had to be in his 50s and was relatively lean do full chest press sets with 100lb dumbbells. Results take a while, but no matter what you do you'll get there.

May 11, 2015 11:44 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #8

Bulking and cutting really just dictates your diet. The winter is for just straight up putting on mass and the summer is for making it all toned. It's not like I lose size when it gets warm.

May 11, 2015 11:45 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #9

@NoPantsParade: I have a carton of liquid egg whites, but I haven't tried working it into a shake. I'm still trying shake combinations that won't have me gagging.

For nuts, I keep bags of almonds and pistachios at my office. I try to get at least a half cup of either or both in per day.

As for cottage cheese, I tend to eat mine plain or with berries. I actually like cottage cheese, though, so I'm probably not the best at gauging how to mask the flavor.

@bigguy99: Protein is really what I'm trying to work on. The multivitamin and most of my food choices should cover me (for the most part) on vitamins and minerals, but I have a hard time balancing the macros.

The issue I have is getting enough protein in while enjoying it. I don't like eating slabs of meat, so I try to work chicken breast turkey into something else (stir fry, chili, etc.). I'm also adding more tuna to my diet, and I have some frozen tilapia fillets.

I'll try out some different shake recipes. I've been using vanilla protein powder and I think I'm going to switch to chocolate or peanut butter to make it more palatable. I'll play around with the milk/base, too. I've used almond milk in the past, but I don't like it with the vanilla powders.

I've also recently doubled up on Greek yogurt, which is 12g per cup (if I recall correctly).

I've been good about water, I think. I bring a massive thermos to work just for water, and I'll go through several of those a day. That's in addition to the two to four cups of green tea and however many glasses of water I drink at home.

May 11, 2015 11:54 p.m.

bigguy99 says... #10

My mother's food is rather...rustic, if you will, so I've always been used to eating "slabs of meat" and so making the switch when I started working out to just chicken breast (tasteless, I know, but sprinkling a bit of black pepper on it never hurt) was pretty natural. Also, go to the gym on an empty stomach except for maybe a tiny bit of food and even try to not drink too much. Working out on anything in my stomach always turns bad, but post-workout I drink the shake immediately and eat around an hour or so after because I get hungry again, haha. The main problem with gym diets is that they're usually very difficult to get used to and work into your life, but your only option if you're going hardcore for it is just straight doing cold turkey and forcing yourself to live with it. One of the top female bodybuilders literally blends chicken, rice, and lettuce for every meal with only super healthy/protein-filled food in between scheduled meals. I would never go that far since I'd rather enjoy life, but it's not like my diet is "easy." Getting used to eating less is incredibly difficult coming off of bulking season since I was able to have more then (albeit not really that much). Also, my metabolism has always been shit so I tend to put on weight easily and it's difficult to lose so I have to really watch everything I eat. It can be a bitch, but after years of training the result is more than worth it.

May 12, 2015 12:02 a.m.

I've been lurking on Pinterest and some other sites for recipe ideas. I'm certainly not opposed to eating a whole chicken breast in one sitting, but I have a very hard time if it isn't incorporated into a meal somehow. Which makes it kind of difficult for office life, but at least I can do dinners and stir-fry lunches for now.

What sorts of workouts have you found most efficient for cutting season?

May 12, 2015 12:05 a.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #12


This thread has turned into "how to lift".

May 12, 2015 12:07 a.m.

xzzane says... #13

This thread kind of jumps all over the place.

May 12, 2015 12:08 a.m.

It's really hilarious to read through this thread, where one conversation is discussing weightlifting and the other is about the most random shit ever...at the same time

May 12, 2015 12:08 a.m.

xzzane says... #15

I think that is the inherent nature of the Just Chatting thread. A serious and inane coversation can happen at the very same moment and no one questions it.

May 12, 2015 12:11 a.m.

bigguy99 says... #16

Cutting is all about diet, not how you workout. Just do whatever suits you. My main reason for going to the gym is getting stronger (physique is secondary but it is obviously up there in terms of priorities) and as a result I tend to just do heavy weights. For example, today was for arms and I just did a lot of max or close to max sets (not full, mostly) of dumbbell curls, overhead pulldown, and some other stuff that I can't actually remember right now. I tend to not do a lot of double handed workouts because the ACL in my right shoulder gets irritated very easily but I was doing some barbell curls today and it's significantly more difficult than normal dumbbell curls. The bar forces your arms to stay close to your body whereas the dumbbells allow you to "cheat" and bring your elbows out to make the rep easier. I'm actually probably going to start doing those instead because it is just an incredibly taxing workout and seems to put a lot more strain on the muscle. Regarding the pulldown, I did some supersets today. There were three sets per superset, ten reps each, and I started at my max each time and dropped 10lbs per set. Supersets are probably the single hardest thing to do at the gym and I literally could not go on after that. If you're just trying to cut mass, do more cardio alongside the lifting but don't overdo it. There comes a point where cardio just isn't worth doing anymore of that day (odd phrasing, but just imagine running too much).

May 12, 2015 12:17 a.m.

6tennis says... #17


You even lift?

I am confused. I am watching a commercial about peppermint or whatevs. I smell peppermint in my room. I nearly shit myself when I realized it.

May 12, 2015 12:19 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #18

May 12, 2015 6:12 a.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #19

Yeah I lift...

...Food into my mouth.

May 12, 2015 6:36 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #20

bigguy99 hit the nail on the head.

For running, I'd recommend HIIT, high intensity interval training. When running, your body will start to burn muscle within 20-30 minutes of running. So when you go out to run and do HIIT, I'd recommend going out for 20 minutes. I do HIIT twice a week, going out for about 20 minutes. I do a 5 minute or one mile warm up to get things going. For the intervals, I sprint for one minute, jog for 30 seconds, sprint for a minute, jog for 30 seconds until I hit 20 minutes total. I don't know the exact science behind it, but that's all I know for now. It's a bitch to get started with, so try sprinting and walking. The thing with walking is that it's hard to start running each time after walking repeatedly.

It's time for me to go write about US government. Boooo.

May 12, 2015 7:26 a.m.

bigguy99 says... #21

Running, or any sort of cardio, isn't really my thing. I just pick things up and put them down. Also, woke up and could barely move my right arm for like half a minute or something. Not sure what that's a sign of.

May 12, 2015 7:32 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #22

Whoo, got a job. Now onto the second job interview of the day to potentially juggle two part-time job.

May 12, 2015 12:32 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #23

yo! any of you foos with an extra couple bucks per month should support the professor so he can make maor informational vids :)

May 12, 2015 1:59 p.m.

Scorprix says... #24

The professor? Who?

May 12, 2015 3:27 p.m.

IM just started a thread about the story behind the art on Ultimate Price.


May 12, 2015 3:45 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #26

Lol I noticed. I think it's just a Dromoka soldier dying, right?

May 12, 2015 3:49 p.m.

Yeah, I think. Someone dying on a card that kills creatures. What story?

May 12, 2015 3:50 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #28

Just found this on Imgur, poem called "The Chaos" by G. Nolst Trenite. It's about how hard it is to correctly pronounce things in the English language.

Try reading it aloud, it's pretty fun

Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear. So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.

Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it's written.) Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.

Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles, Exiles, similes, and reviles; Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far; One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel; Gertrude, German, wind and mind, Scene, Melpomene, mankind.

Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward. And your pronunciation's OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live.

Ivy, privy, famous; clamour And enamour rhyme with hammer. River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Doll and roll and some and home. Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour. Souls but foul, haunt but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, And then singer, ginger, linger, Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.

Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury. Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath. Though the differences seem little, We say actual but victual. Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Dull, bull, and George ate late. Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Science, conscience, scientific.

Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed, but vowed. Mark the differences, moreover, Between mover, cover, clover; Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice; Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.

Petal, panel, and canal, Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal. Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor. Tour, but our and succour, four. Gas, alas, and Arkansas. Sea, idea, Korea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria. Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean. Doctrine, turpentine, marine.

Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion and battalion. Sally with ally, yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver. Heron, granary, canary. Crevice and device and aerie.

Face, but preface, not efface. Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass. Large, but target, gin, give, verging, Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Ear, but earn and wear and tear Do not rhyme with here but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.

Pronunciation -- think of Psyche! Is a paling stout and spikey? Won't it make you lose your wits, Writing groats and saying grits? It's a dark abyss or tunnel: Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale, Islington and Isle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict.

Finally, which rhymes with enough -- Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough? Hiccough has the sound of cup. My advice is to give up!!!

May 12, 2015 4:11 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #29

Well the site screwed over the formatting, but oh well.

May 12, 2015 4:11 p.m.

No, it's nice man! I'm not going to lie when I say I don't completely understand it though XD Epoch's an english major, right?

May 12, 2015 4:23 p.m.


May 12, 2015 4:27 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #32

As a student of language, I can say that's an awesome poem. Very revealing and entertaining survey of the eccentricities and lack of rules in modern English.

May 12, 2015 4:30 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #33

We can edit posts?

Edit: edit

May 12, 2015 4:31 p.m. Edited.

kyuuri117 says... #34

Wait we can edit our posts?

May 12, 2015 4:31 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #35

Oh shit we can!

May 12, 2015 4:31 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #36


May 12, 2015 4:31 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #37

That must be why the site went down for a few minutes!

May 12, 2015 4:32 p.m.

Runlue says... #38


Edit: Yaaaaaa

May 12, 2015 4:32 p.m. Edited.

VampireArmy says... #39

how does one edit their post?

Only recent ones derp

May 12, 2015 4:41 p.m. Edited.

kyuuri117 says... #40

You said it's name! You've just summoned the one being we didn't want to know about this! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

May 12, 2015 4:43 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #41


May 12, 2015 4:44 p.m.

This is going to get interesting...

Hm, it works!!

May 12, 2015 4:47 p.m. Edited.

lol I love this thread

May 12, 2015 5:30 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #44

Weather trolled me

Riding my bike to work when suddenly it's pouring. Get halfway there and it stops

May 12, 2015 5:32 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #45

This thread is kinda something one can grow attachment in, like a stupid dog that always tries to run into a wall

May 12, 2015 5:33 p.m.

tooTimid says... #46

VampireArmy. I feel that. I was at baseball practice when it hit, so we all ran inside. 5 minutes later it was gone. At least we have pretty blue sky's now.

May 12, 2015 5:35 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #47

It keeps pouring at random. Today is not going to be a fun work day

May 12, 2015 5:37 p.m.

Runlue says... #48

Oh please, you guys haven't been to Oregon.

I swear this state's weather is bipolar.

It hates us one second, the next it loves us.

Rain, sun, rain, sun, downpour, partly cloudy, lightning, snow. In about 3 hours.

May 12, 2015 5:44 p.m.

sirbar says... #49

Can you send California some of that water? I'll take patchy rain.

May 12, 2015 5:45 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #50

Someone has a Tombstalker on ebay listed as a Tarmogoyf for $240 dollars.

May 12, 2015 5:46 p.m.

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