Just Chatting - Take 3

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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda

Third time's a charm.

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Femme_Fatale says... #1

May 15, 2015 9:35 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #2

lol just waded through a page of shitposting to get here

May 15, 2015 9:48 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #3

You didn't like the comics Tibs? :(

May 15, 2015 9:51 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #4

Can not stand alters like that.

The goat is funny though.

May 15, 2015 9:52 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #5

Also, I spent way too long looking at those comics. I have seen many of them before, but just sat there clicking through anyways.

May 15, 2015 9:54 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #6

The comics are okay but it's just derp being derp lol

I hope I wasn't like that

May 15, 2015 10:50 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

If you were, I wouldn't have selected you.

May 15, 2015 10:52 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #8

I ended up at a party last night. There was so much screaming and laughing. Then they were acting out anime fanfiction. Then weed so i left to get subway. Came back and sat next to my girl to have a different girl I'd bit even met giving me the "please Fuck me" eyes followed by trying to be slick about waving her ass in my face. I...i just wanted to eat my sandwich man.

May 15, 2015 11:05 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #9

Is it just me or have a lot of different users started to use JC?

May 15, 2015 11:21 a.m.

May 15, 2015 11:24 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #11

Epoch plz

May 15, 2015 11:25 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #12

One of my roommates just came in yesterday. So far, he's a total douche. He doesn't come out to introduce himself, he pees in the bathroom with the door open, he didn't even greet the other roommate that came in a few weeks ago who did say "hey" to him when they did meet, and he leaves the lights on throughout the house, even the bathroom light.

May 15, 2015 12:18 p.m.

lololololol Epoch

May 15, 2015 12:18 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #14

That really sucks Femme_Fatale. Good luck!

May 15, 2015 12:21 p.m.

xzzane says... #15

VampireArmy, the struggle is real. Also you made my day with that story xD

May 15, 2015 12:23 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #16

See i had a similar roommate once except add disgusting and vulgar to the list

He was constantly high or drunk. Reeked of fungus (like to the point that after he showered the bathroom smelled of mold) came to fnm drunk and nearly got us banned, knocked over my standard deck (containing grizelbrands) and spilled beer on them while walking on them, fucked me out of rent several times, peed on my bed while drunk like literally stood there and peed while laughing. Then left to ruin my ex best friend's appartment after convincing him to move out with him because i was the bad guy. This resulted in my losing all friends i had gained since going to job corp

May 15, 2015 12:27 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #17

So I have now officially found a new measurement for adding card alters! It is actually one pixel smaller of a border difference all around. This makes the ratio of the cropped card just ever so much closer to the T/O's 198x285 they have for the roll-overs, making the text much crisper. As an example, Twin, Bolt, Kiki-Jiki and Goblin Fireslinger are all using 243x349, whereas the rest are using 241x347. The resulting ratio of width/height of 241x347 is closer to the width/height ratio of 198x285 than the ratio of width/height of 241x347 is to 198x285.

May 15, 2015 1:08 p.m.

Why'd you link all those cards?

May 15, 2015 1:16 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #19

So people can see just how much of a glorious difference one pixel all around can make!

May 15, 2015 1:23 p.m.

I don't see any difference.

May 15, 2015 1:28 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #21

I don't think one pixel can be seen with the naked eye.

May 15, 2015 1:36 p.m.

Uh, it looks like a card....

May 15, 2015 1:41 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #23

Yes it can GoldGhost012. Here's a gif showing the change in pixel size between an image that is 241x347 in size and that is 243x349 in size.

Oh and Epochalyptik, the text is where you have to look. It is most clear when comparing the bolt to the others.

May 15, 2015 1:42 p.m.

Runlue says... #24

Oh, it looks GREAT Femme! Haha!... Ha!... haha... ha...

Is this what "playing it off" means?

May 15, 2015 1:43 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #25

I like the rounded corner version, but it is not a huge difference. Seems like a ton of work to change it. Prob looks best when they are all done the same way so it is good that you are being so picky with it.

There should be a way to view cards in their original print. I would prefer that to all these online sets.

May 15, 2015 1:48 p.m.

the text box doesn't look any different though

May 15, 2015 1:50 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #27

I didn't mean the difference one pixel can make, I meant a literal pixel.

May 15, 2015 2:04 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #28

That could be your custom page. Just place a couple stationary white pixels in there.

May 15, 2015 2:20 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #29

Femme_Fatale I can't see how leaving the lights on in a house can be considered "douchey" unless you've asked him multiple times to not leave them on. And he might not be doing it to be annoying, it could be habit. Not everyone turns off lights when they leave a room. The not introducing himself / leaving the door open when you pee thing though is rude. I've had room mates that have done the door open thing, though i had known them pretty well beforehand and didn't really care. But if you don't know them at all it's kinda a dif story.

VampireArmy How did you not end up kicking the idiot out the second time he screwed you over on rent? Like once is meh, it happens and is annoying. But a second time should be "you're leaving today, we've packed your bags and they are outside waiting for you".

May 15, 2015 2:26 p.m.

xzzane says... #30

Just finished watching the devil is a part timer. Fantastic anime; I wish there were more episodes.

May 15, 2015 2:34 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #31

You and me both. At the very least I wish the light novels were translated. Sadly, I don't think they're scheduled to be translated nor does there appear to be a second anime season being developed.

May 15, 2015 2:46 p.m.

Runlue says... #32

Don't you hate it when you finish a series and they haven't made another season yet?

Shout out to Haganai and Chuunibyou... MAKE A THIRD SEASON FOR THEM! D':

May 15, 2015 2:50 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #33

Also xzzane, if you liked the series I implore you to check out OverlordABRIDGED if you haven't already. It's really really good.

May 15, 2015 3:04 p.m.

xzzane says... #34

GoldGhost012, I'll definitely have to check that out, thanks!

May 15, 2015 3:33 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #35

kyuuri117 i had one third of a say over who stayed and who got kicked out. They wanted him there because blind friendship.

After they moved out, he infested Their new appartment with bed bugs which prompted them to finally kick him out after he stuck the mutual friend of ours with the clean up bill

May 15, 2015 3:42 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #36

Fucking bed bugs lol, how does that even happen. Apparently it's really freaking hard and expensive to get rid of them too, gotta rip the carpets out and throw out all of the beddings and clothes.

May 15, 2015 3:54 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #37

That is a terrible first impression to leave on new roommates. I am hoping it was just that. After you talk to him about it, I hope you can come to a nice understanding.

May 15, 2015 4 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #38

It was approx $500 plus their entire deposit. I have no sympathy

May 15, 2015 4:02 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #39

It's nowhere near as bad as bedbugs but I had this room mate who never did his fucking dishes. I was living with three other people, three of us owned our own cutlery, dishes and cookware. Number 4 did not. Number 4 had decided that he did not need to own his own as he could just borrow ours. The issue was, aside from him using them whether we wanted him to or not, was that he never fucked cleaned up after himself and we didn't have a dishwasher. He'd leave his pans on the stove, plates and cutlery in the sink, and leave em there until someone else needed to eat and was forced to clean up before they themselves could cook.

He had a dif schedule than the rest of us usually so we weren't really around when he was cooking and he would always be like, "i fucking cleaned up after myself that isn't my stuff." But, it clearly was, as the rest of us would cook/clean together. We just couldn't catch him at it. And it was always something fucking horribly messy too like Hamburger Helper or Mac n Cheese or burnt scrambled eggs. Was fucking terrible.

Finally after nine months we kicked him out after we had all just had enough.

May 15, 2015 4:08 p.m.

Some people are toxic. We're my egalitarian convictions weaker, I'd say we should ship them to an island somewhere and leave them. Apparently the English tried that once or something.

Sorry, Aussies.

May 15, 2015 4:08 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #41

Yeh then there was some fighting.

May 15, 2015 4:11 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #42

What was that movie (think it was a kids/teens movie, came out a while ago) where they turned England into one big prison for all the convicts in the world? Just threw up a wall around the entire island and called it a day.

May 15, 2015 4:13 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #43

VA, I hope Femme's new roommate is not your old one.

May 15, 2015 4:25 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #44

If he is, please execute him.

There are much more disgusting things i can say about him but i think I've said enough

May 15, 2015 4:28 p.m.

Scorprix says... #45


It's called "Johnny English: Reborn". Awesome movie.

May 15, 2015 5:05 p.m.

YUS! Love that movie :)

May 15, 2015 5:06 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #47

Rowan Atkinson is a boss.

May 15, 2015 5:08 p.m.

Someone entertain me.

May 15, 2015 5:21 p.m.

I somehow feel like you ask that very often Epoch. Is work boring?

May 15, 2015 5:23 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #50

I can entertain you Epoch ~ ♥

May 15, 2015 5:24 p.m.

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