Let's talk color identity of players.

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Posted on Oct. 27, 2016, 9:44 p.m. by Infinimage007

I just wanted to see, what do you personally identify as? For example, I am , and the third color changes base on my mood:

I am a natural , a dreamer but still with my feet firm on the ground. I value logic and rationale, but I am sensitive to my emotions and follow my gut when appropriate. I am intuitive and creative, a highly conceptual learner, but can be scattered and unpredictable in my creative process. At my happiest, I bleed , letting my creative side go wild. I become an exuberant lover of knowledge and enthusiast of the Socratic method. I value my friends and my passions, and believe all should experience learning in the most enjoyable way possible. Through this exuberance I attain a massive amount of knowledge and insight, and I forge everlasting friendships. However, I can become uncontrollable, volatile, and childish in this joy, not stopping to understand how others see me. My insight, imagination, and power can sometimes distract me from my responsibilities, and eventually I reign myself in. This is my . When I exercise self-control, I am structures yet passionate, an unbreakable spirit and sharp mind. I am at my best discipline, following the most intense of self-prescribed regulations. I value justice, independence, and ingenuity, believing this factors to contribute to the greatest societies. Though I impart strict organization upon myself, I still maintain a powerful trust in my feelings. A lawful, industrious, yet emotional personality at best, but I can be authoritarian, belligerent, and capricious when I ignore my peers. When I fall into a despicable rut, I disregard all others, obtaining the deep selfishness of . Crafty and self-centered when I become disconnected, I work with great ambition to a singular goal that I created. I value power and intellect in myself and don't care what others think. I believe these characteristics allow me to achieve those goals as best possible. My invention and ambition are my best contributions when so despicable, but I can also be egotistical, greedy, and cruel in these times. Damn the others, my goals are the most important, and I will get there on my own. However, when I stressed or put under tremendous pressure, I lose my rationale and forethought entirely, acting on my hidden hero complex. During these times, I am . Valiant, clever, and quick-witted, yet abrasive, I value autonomy and righteousness. I do what I deem is right so long as I feel it is justified by my own self-imposed principles and morals. Others' ideas of this morality is irrelevant; my ideals are the highest. Glorious, exciting and courageous when pressured, and merciless and destructive when under so much emotional weight, that is the nature of the . An ideal realist, one who understands and respects the authority of the world but seeks constant joy and fulfillment and my own self-imposed ideas of success.

Wow, that was longer than I expected it to be. Okay.

Anybody else want to share?

Green. If nothing else, green. If two colours, Gruul, if there it's a toss up between Temur and Jund. Jund is the nature's cruel survival and Temur is nature's spirituality.

Also Naya is just a bad mix of Jund and Temur, white just doesn't mix well (flavour wise) with Gruul for me, although Naya tokens is the shit, I just don't like the combination.

October 27, 2016 10:13 p.m.

clayperce says... #3

I'm totally Simic by personality, but I don't enjoy playing it at all. Mono-red, Gruul, Izzet, Naya, or Grixis? Sure! But Simic? Never! :-P

October 27, 2016 10:21 p.m.

Dredge4life says... #4

The only one that is consistent with me is U. The others alternate by mood.

October 27, 2016 11:05 p.m.

I'm very red, even though I really dislike playing it. I'm impulsive, reckless, and above all, desire to be free to do what I want.

October 28, 2016 2:17 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #6

I am , because as with you, I value and pursue intellect and knowledge. I think my supporting color would definitely be as I am often crafty, scheming and selfish. is coincidently (or maybe not) one of my preferred color combinations to play so there ya go.

October 28, 2016 3:11 a.m.

I don't like how many Blue mages are here, even as Temur it feels gross. Temur blue is shamanistic and about the mindful (not how you use that word?) aspects of nature, blue is just about like not nature.

I would also like to note that despite my personality making me more Temur/Jund I have the qualifications to be an Engineer (of sorts) and come from a long military history, neither scream nature. How much I'd love to be able to punch bears.


Is that animal cruelty or hunting? I know it's not 'smart' per se, but that's not the point. Sure I'd have to fight a bear with my lower body strength alone having the upper body strength of a disembodied pair of legs, but that's not the point.

Can I, (legally) bare first (unintentional but nice pun) fight a bear to the death? I'm gonna look this up, and depending on what country I live in you may not see me post on here for a long while.

October 28, 2016 3:59 a.m.

DaftVader says... #8

I'm a personality (but always play , because I prefer being A) Proactive and B) Not a total douche.) Having said that, if my personality was 3 colours, it would probably be , because represents a lot of negative character traits that aren't visible in pure .

October 28, 2016 5:05 a.m.

DarkLaw says... #9

Probably either every color or every nonwhite color. Green is close enough to white, so they are hard to differentiate.

October 28, 2016 5:22 a.m.

Faerion says... #10

Green/Black. I enjoy balance before everything else.
Also, depending on my mood, maybe a little Red if something piss me off or a little blue if something get my interest. The only way I can feel a bit White is the Wrath of God way... so quite never xD

October 28, 2016 6:58 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #11

I'm G/W. I'm very calm and I value the many over the few, but I can also take over the wheel and be a leader. I'd rather negotiate and fix every conflict with words, rather than fight over it.Peace and freedome are my two highest values.

October 28, 2016 8:07 a.m.

Zaueski says... #12

At the core I am . Not in the intuitive sense, I don't ever lose my temper. Rather I am in the sense that I feel deeply in everything I do or attempt. Even if I don't showcase it outwardly the emotions of a situation or person are always the first thing I pick up on. My secondary color would have to be because despite being emotions first, I've learned to control myself over the years and everything I say or do is calculated based on my emotions or others. It's made me really good at manipulating people which puts a major dichotomy on my third color. My third color is split extremely down the middle between and . I try ever so hard to be a good person and to help others out which is very strongly . However even I help the in me tries to ruin it with selfishness and the manipulation that I am oh so good at. So the bleeds through and I feel it no matter how much I try to throw over top of it. That turns the careful thinker in me () that is an optimist on the best days into a cynic which leads the to interpret that as depression. So I suppose in summary, if we're being honest: I am that tries to be .

I really have no use for. It wants everything to be fair and for the winners to be clear and obvious every time. If one is able to scheme and use their brain to skirt the normal way of things and they don't, then they are stupid. Especially when no one else is harmed in the process of doing so. Life is a cruel mistress and those who play fair often find themselves losing. I can appreciate some of the virtues, cogs certainly have their place in the machine. However, I could never see myself being a cog.

October 28, 2016 1:16 p.m.

Infinimage007 says... #13

Zaueski: I feel very much the same way; I don't know if that was evident in my original post. Cool to see from a different perspective!

Go !

October 28, 2016 1:26 p.m.

Green isn't about clear and obvious winners and it's not against being clever. Green just most respects the natural state of mind. Green simply believes that civilization (when not completely degenerate) is outpacing nature, and it is not healthy. Green would rather a world where the mightiest triumph. Not through brute strength (red) or intellect (blue) or ambition (black) or by numbers (white), green would say that the most suited to survival lives. This leads to stronger beings, and civilization ignore this, particularly in completely ignoring the natural state of events, the environment, and how order resumes. Despite all this green also knows that akk those other aspects will be mere soil for nature to take root. Civilizations die without nature, nature lives on without civilization. Those other four aspects are important yet merely happenstance.

October 28, 2016 1:57 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #15

The closest I have to green is "not going out of your way, as it's easier to act natural" and a sympathy for others. Of course, I'm then mixed up with Grixis stuff.

October 28, 2016 2:41 p.m.

DarkLaw I just felt what Zaueski said was akin to "Blue is stupid because it would rather delay issues than deal with them, if you can be proactive and aren't you're just being dumb", a dishonest and ignorant view on an over exaggerated and small portion of a colour's philosophy. I know it's a fictional card game but this bothered me more than it should have.

October 28, 2016 3:16 p.m.

legendofa says... #17

Mostly , with a reasonable shot of , a dash of and not the slightest trace of . My philosophy is that you should try to improve yourself as much as possible, because that's the one person you're going to have around no matter what. I'm not generous or community-minded enough most of the time for more than a taste of , but I do have moments.

October 28, 2016 3:24 p.m.

guessling says... #18

: I like thinking, dreaming, abstraction, and metacognition ALOT all the time - to a point of becoming a fault

: I make lots of plans, yes, but when the moment of truth comes, I improvise heavily. I am not afraid to take initiative and can be direct to a fault at times.

: I like to operate within a growth mindset and prefer simplicity. I love nature and it's beauty and precious living creatures energize me and make me very happy.

: I like protection, peace, harmony, and cooperation. I struggle with self-sacrifice (and the chain of command). Too much (healthy rebellious streak), (literally cannot stop thinking for myself), and (the will to survive is strong).

: I detest the grotesque, subtle, and masochistic elements of this. I don't find the macabre to be cute, entertaining, or fun. I have lots of decks but nothing in Jund, esper, or mardu (but I do have every other 3-color combo in at least something). I'll take with (purge), (rationalize), or (renew).

October 28, 2016 3:42 p.m. Edited.

Zaueski says... #19

Simon_Williamson that is pretty much what I said. Every color has depths and intricacies that are impossible to know unless you dive deep into them.

: Selfish and shallow.

: Everything is in its place

: Volatile and Reckless

: Slow and nonconfrontational

: Strict and unmoving.

All of these describe their colors, but only in the vaguest sense. I am not green so I have a lot of trouble seeing past the surface. The combination of and lets me know that there's more. However the fact remains that I am not and thus can't experience it. I know to be so much more than beat face and anger and rage because permeates every part of me. Further just because I know there's more to the other side does not mean I should sugarcoat my opinions in a discussion of feelings and ethics. Rather it should all be laid bare, acceptance without understanding is worse than open hostility as far as I am concerned because that is how you breed a generation of morons. Lay everything on the table, regardless of how it makes everyone feel and then once their are no more secrets, you can begin to move past it. That's how you accept some one or some ideal without turning into a bigoted fool.

October 28, 2016 3:46 p.m.

Phaetion says... #20

My playstyle is / but I do have a shadow of in me. By rights, I could very well be :

: I value nature and exploration.

: Creativity and dreams. Sometimes, philosophy and knowledge can apply. Planning works, too.

: I'm not fond of chaos, destruction and war. Instead, my values are placed in freedom/independence, change (in some contexts), empathy, and (like ) creativity.

: I have a selfless side but I'm also someone who dislikes fighting and is largely a pacifist. A few bugs? Sure, if they bother me. Otherwise, I'm not hitting anything unless I'm angry (which fits into ). I also try to help those in need and won't sleep until it's resolved.

is the only color I have no trace of. The closest would be "sacrifice for the greater good (which is arguably a trait)" and a willingness to embrace death, though it's something I'm slowly coming to terms with but that fits into as well.

October 28, 2016 5:02 p.m.

On a good day I'm and on a bad day I'm more of a .

October 28, 2016 5:45 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #22

I would offer an in-depth explanation of my color identity, but it would more or less make me seem arrogant. I do tend to be correct though. In any case, I can still see things from the views of others and reason from their perspective, which really helps me to correct flaws in my own logic.

October 28, 2016 7:37 p.m.

Calivess says... #23

I usually feel , but my friends say I'm .

November 8, 2016 11 p.m.

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