MTG in Portland, OR?
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Posted on March 9, 2015, 4:47 p.m. by BlackLusterLotus
Hello everyone! First off, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, or if there is even a place on this site to post something like this, so if this does not belong here I apologize in advance.
Anyway, I'm going to be moving to Portland, Oregon over the summer and I was just wondering if anybody lives there and has suggestions for good LGS's to hit up or if anyone has a playgroup that is welcoming. I actually grew up a few miles outside of Portland, but I was fairly young and never got into the Magic and thus I have no idea what the scene is like there.
Also, seeing as I am leaving good ol' Indiana behind I feel obligated to give a big shout-out to the Game Preserve in Bloomington, IN for treating me so nicely over the past few years. If you're ever in town, check them out! They have loads of other gaming events besides MTG and the people there are generally very amiable.
BlackLusterLotus says... #3
Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely check them out if I ever happen to be there.
March 9, 2015 5:02 p.m.
Depending on what part of town you end up in, there are TONS of LGSs in the Portland Area. I play at Red Castle right now, but have spent a lot of time at Guardian Games and Epic Gaming as well, and would recommend all 3.
Some places I know of but haven't played at as much are. These aren't all necessarily "in" Portland, but they're all within half an hour of the center of town: CCGHouse, Cloud Cap Games, Disc Heroes, Friendly Local Game Store, The Gameroom, Nexus Games & Collectibles, Rainy Day Games, Things From Another World (I think 2 of the 3 locations have MTG), Time Vault Games
Here's a weebly calendar with most of those places on it:
Let me know if you have any specific questions, or if you want to meet up and play.
March 9, 2015 5:20 p.m.
BlackLusterLotus says... #6
krg427: Thanks so much for the kind and detailed response! I'm excited to hear that there is a vibrant MTG scene there, and I will definitely check out some of those shops.
Scorch1313: Haha, don't drag me into that argument!! Bloomington is a great place but I've heard conflicting opinions on IU in terms of both academics and athletics. I don't really have an opinion.
March 9, 2015 5:36 p.m.
Hey dude, I live at Portland State University in Downtown. The scene here is great, there's something for everyone. My favorite store is Timevault, which is also right down the street. Everyone is nice and it's a sweet competitive place to get better. Right across the river is Guardian Games, it's literally in a massive warehouse and they host GP/PPTQ stuff there, also has a bar in the back. There's a ton more shops around the city and suburbs but these are the ones I've hit up often while living here. I mainly play modern and legacy at Timevault so I can tell you these scenes are fantastic, while also seeing their drafts and standard events fire often and with a lot of players as well. If you have any questions please feel free to hit me up in a PM, I can show you the multiple facebook groups for Portland players as well.
March 9, 2015 5:46 p.m.
BlackLusterLotus says... #8
BLund: Cool, thanks man! I appreciate the information. I've been wanting to get into modern but it's not really big over here, so I'm glad I'll finally have a chance to try it out! I definitely don't have enough money for legacy right now though, haha.
March 9, 2015 6:35 p.m.
krg427, you just became my new favorite person. My roommate and I live in Eugene, but occasionally enjoy going to portland to check out different events. That link is amazing.
Oh, and in response to the actual thread, I would strongly recommend CCGhouse, guardian games, and red castle games out of all the portland area stores I've been too.
March 9, 2015 7:13 p.m.
My Dad's friend actually owns Disk Heroes, I go there frequently for FNM's, everybody there is awesome, and one of the guys working there has actually given me a free Utvara Hellkite just because I was making a dragon deck! They host all sorts of tournaments, as well as Tiny Leaders, and they even do D&D some nights. Great place, I recommend them a ton.
I've also ordered a few cards from CCGHouse, but I haven't spent a ton there. Heard it was a great shop, my friend goes there to play, and they have free tournaments.
Welcome to Portland! If you live anywhere near Gresham, give me a holler, I'm still looking for more people that are frequently available to help me test decks against actually GOOD decks. XD
March 10, 2015 5:21 p.m.
SimicPower says... #11
As I live in Portland too, I would also recommend Timevault Games. They have a massive selection (I have bought entire commander decks there) and reasonable prices.
CosmicMind says... #2
Hi I am not in Portland but I do know that Portland has a decent magic scene. If you are ever in Salem (about a 45 min or so from Portland) there is a real good shop called Wild Things and they do Friday night magic as well as Thursday EDH. They are very friendly and it is a big store as well with a lot of people.
March 9, 2015 4:53 p.m.