My first GP: GP Madison
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Posted on Sept. 9, 2015, 9:07 p.m. by Derpachus
This October, I will be heading from Illinois up 2 hours to Madison, Wisconsin, for my first Grand Prix. Are there any tips for me when I play in the main event. Also, if there is anybody heading up to the gp?(Or down :P). I am a freshman in high school that is a complete magic nerd. I would love to meet some members of TappedOut (other than close friends)
It is a sealed pool for Battle For Zendikar FAMOUSWATERMELON, so I'm hoping UB eldrazi :)
September 9, 2015 9:13 p.m.
I guess I can't give advice on what to play then XD Anyhow, good luck!!
September 9, 2015 9:29 p.m.
WovenNebula says... #6
We may be able to give more advice as spoilers come out. I'm in AZ now but I'm originally from Durand, IL a little bit outside of Rockford, my sister lives in Madison. There's a lil bit about me, anywho, wish you the best of luck!
September 9, 2015 10:27 p.m.
i'm in madison. it's a pretty competitive magic city, and there are a lot of good limited players. lots of good people, too, and plenty of activities to check out outside of the main event.
once the full set is spoiled it would probably do you well to practice building sealed decks and drafting to gain maximum familiarity with the new cards. looking at the cards is the best way to learn the combat tricks and removal spells to avoid getting blown out and which strong cards to watch out for. there are a ton of good guides and tips on the internet for overall good limited strategy.
gp's are generally huge and have lots of vendors, artists and side events. make sure to bring any cards you'd like to trade away to people or vendors, check ahead to see what artists will be there if you're interested in getting any cards signed, and budget enough money to play in side events if for some reason you get unlucky and don't top 8.
other than that, have a blast in madison. i recommend checking out state street for cool shops and restaurants, and you can get from the state capital on one end to the start of campus on the other. you can check out the madison campus, too, if you're starting to think about colleges. unfortunately as a high school freshman i can't tell you about any of the good bars. :) hope you have fun and enjoy yourself.
September 9, 2015 11:19 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
I'll be making the drive up as well, probably just jamming side events of legacy and modern, unless the spoiler brings about good news on the limited front. But I have no qualms with burning down a few legacy events to get packs instead of losing in the main event. It'll be a nice change of pace to get out of the strict Chicago scene. If I have to play this guy from Nerd Rage that spits on my cards and treats me like crap one more time, I swear, i'll do something I'd regret...
But yeah, this time around, i'm probably just going to enjoy being the pack mule for my friends; getting food, watching bags, and enjoying the city.
shuflw Good bars you say?
September 10, 2015 12:37 a.m.
whoops, i left the country a couple days after posting, got back last week and just realized i hadn't replied.
my references: UW student 2008-2013, moved back to madison last summer, 30-yr-old moderate nerd who generally dislikes crowds, loud noises, top 40 radio. take my recommendations with that in mind. unfortunately the alliant energy center isn't right across the street from many great locations, but it's close enough to a bunch of stuff for before/after GP hours. i'm pretty sure it has some concessions for lunch or the all day GP grind.
mickies dairy bar - the great UW hangover cure. big portions, great for sunday morning if you scrubbed out and drank away your sorrows saturday night. might not be fast enough for pre-GP saturday morning. (not an actual bar)
bar/restaurants (most bars in madison also serve food)
the great dane - there are a few locations around madison, the one by the capital is the coolest. pool tables, shuffleboard, darts, burgers, beers. good mix of college kids, families and youngish people.
echo tap - very low key bar that has delicious pizza and apps. they've cleaned up a lot since i was in school, but i'm pretty sure i played pool with a hooker when i was in college.
paisan's - more of a restaurant than bar, but great pizza/italian food and good view over lake monona.
UW memorial union - good beers, decent food. it's right near campus and state street so you really get the uw vibe. i think they are renovating the terrace right now, so that's a bummer but it's still a cool place to chill.
state street - the street that runs from the capital to campus. tons of shops, bars and restaurants. definitely more college kids lurking around here, but the closer to the capital you get the older the crowd.
nitty gritty - the birthday place, kindof cheesy. good food, and if it's your birthday you get a free mug and free drinks. and a balloon.
essen haus - german restaurant and bar. drink franziskaner out of a boot. good german vibe, terrible food and service.
if you really want the UW college bar experience, most of the college bars are on university or state street. church key, wando's, red shed, state street brats are all ok.
that's all off the top of my head. i tried to stick closer to downtown, but if people are staying further out i can probably come up with other ideas. good luck to everyone at the GP!
October 6, 2015 6:18 p.m.
If anyone doesn't make day two, I would be up for commander games!
Nothing to offer but good luck, sadly. Have fun! Also, what deck are you piloting?
September 9, 2015 9:11 p.m.