need some community moral support

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Posted on April 4, 2017, 7:03 p.m. by BS-T

Hi everyone

A little story for this spoiler season...

The last pre release I went to was SOI and it was a blast. It was my first mtg event in many years since a long time away from the game but a new friend and I went along and I did pretty well (8th out of 20). Ok that was a bit of a ramble, but the point was that what I found really useful was a good review of the spoilers in the weeks leading up and some prep on what to expect, what I liked, what seemed powerful and what I might like to use (actually my card pool ended up feeling pretty shabby but nm).

Skip forward a while and I am crazy excited about an Egyptian themed set, I've wanted this pretty much since I started playing first time around (Urza's block) so what I have resolved to do to build up the anticipation even more is to go cold turkey on spoilers. Mad, I know. My SOI pre release buddy is in the military and won't know for a week or so if he's got the day of the Amonkhet pre release free and we can go (gotta travel from where we live). I've also pre ordered a box in case we don't make it and we can do our own sealed thing with a brand new set.

My challenge to myself is that I'll look at no spoilers (Dusk/Dawn excepted, purely out of overwhelming curiosity on a new card layout) AT ALL if it turns out we don't go to the pre release and we'll crack my box open in complete ignorance of the (hopefully hugely enjoyable) contents... OR... If he is free and we are gonna go, I'll leave it until the full spoiler is up to start my prep (1 week before).

Either way I wanted to have somewhere to come in the moments it all gets too much and I want desperately to peruse all my exciting possibilities (imagining I'll be opening half a dozen masterpieces etc!) for a bit of moral support. You can see how I'll torture myself if I look, its just the way my personality is. And since I've typically not had glorious luck with packs, like, ever, I'd be placing a really unfair amount of pressure on this pre order box and I want it to be fun regardless of 'what I hoped I'd get'.

Well that's quite enough nonsense from me, leave me a note if you got through all this and have an opinion on my test of sanity.

Please please please don't be posting me any spoilers or go telling me 'omg you gotta look it's like Paradise / Don't get your hopes up; worst. set. ever.'


Epidilius says... #2

But dude, this is the best/worst set ever! This one card Dusk/Dawn is amazing/shit! Not only does it look really cool/crappy, it also plays so great/terribly in all of my decks! How could I not tell you!?

April 4, 2017 7:38 p.m.

KillDatBUG says... #3

Well, wouldn't you be far more disappointed if the entire set was revealed to be shitty for you all at once? Looking at it over the course of it being spoiled would better temper your expectations for the set, so if it is shit, you aren't as devastated.

As for torturing yourself based on what you could/couldn't get in packs... I'm telling you right now, don't. You have to realize that packs are completely random. You have to expect that opening packs or booster boxes is not profitable in the slightest. If your goal is to make any value, buy singles. I made this humongous mistake with Modern Masters 3, and it cost me dearly. Just realize that you're opening packs to have fun with drafting and playing with all the new cards. Besides, you'll once again probably be more devastated if you open your box without knowing values, and then later find out your box was shit. It's tempering expectations; something that a mediocre Magic player like myself has learned how to do very well.

April 4, 2017 8:22 p.m.

Hardhitta7 says... #4

I think you would be going way out of your way to avoid seeing any spoilers. I mean they will be all over tappedout, any Mtg streams or youtubers, and every where a Magic player goes.

But! If you think you can manage that, I say go for it! I was disappointed in the set at first but I'm really digging where it's headed now.

Either way, good luck to you and your friend! Hope you two get to go to the pre-release! And thank your friend for his service.

April 4, 2017 11:03 p.m.

BS-T says... #5

Thanks guys/girls - I certainly agree with you hardhitta71194 it's bit of a weird (and hard!) thing to do, but hey.

KillDatBUG I take your point, it would be a bummer to have the whole set revealed to be crap at once but a) I don't see that being massively likely, every set has something going for it; and b) I'd just have to get over it like everyone else so would have to be fairly philosophical about it. Also, if I steer clear of the spoilers I'm out of torture range, for a change I have come to terms with not expecting value from a box anyway, it was a good deal on pre-order and I'm happy just to have some fun with what is an on-theme set for me.

Oh, and thanks Epidilius for giving me a laugh - you cheeky so-and-so!

April 5, 2017 5:33 a.m.

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