PAX Aus 2015 - get more friends into MTG

Social forum

Posted on Oct. 28, 2015, 1:43 a.m. by nobodygaming

So it was 1 year ago that my girlfriend and I went into the tabletop area of PAX to learn Magic. Our friends weren't good teachers so this was where we both actually figured out how to play the game. A year later (and several months of me holding out from actually collecting my own cards) we both have standard decks, a pile of fun budget/casual decks, and in my case a commander plus a couple of WIP modern decks.

I highly recommend players get their non-MTG playing friends to go learn the game there at some point over the 3 days. They will love you for a good introduction, and hate you for all the money they will invest over time.

Each day has 64 player sealed tourneys starting at noon, and probably promos and pins to collect. I'm undecided if I'll play on more than 1 day, but if the show floor is as fun as it was last year I'll be lucky to even spend a few hours playing on Friday

Argy says... #2

I will be there. Have Standard and Modern decks with me.

Not Commander though as it is too big and takes too long to play.

I also enjoy fast games with the starter decks they give out.

I had fun last year with one of the starter games I played to get my Sarkhan pin. I pretended I couldn't play, then thrashed the guy I was playing.

I fessed up after the game was over. He kept shaking his head and saying that he really thought I was a beginner.

What can I say? I needed another pin.

October 28, 2015 2:55 a.m.

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