Pet Peeves?
Social forum
Posted on Oct. 3, 2014, 2:14 a.m. by EmblemMan
I am pretty sure this has been a post many times but I'm curious what people say. What's the most annoying thing people can do while playing you, or that you notice while watching people play? For me, I can't stand when people shuffle their deck from the side like a deck of cards and don't bridge it. It leaves the cards with the front of them bent facing out and I can't stand that.
GreatSword says... #3
I hate people who think they're at a Pro Tour and flip their cards loudly around in their hands. You're not Brian Kibler buddy, we're just at crappy card shop FNM.
October 3, 2014 2:28 a.m.
ryuzaki32667 says... #5
I hate it when a Non Blue player takes a minute to think about something when they can't do anything. Example , I Lightning Bolt their Dark Confidant on turn 2 after they cast, then a minute later they say ok, like really what were you going to do?
October 3, 2014 2:33 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #6
Snarky opponents.
I have a story for this one, i'm going to paraphrase here to save on time/space.
At FNM, Playing My "Mardu" (Dega at the time) brew during ISD-RTR.
opponent on U/W/R Tempo
He turns to his buddy, literally says "What do you want to eat? We'll have plenty of time . this won't take long"
*I proceed to do pretty well but lose game one
*game 2 Blasphemous Act my own Boros Reckoner and aim at myself...just to take his feeling of victory away...he was a serious person...he actually got attitude that i made him win
October 3, 2014 2:35 a.m.
smash10101 says... #7
oh god, that is one of my biggest pet peeves as well ryuzaki32667. As a judge, I just want to scream at people whenever their opponent goes turn 1 Thoughtseize and they're all like " ......... ok" despite the fact that they haven't taken a game action yet. In standard and modern, if you're tapped out, you don't get to have a response. You don't need to take 5 seconds to think about the spell resolving.
October 3, 2014 2:36 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #8
Actually, you do.
If you're like me, and think three turns in advance, one card can ruin various plans, ergo, I will take time to process the information you've just given me, by a turn one Thoughtseize , or a bolting a confidant.
October 3, 2014 2:39 a.m.
ryuzaki32667 says... #9
Yea, its the only thing that annoys me. I don't even mind the card flicking since a lot of the time I'll be to fixated on the board and not pay attention to anything else. There have been matches where I forget the face of the person I'm playing because of that or after the match realize a crowd had gathered round.
October 3, 2014 2:40 a.m.
I loathe when people physically get up from their seat, play a kill spell, pick up my creature, and toss it in the bin. I just can't help but look at them wide-eyed for a solid minute. To me, that just communicates complete disregard for common courtesy and my property. I just cracked a fetch land? By all mean, cut my deck. Other than that, don't touch my cards, especially without asking permission. Have some decency...
October 3, 2014 2:55 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #11
@TheDevicer: That sounds like unsportsman like conduct. I would report that to the store owner, and if he/she doesn't do anything about it, take it to the judge. If nothing happens still, take it as far as you need to.
I'd be a little upset if someone did that to a goyf. Any goyf.
October 3, 2014 2:59 a.m.
It's not in-game, but I had watching people destroy cards, it makes me cringe and just feel bad for the cardboard that is never going to be played with.
Some people at my store play "flip and rip" where they open a pack upside down and tear some of the random face down cards in half. One guy accidentally ripped the Polluted Delta he pulled while playing that game
October 3, 2014 3:16 a.m.
I don't like it too much when people grab my cards without asking, for any reason. Even just to read it. I will gladly let you if you just ask, but don't just grab the card. It doesn't even bother me that much, it's just so many people do it.
October 3, 2014 3:22 a.m.
I'm a card flicker so I don't have a whole lot of room to talk, but my personal pet peeve, and apparently other, is when someone touches my cards. Don't EVER touch another players cards.
But to take it one step further, is when a player casts (insert removal spell here) and slides it under the target... and flips it over. Happened to me once and I was all O_O
But the single thing that really irks me... My first ever modern tournament (I didn't know what I was doing) dude is playing Tron and isn't even paying attention. He was talking to his buddy and ignoring me till I said pass turn. Then immediately goes back to being a chatty Cathy
October 3, 2014 4:13 a.m.
I hate it When people incessantly ask me if i pass my turn. I swear to god as a reflex action i sometimes say yes and people must be catching on...
October 3, 2014 4:23 a.m.
One of my pet peeves is over-exaggerated behaviour and loud outcries after a loss or win. Like, I get it - you won, you don't have to look act like a total dick about it and rub it in my face. Or you lost, relax, its not the end of the world and it's not like it changes anything about us as people.
October 3, 2014 5:40 a.m.
Biggest pet peeve that is kinda justified, sleeveless limited. Especially draft. In my Gameshop there is no raredrafting. The rares are spread out over the table at the end and everyone can pick out of them, in order of winnings.
Now with that in mind, imagine seeing someone pull a fetchland and play it sleeveless. I hope you see my point
October 3, 2014 5:52 a.m.
God_of_Thunder says... #18
Card flicking. It's obnoxious. If it's a nervous tick, I get it, but it's still aggravating. I don't care that it might be a thing that pros do, like Brian Kibler. Just stop it. It's distracting and really just rude. I'll ask politely for my opponents to refrain, and then I'll just tell them what I think about it if they persist.
Touching my cards without my express prior permission. It's absolutely rude. Utterly inappropriate, and unsportsmanlike. Some players have dirty hands, like at my local store where your FNM admission gets you free pizza. Some players don't wash their hands after eating, and they put their grubby, greasy hands on their playmats and cards. No thanks, I'll read the card text to you. They get one warning, then the judge gets involved. Hands off my property or we're gonna have problems.
Riffle shuffling my deck, or otherwise roughly handling my cards in any way. I don't like to riffle shuffle because it can mess with cards by bending them, especially foils. Either mash or pile shuffle. If you can't follow that request then you won't shuffle my deck, period. The judge will, if they insist. I've been accused of OCD before (which is a valid accusation, though irrelevant), but it doesn't matter. My property. My rules.
A couple other folks on here mentioned the "opponent plays kill spell, flip my card it targeted over" phenomenon. Though it never happened to me, I imagine I'd be livid. How totally rude can someone be? I'd get a judge involved the instant it happened.
Showing up to FNMS, a public event in a public space, un-bathed, smelling of body odor, and wearing obviously filthy clothes. If you can afford a $300 Standard deck, you can afford clean clothes, toothpaste, and deodorant. I'm not expecting a tuxedo for crying out loud, but BASIC HYGIENE should be the rule for events like these, not the exception. Forcing others to inhale your noxious body fumes is unspeakably rude as well as evidence of an astonishing lack of social development.
General unsportsmanlike conduct. Ignoring me, saying flippant things, being cocky, rude, or otherwise shitty. I have no patience for such things, and as an adult, I'm above it. I always make the full effort to welcome my opponent, give them my full attention during the game, and congratulate them on good plays or wins. I wish them luck. I offer them humble advice as a peer after a game if they seek it. I always shake hands. If they make a mistake on a rule, I patiently explain the proper way, and usually grant mercy when they ask to re-do minor misplays (though not in the top 8). Being a gentleman takes the game to a better place, and it's a real shame that there's so many jackasses who think themselves too good for common courtesy. I know MTG isn't the sort of pastime to attract the most socially fastidious types, but expecting basic manners from your opponent is never unreasonable.
So, I'm intolerant to all sorts of jackassery. But almost all of my pet peeves simply constitute breeches of common courtesy and public manners. And I usually never have any problems. I go to a good store and the players have been great, with a few irksome exceptions. Usually all it takes is a sharp and justified rebuke and the notification of a judge to correct the behavior of those people. It's a shame that some people can't behave themselves without being told to do so.
October 3, 2014 6:24 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #19
I hate it when people do not speak up. Either when announcing game state changes or passing the turn, please, tell what you are doing. I have hearing problems, and I am not always watching lips move.
Case in point: I pass the turn. Dude untaps. Dude draws. Looks at his stuff. Then starts flipping cards off the top. Like four of them! I grab the match slip and begin signing it. He asked me if I scooped, and I thought he did! He tells me he rolled up his Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
. I told him I didn't hear him, dude then says, "I never said anything".
This argument went for a minute. But I specifically tell every opponent that I have to give me a visual signal or speak loudly to let me know something is going to happen.
And please for the love of Christ, use fucking dice with your planes walkers!
I don't have pet peeves.... I have major psychotic fucking hatreds.
October 3, 2014 7:24 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #20
If he's not using any sort of indicator on his planeswalkers, he's not supporting the 'maintain the boardstate' rule, and should be called out for it via your judge. Not every judge will do something about it, but he needs to be maintaining a correct boardstate.
My only pet peeves are when people don't understand basic human interaction. I'm usually pretty tolerant of general play habits; I'll flick my cards all day if you let me, but if you don't realize that the room is absolutely silent aside from your obnoxious ramblings about how you once opened up a pack of gummi worms and there was a gummi bear in it, please get the fuck out of my store.
Now, this mostly happens with children (10-13, typically), but if we have to tell you at least 12 times every week to shut the hell up and play your game, I feel nothing but compelled to follow you home and smack your parents for not teaching you how to interact with society.
On a related note, I also don't like when people are playing other people's games. We have to tell these kids (same as above) every week to "Play your game", because they're constantly looking over their neighbor's shoulder, "Hey, what turn is it?" "Hey, I like your dice." "Hey, we're playing the same deck!" "Hey, I hate when people play blue!" "Hey, i'll never forgive you for beating me last round!"
I shouldn't have to put up with your dribble if i'm not playing against you. Please shut up and play your own game. Talk to your opponent as much as you want, but don't bring me as an exterior member into it.
October 3, 2014 8:08 a.m.
The only thing that annoys me is when someone talks down to me. I'm around the youngest regular at our store (I'm 19) and sometimes people assume I don't know what I'm doing, even though I've been playing for going on 4 years now.
I flick my cards as well as just about every regular in our shop. If someone kindly asked me to stop I would. Its more of just a bad habit now.
As for touching other peoples cards I always ask if I can see the card or they will read it if the card is something I don't know (which isn't very often). The only problem I've had with someone touching my cards is with one guy at my LGS who picks up every card and holds it a inch away from his face to read it. Really annoying.
For the most part I'm pretty laid back tho. Everyone who is a regular player at my LGS usually gets along well.
October 3, 2014 8:22 a.m.
With all that being said, I always have problems with people at pre-releases. People who are overconfident in their rules knowledge, unclean people, rude people, touching my cards without asking, being disruptive, or just generally cocky pieces of shit. Pre-releases are almost never a fun experience for me because of the awful player base they bring with them.
October 3, 2014 8:25 a.m.
mathimus55 says... #23
I hate when people will cast a spell but not give you a chance to see the card, just flash it and put in the graveyard. My best friend plays burn and is worst about it, he'll just quickly point to the the creature he's hitting with the card and tuck it away and play 3 spells in a row before you have a chance to do anything. I have to tell him to slow down all the time so I can actually see what he is doing without just swinging a card around.
Like other people have said, when people touch my cards without asking, yea it bugs me too. I played a guy at the Open in KC a few months ago and he never played modern before and a few times he literally took the card out of my hand before a could lay it down. I told him I was laying everything down for him since he was new, but there was 0 reason for him to literally take the card from me. I was none too pleased after that.
Generally dick-ish attitudes too. There is a kid I won't trade with or play with because every time I've played him he's gotten an attitude about my deck or my draws etc. I was playing g/w aggro and t6 still didn't have a green mana. He thought he had it in the bag until I drew 2 green sources in a row and steam rolled him and he got up, shouted how I didn't deserve to win and "pulled it out (my) ass" and proceeded to leave the store, leaving behind his 2 buddies that rode with him who had to get different rides then. That was probably the worst tantrum I've ever seen from a college student
October 3, 2014 8:41 a.m.
My personal pet peeve is when someone plays a janky, non - viable build against something competitive and either gets incredibly pissed when they lose 2-0 (I played a BY mill deck a few weeks ago using Codex Shredder
as the win con). Kid got so mad over my 2-0 win with GU devotion. Ummm...If you ran creatures you cod have blocked mine!
The other side of this pet peeve is when their deck does something totally unexpected and it actually goes the way they wanted for a turn. I don't mind the set back, but I do mind when they say things like, "yea! Told you Jund Midrange sucks!". Yes, you had a good play at the right time. That's really all that you're going to lose and getcmad. PS...I didn't insult your 5 color aggro that doesn't run anything but mountains deck, why are you shit talking?
October 3, 2014 8:46 a.m.
TheAnnihilator says... #25
I'm generally a fairly tolerant guy, but I really hate when people play your opponent's game for them. Like, a spectator comes up and says "You can destroy that planeswalker if you do X." or "Oh, you can do X with this card, and it'd kill him." Yeah, I knew he had lethal on board too, spectator. It isn't my fault if he doesn't see it, and you shouldn't tell him about it. Play your round, and then spectate if you want to --- don't play for your buddy if the match is still in progress! Isn't that just common courtesy?
October 3, 2014 10:03 a.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #26
I've got a few. Touching my cards without asking is one. Usually I don't get annoyed with it, but once I played a draft and forgot sleeves. Store didn't have any so I played with none. The guy I played was eating a candy bar. His hands were sticky and all that, and he grabbed one of my cards and got chocolate all over it. I've never yelled at another player, but that day I came very close. The store owner got me a replacement after the draft when he didn't have to. It was pretty nice of him to do so.
Another pet peeve is people being assholes. At one store I use to play at regularly there was this one guy who treated every game he played as if he was at a Pro Tour. He played this 12 year old who had just started learning how to play, and mocked him the entire time, tried to get him disqualified for misplaying, etc. The same guy played my brother at a draft and got beat by him 2-0. Both matches were close I believe. After the round my brother went to shake his hand, and the guy looked at him and went no. He then just grabbed his stuff and stomped off. Those kind of players are the ones I personally hate with a passion.
One other pet peeve is when another player knows they are going to get beat, and purposely stall the game so it ends in a draw. If you know you will not win take it like a man and accept it not take a cheap shot.
There are others I'm sure I can't think of at the moment, but these are the main ones that tick me off.
October 3, 2014 10:16 a.m.
My pet peeve is when people have pet peeves about Magic. It's a game. Your supposed to have fun. Relax. Everyone shuffles differently. Everyone is at a different level of experience.Not everyone has the same idea of what is socially acceptable in a MTG game. Everyone has nervous ticks. Not everyone learns the same way you do. I guess the best I can say is I hate when people get wildly bent out of shape about stupid shit. Be it through pet peeve type stuff or just losing. Like for real, life goes on, don't throw your chair and storm out complaining because someone hit their one card combo in modern before you hit your two card combo. It's part of the game. Everyone isn't going to do everything the way you want them to do it no matter how much you bitch.
October 3, 2014 10:17 a.m.
TheAnnihilator says... #28
@DarkHero --- part of what makes some of these pet peeves valid is the fact that MTG is a game. For example, KnightsBattlecry001 discusses what a jerk this guy he met was being to Knights' brother in the above comment. Magic is a game, even at FNM. There's no reason for that guy to be an ass, no matter how you look at it. Knight happens to have the same pet peeve regarding magic that you do --- when people are jerks about the game for no reason. So we all have our pet peeves.
October 3, 2014 11:22 a.m.
TheAnnihilator I just don't really think being upset because people are being jerks is a "pet peeve". It's just disdain for someone acting completely inappropriately. A pet peeve is being annoyed by something trivial or obscure that is very specific to you. Being annoyed by jackassery is completely normal, most people should be annoyed, you wouldn't be in the minority to feel that way.
October 3, 2014 11:26 a.m.
cosmokai2000 says... #30
Biggest peeve is with attitude. Don't be pissy when you lost. You lost, don't blame it on the deck. Random chance is a large part of the game. Same for winning, don't berate the person you beat or offer help with their list if they don't ask. Always handshake, it's polite to do.
My other peeve is with trading. Value is value. Don't ask for $30 of standard cards for a $20 legacy card. If you don't want to trade value for value, don't trade
October 3, 2014 11:53 a.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #31
DarkHero I've always considered being an ass to someone a pet peeve largely because I'm the only one in the couple stores I've played at to get annoyed with that type of behavior. Everyone else just shrugs it off, ignores it, etc. I do have a low tolerance to people acting that way. Idk it may just be me and the way I view things.
October 3, 2014 11:58 a.m.
Lack of respect for others and not speaking up when something irritates you.
People who are just jerks, or do things specifically to make people mad are awful people to play against, but on the other side, speak up when you are upset. I flick my cards, and O'm sure I've accidentally grabbed a guys cards without his permission. If someone was upset about anything I was doing, I'd change it, as I expect someone else to if I asked them to stop something.
October 3, 2014 11:59 a.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #33
I am frequently annoyed by card flicking. I just don't understand it's purpose. What does flicking your cards around accomplish? Can anyone explain? I can think of several far less annoying ways to shuffle one's hand.
My other pet peeve is people taking advantage of younger and/or newer players. At a prerelease a few years ago a guy had never seen me at that shop before and assumed I was new to the game. He mana stacked his deck and cut a few times before presenting it to me, saying "Only cut, don't shuffle". To his dismay I immediately got a judge involved.
I've also seen players literally cheat against new players because they didn't know all of the rules. A friend of mine borrow my MBD deck for a standard FNM and I walked by his game while turning in my match slip. His opponent had 2 different Garruks on the table! I politely told my friend that he should call a judge due to an illegal board state.
October 3, 2014 12:04 p.m.
Personally, I card flick as a habitual thing. If I don't mess with something, I can get irritable, so I have to have something moving in my hands. I don't really do it for the sake of shuffling my hand. It helps me concentrate, but if my opponent ever tells me not to, I stop and start playing with dice in my hand or something. It's usually a problem when I play with dice however, because I drop them, and that's probably more annoying to my opponent than the noise of cards.
October 3, 2014 12:10 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #35
My worst pet peeve is when I beat someone and they say something along the lines of "Oh if I'd gotten out (insert whatever card here) I would have won" or "Oh if I'd gotten my other combo piece out you would've lost". Yes, perhaps that's true, but don't blame your losing on what cards you drew.
Another one is not telling me what they're doing or what they're targeting. I'm not hard of hearing, but you've got to tell me what you're doing so I can respond accordingly or just know what you're doing.
Not knowing what your proxies do is annoying but not necessarily a pet peeve. If you're going to proxy cards, either print them out so I can read them, or know what they do and what they cost.
Also, my boyfriend flicks his cards as a habit and it's really freaking annoying but he'll usually stop on request and find something else to do.
October 3, 2014 12:27 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #36
Ditto on spectators advising my opponent. Stay the hell out of the game. He should perform actions on his own merits, not on the advise of others. It's against tournament rules any how.
And quit flicking the darn cards, please. I know it's a habit and that's all right...but it is annoying and distracting. Thankfully most folks will quit when asked.
Cocky attitudes are met with swift verbal punishment. The average MTG basement dweller is not hard to criticize. I usually only find myself resorting to this at prereleases because of the abysmal player base it draws...usually I'm a total gentleman about my play and I'm cordial at the table and graceful at losing or winning. I want good people to return to play again. Good manners takes the game to a higher level.
Also, hygiene. It's important. Clean clothes. Trimmed fingernails. Deodorant. These should not be optional. FNM is a public event. It's sad that so many players ignore this most basic element of common courtesy.
October 3, 2014 1:13 p.m.
smash10101 says... #37
vampirelazarus, no, you really don't. If you have no possible response, then just let the bolt or Thoughtseize resolve and think about your next move while or after they pick a card or put Bob in the yard. You shouldn't need to think about your next move before you let the spell resolve, since you don't know what they'll take, or what you'll draw next turn.
For everyone who is complaining about spectators telling people what to do, call a judge. This is called outside assistance and at competitive REL is a match loss and at regular REL (FNMs, ect.) will get a serious talking to with a judge, and possibly removed from the store.
October 3, 2014 2:26 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #38
smash10101: Yep, I've had to do that before. I hate that it had to be that way, but I wasn't left with an actual choice.
October 3, 2014 2:35 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #39
If you play Thoughtseize , I'm considering what information, I'm giving away, when you see my hand. So yes, I do have every right to pause.
October 3, 2014 3:21 p.m.
Dalektable says... #40
Any specific pet peeves? Not really. I just very much dislike when people lack simple respect for the opponent and their cards, or are incredibly cocky. But those are pet peeves in life in general, not just magic.
As far as the card flicking thing goes...I am definitely one who does this haha. It has been shown that it can unnerve the opponent, and it's also something to do with my hands. I have a natural tendency to always either be drumming my fingers on my leg or something just to be moving in some way.
October 3, 2014 5:18 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #41
In many of the Eternal formats like EDH, Legacy, and Modern, there is a large card pool. There are many common cards that everyone knows, but others not so much. I strongly dislike when players assume you know what the card does, or get pissy when I ask to see it. As a courtesy, I always play my cards facing the opponent's direction, so they may see exactly what the card says.
I also dislike when players rush through steps, without giving me priority to respond. I make sure to pause and say, "OK?" after everything I cast or change phases. I'd just like the same courtesy in return.
October 3, 2014 6:36 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #42
What about spectators playing Judge?
I see it as interfering with the game, but I have a buddy who had been playing Spellstutter Sprite as a Mana Leak where X is the number of faeries you control. It makes a big difference when nobody asks to see what the card does, but is watching somebody cheat any better?
October 3, 2014 6:53 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #43
Spectators should be just that. I have zero qualms with telling them to shut their pie holes.
October 3, 2014 8:29 p.m.
smash10101 says... #44
MindAblaze!: If someone is cheating, or just accidentally breaking the rules, any player or spectator can ask the match to pause and call over a judge. You're not required to, but we really appreciate it and encourage it. (I should probably mention that you shouldn't tell them what's wrong or anything, and at professional REL (day 2 of a grand prix or any part of a pro tour) you shouldn't even tell the match anything, just call a judge.)
October 3, 2014 10:13 p.m.
1) People who blatantly refuse to improve. I'm not talking about that guy who tries to get better and makes honest mistakes, or that little kid who started playing a week ago. Or those guys who just play Magic for fun as if it were a roleplaying game. I'm talking about that smelly neckbeard who shows up to FNM (i.e. a tournament with prizes), loses horribly, then says "well, I just play for fun I don't netdeck or tryhard." 30 seconds ago, before your opponent blew up your side of the board, you were attempting to win. Now, you're just being a sore loser.
To give a better example:
This person understands stuff like mana curve, card advantage, tempo, combos, etc. but then proceeds to play like shit at every tournament and never take responsibility for their mistakes.
2) People who don't know rules or understand the boardstate, then try and act like Pro Tour commentators, and are flat-out wrong. For example, I had a guy watching over my shoulder during an EDH game and was all "sylvannos, why didn't you play your Ajani Vengeant ? You can just kill everything with Wrath of God !" and said so in a condescending tone like I was stupid. I pointed to the Vorapede and replied "So you think I should use my Ajani Vengeant to Fog ? Sounds like a terrible plan."
3) People who get snarky and holier-than-thou towards people who "netdeck." Personally, I love building my own decks and coming up with new ideas. But I can see why some people don't like deck building. They want to just play the game and will use whatever deck you hand them. Not to mention, even professional players like Kai Budde and Jon Finkel netdeck.
If people who have made thousands (sometimes millions) of dollars playing Magic have trouble coming up with new ideas, I'm not going to hold it against the guy with kids, a job, and other responsibilities for not wanting to spend hours playtesting and tweaking. They may find it tedious or unfun. People who get holier-than-thou about it are basically saying "my idea of fun is better than your idea of fun and therefore I'm a better, more intelligent, more creative person." No, you're just like me: you're a Johnny.
4) People who bash other formats without having played them. No, games of Legacy don't just end on turn 2. No, Modern isn't just a bunch of combo decks. No, EDH isn't just a Timmy format. Yes, Extended used to be one of the most-played and balanced formats in Magic before Bitterblossom was printed. Vintage can be slower than Standard because of how many hate cards exist in the format. No, Standard is not "pay-to-win." No, Limited is not completely based on luck.
Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of things I don't like about Standard. I absolutely detest Sealed. But again, "my idea of fun is better than your idea of fun. I'm going to strawman any defense you have of your idea of fun," really irritates me.
5) Unsportsmanlike behavior. "GG WAS EZ," is not okay. Everyone in my store will now proceed to shit all over your ego and will never split top 8/4/2 with you if you take on this attitude.
6) "If only I drew Black Lotus , you would have lost!"
...but you didn't. And let's not forget I have Force of Will , Gush , Vampiric Tutor , and Ancestral Recall in my hand with five untapped lands when I attacked you with Goblin Welder for the win. When I lose, I will give credit where credit is due. Sometimes I just get beaten. Yeah, it would have helped to not get mana screwed, but my opponent probably had the better hand. "What-ifs" don't matter. Only victory.
7) People who think they shouldn't lose to someone they perceive as a worse player. When I get beat by someone newer or less experienced then myself, it's like "Good job! You played really well and blew me out with Ornithopter ! I can't believe I fell for your trick!"
Other people can get more like "UGGGGGGGH I lost to fucking Gruul Aggro commons and uncommons played by some little kid! I shouldn't have lost that now he's gonna get my packs in top 8 omg...." Seriously guy? I'm glad you lost. I hope you lose again. I hope that little kid shits all over you every time you two play. There's no reason for that kind of elitism, especially when it's undeserved.
8) Experienced players who don't help new players when the new players ask for help. If we don't get new players to stay with the game, they stop playing and Magic dies.
Ok...I think that was all of them? Kudos to anyone who read this wall of rage. Why you would do so, I have no idea.
October 4, 2014 4:48 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #46
You're a good man, sylvannos. I especially approve of your vitriol against people who hate on formats they know nothing about and have absolutely zero experience playing.
I hate it when people comment on Magic like they know what they're talking about when they have almost no experience in the game. Like, the jackass who's just starting and has spent a couple hours on Gatherer and now considers himself an authority. What a joke. We don't need those people.
Card flickers are still the worst, though. Seriously. QUIT IT.
October 4, 2014 10:17 a.m.
Hey everyone, I posted this thread in hopes of 3 things. First, I was just curious about what bothers people. Second, I was hoping that it would make me concious of my actions if I knew what bothered other people. Third, I hope it allowed everyone to see what bothers other people and hopefully make you concious as well. This was never supposed to be an argumentative thread but hopefully it let you vent a bit. I am definitely guilty of doing some of these things and I personally just wanna say that I will try to do those less or be a little aware of what I am doing. Except hand shuffling, sorry its a habit, but if someone asks then ill try lol. Anyway thanks again for keeping the thread active and for all the comments.
October 4, 2014 10:38 a.m.
God_of_Thunder says... #48
sylvannos is my new hero lol. Couldn't have said it better myself.
October 4, 2014 1:32 p.m.
You know what I hate? The casual player that spends thousands of dollars on the game only to end up playing the wonkiest decks and losing every game. Yeah, I'm jealous of your collection, sure, but at least put those cards to use. Like running a casual green deck and tossing in a playset of Noble Hierarch . O.o Dude, that's a good chunk of my rent right there.
October 4, 2014 5:45 p.m.
Overly-loud card flickers.
People that "bend" their cards/snap them onto the table - or touch mine and do the same.
Assholes that can't lose with grace.
smash10101 says... #2
I hate when people pile shuffle, especially more than once per match. It's not an effective way to shuffle your deck and takes way too long. I have even seen people get slow play warnings for doing it.
October 3, 2014 2:25 a.m.