Pet Peeves?

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Posted on Oct. 3, 2014, 2:14 a.m. by EmblemMan

I am pretty sure this has been a post many times but I'm curious what people say. What's the most annoying thing people can do while playing you, or that you notice while watching people play? For me, I can't stand when people shuffle their deck from the side like a deck of cards and don't bridge it. It leaves the cards with the front of them bent facing out and I can't stand that.

JakeHarlow says... #1

True. Pod is a very powerful deck but the player has to be skilled enough to utilize it. Same thing thing for mono-black last season. Expensive decks are often more complex and thus demand a higher level of player skill and knowledge. A $15 Infect deck can run roughshod over a newbie piloting a premium Pod deck, for instance.

November 5, 2014 1:54 a.m.

Gorgosaurusrex says... #2

I also dislike when people blame my wins on my deck's value. Before M15 came out I was playing a Grixis Superfriends deck with about a $450 price tag. It was hardly a top tier deck, it was just merely designed to beat the top decks in the format (mono black devotion & jund walkers).

Some mono black players were sore losers, and didn't care that I had acquired the cards using winnings from FNM events (with my Maze's End deck) and Warhammer 40k tournaments. One player said I had more money than skill after I wrecked his "top-tier" deck in 2 games.

November 5, 2014 11:27 a.m.

"good game. bye" is what I would have said.

November 8, 2014 10:50 a.m.

-Mufasa- says... #4

I hate when you're playing against someone and they keep complaining about how long the game's taking and how you keep thinking so much about your turn.

November 9, 2014 1:12 a.m.

GeeksterPlays says... #5

I'm pretty laid back and not much irks me, most of my games are casual and although we all play "tournie rules" we're a bit relaxed on that as long as it doesn't take the mick... however there are a few things that I have to point out to people quite often (that I really shouldn't);

1) Untap your land before you draw. Even at store events I've been at I've had opponents drawing before they untap. I've yet to call a judge on it, and let them untap their stuff anyway as unless there is an upkeep action happening it's not really a big deal... but really I should call it straight away because it is a sanctionable offense (doing it twice in one tournament can mean an offical warning).

2) Upkeep actions (and general reminders). If you control a permanent that creates an action or game state that is not usually present in the game (say, Master of the Feast), then you as the controller of that permanent have the responsibilty of declaring that action EACH TIME it happens. That means that during your draw phase every turn, you have to say, out loud to your opponent/s, that the Master of the Feast triggers and they draw as well. If the controller of the permanent forgets (or worse, purposefully doesn't declare it) then that's a Judge Call and warning on that person. Yes, it's up to all players to keep an eye on the current game state, but controllers of permanents have the duty to inform opponents of the changes each time they take effect.

3) Using the correct terminology. Mainly when moving from one Phase to another. You delcare your move to the Attack Phase by saying so, not by starting to turn your creatures sideways and saying "in for X damge with...". I'm quite tired of having to say things like "well, BEFORE you go to your declare attacker part..." and them having to un-tap their creatures. Ok one could argue that it actually gives a little advantage as I now know what they were planning to put my way that turn, but still, I shouldn't have to be anticipating having to jump in in the split-second where you go to tap your creature for attacking!

November 13, 2014 8:03 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #6

TheBlues02, I do sympathize with what you're saying, but there is a limit to what a reasonable time limit for a turn should be. That's why FNM rounds are 50 minutes long. I played against a guy who was clearly going to lose to me, and he just couldn't pass the turn. He eventually was called for slow play, because he seemed to deliberately play slow to force us to turns, and ultimately a draw. Now, long turns can be totally legitimate, but it's really not fun when you play against a person who routinely takes 3-4 minutes to read his hand, check the board state, and then make a play (or not). My casual playgroup includes one such player, and the rest of us absolutely refuse to play EDH with him. It's just tedious. Instead of playing, we devolve into texting each other while he muddles his way through his turns.

All I'm saying is, moderation. Take your time, I say, but it's also not a bad idea to play at a good pace and keep all players engaged in the game. It is frustrating sitting on the other side of the table when your opponent takes close to 4 minutes turn and after turn.

November 13, 2014 12:12 p.m.

TrystonSpencer says... #7

What I hate the most is when people get way too into the game for instance real life example, We are game 1 I am playing mono black devotion (back b4 ravnica) and hes playing rakdos aggro well this is what happened

He stands up from the table taps his mana and literally yells "I CAST STORMBREATH DRAGON, RESPONSES???" I was like "hero's downfall" at this point he gets extremely upset to the point where he is telling me that the game is stupid that they provide black with such advantages and then proceeds to concede and goes and tell the lgs employee that he had won the game because I was playing a copy of a grand prix deck that he saw online and at that point he was called a rude name by the employee(which I know personally)

Just not getting too into it and enjoying the game the way it was meant to be played

November 18, 2014 2:15 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #8

I hate it when people get that way. I just hate bad sportsmanship in general, or when my opponent makes excuses about losing and/or just acts like a little bitch.

Last Friday, I played a dude at my LGS and I annihilated him with my (net-decked) Mono-Red aggro deck. It was like a T4 win both games. Anyhow, this dude's griping the whole time and making snide ass comments. I'm making small talk, asking him about the past decks he played, et cetera, and generally showing polite interest, even though I really could care less. At one point, I needed to place some tokens from my Akroan Crusader into play. He noticed I was reaching for dice, and then said, "Hold on, I have tokens." He pulled them out of his deck box and then looked at me and said, "Actually, I'm not going to let you use my tokens." Just to be a dick, I guess. Me: "Sure, you're under no obligation to." Proceeded to bash him. Anyway, he scooped Game 2 without a word, pulled his pen out and signed the tournament slip, tossed it in my face and walked off. Didn't offer me his pen, of course. Ignored my offered handshake. He didn't say a word to me for the remainder of the tournament. He did sneer thinly-veiled insults at me to other players when I was nearby, saying things like, "I win when I play against legitimate decks," and other shit like that. What a fucking child. I just laughed and the other real adults laughed at his little tantrum. It's not worth getting into a pissing match with those losers. They have no character at all. They're my favorite type of person to beat, because that kind of person has their whole day ruined when they get spanked. And I take loads of pleasure from ruining an asshole's day.

November 19, 2014 12:17 a.m.

Wolfsbane706 says... #9

Something else that annoys me is when my opponent decides to try and play my deck instead of letting me play it how I see fit. That's really a breach of courtesy regardless of any mistakes I'm making.

November 19, 2014 1:15 a.m.

Rodfjell says... #10

I pretty much only play casual EDH with two other people,my girlfriend and her brother, so my social MtG experiences are limited. Most of our games end up being 1v1 against my girlfriend b/c I can't stand her brother's play style; he changes during a game of Magic. Here's my experience with him:

He only plays casual but he is a total Johnny who always plays some sort of control deck. He mulligans every time, multiple times, and doesn't recognize the rule about having to draw one less card after the first mulligan. His tuns literally last 5-10 minutes after the first few turns which makes me ask myself why I even play Magic and contemplate playing at a LGS though I don't have the time. When he does finally make a move, he doesn't speak a word, leaving me to ask what he did and to see the cards he has played. That's when it starts feeling like a silent chess match. He doesn't audibly pass the turn either. Of course, whenever someone else plays a spell, he has to immediately spin it his way, look at it for 30 seconds and say "Hmm.." His strategy is to play like a wounded puppy, making you feel sorry for his unfortunate hands and attack the other player instead. When you do cast a spell his way -> Et tu, Brute?

When he wins, his demeanor is back to normal - telling jokes and being jovial. But when he looses, it is as if some silent horror has snatched his spirit away and he will never recover (until the next day when it's as if the game never took place).

I love Magic, but goddamn. It seems as if he has all the worst traits in a player. I think I need to find a new playgroup.

November 20, 2014 3:18 a.m.

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