Rock, Paper, Scissors
Social forum
Posted on Sept. 4, 2015, 5:40 a.m. by Argy
I played a friendly tonight and a guy showed me something he said that he made up. Not sure if he did, and if people have already heard about this, but I thought it was fun.
He had Ensoul Artifact, Meteorite and Sign in Blood sleeved up. When doing this I have subbed Jayemdae Tome for Sign in Blood, as I think it's a better representation of what is going on.
He shuffled the cards, placed them face down, and got me to choose one. He chose one of the others.
He then turned them face up. I chose Ensoul Artifact, the scissors, whereas he had chosen Sign in Blood, the paper.
Scissors beats paper, so I won and played first.
How cool is that?
So, Ensoul Artifact = scissors
Meteorite = rock
Jayemdae Tome = paper
Oh man, I am so gonna find and use those, now.
I was waiting for you to say Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
September 4, 2015 7:51 a.m.
Lizard: Bellows Lizard
Spock: maybe Marhault Elsdragon or Fyndhorn Elder?
September 4, 2015 8:18 a.m.
Marhault Elsdragon is definitely the Spock this game needs.
I think we're on to something big, here.
September 4, 2015 9:03 a.m. Edited.
Except the only reason to play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock is because two people familiar with each other will result in a tie the majority of the time in rock, paper, scissors. Since you only have 3 cards to choose from, and none of them are the same, then you have no chance of tying and therefore the addition of lizard and spock essentially has no effect on the game.
September 4, 2015 11:06 a.m.
@abenz419 - I've seen it a few times (no lizard or Spock) and people usually have 2 sets of the cards. That allows for ties, and you get to choose what you want to play instead of purely relying on chance.
September 4, 2015 1:41 p.m.
@meecht, Yeah doing it that way kinda makes it feel more like your playing rock, paper, scissors with each person throwing down their choice at the same time. I was just referencing the way the original poster described. In that situation, adding in lizard and spock fundamentally doesn't change the game since the purpose of having 5 choices is to reduce the likelihood of ties.
September 4, 2015 3:05 p.m.
Having two sets can drag the process out.
I was just trying to have a bit of fun adding the Lizard and Spock. It's a Big Bang Theory reference.
September 4, 2015 3:37 p.m.
I knew the reference. I actually saw that rerun recently. That's where I actually got my answer from, lol! In that episode, Sheldon mentions the rate at which two people familiar with each other will tie and thus his creation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
September 4, 2015 5:25 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #11
I have a few sets of the unglued guys. They are a fun way to start a game.
Boza says... #2
Paper Tiger, Scissors Lizard and Rock Lobster say hi.
September 4, 2015 5:45 a.m.