Share your Bad Beats

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Posted on Dec. 16, 2017, 5:12 a.m. by toastySmorc

After losing 3 games to utter bad luck I thought I'd create a thread to let people vent a little. Be civil, but do let it all out.

I'll start:Game 1: v Esper Control. Draws 3 boardclears in a row while he walks all over me with his Colonnades. Land hate sideboard nowhere to be seen.

Game 2:v Tron. Overwhelmed by double Wurmcoil topdeck. Second game he topdecks Ugin just as I steal his Wurmcoil with Silumgar.

Game 3: Against Selesnya Tokens. Game 1 got overrun because no boardwipes. Sideboards in more to have 6 in the deck. Still draws none even after shipping every non-wipe card to the bottom with 3 Serum Visions. Sigh...

shadow63 says... #2

Ouch that last game sounds rough. I think the worst that's happened to me is I kept a hand with five lands then only drew lands

December 16, 2017 8:43 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #3

I haven't been on the receiving end of many bad beats, but I've unintentionally dished some out. I'll be honest, bad beats aren't fun for anyone, even when it's me who wins.

Return to Ravnica draft: My opponent is at 10ish life with huge board state but 2 cards left in library.

I have 2 life and one card left in library. My turn I draw my last card, Inspiration, target my opponent with it, and pass turn.

MM3 draft: Turn 30ish. Grindy match. Opponent at 50 life because of Scavenging Ooze which is an 11/11.

I'm at 1 life and desperately chump blocking with Dinrova Horrors and Zur the Enchanter. He kills all my creatures but mills himself out. I win with 1 life and two cards left in the library.

I take no pleasure in winning by luck. It happens.

December 16, 2017 11:31 a.m.

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