SOI prerelease parties in Spokane, WA
Social forum
Posted on April 1, 2016, 6:32 p.m. by cradford609
So I just have sort of a general question.
I've never been to a prerelease party for any expansion. I'm wondering two things,
A: Is there generally a cost to attend or are the prereleases typically free promotional events?
B: I have a lot of local stores doing parties and I was wondering if the people on this site tend to prefer the events at large national stores such as Hastings, etc. or if it's usually better to go to specialty small-town game shops for the parties? Do you have typically to sign up in advance? How can I get involved in some of the prerelease games at the events and more importantly, how do I get ahold of some of the prerelease booster cards?
Also if anyone is in Spokane WA area, if you guys could tell me which local stores you prefer that would be awesome! Thanks in advance! I know, a lot of things I could answer myself by calling around, but I don't want to look like a fool asking these (assumedly) dumb questions at all my local stores...
To add to what DrFunk27 will want to:
bring you own sleeves (55 at least for 40 card deck and 15 sideboard)
lands are usually provided for borrow at my LGS, but this may not always be the case, so bring some basics
bring a big water and some healthy protein/energy snacks
bring some counters and a playmat if you like
bring a pad of paper and a writing utensil
bring a favorite deck if there happens to be downtime
bring a good backpack to store everything in and keep it with you or in sight at all times
do bring trades but do not bring everything you own, the store will be packed and a stack of clunky deck boxes sitting around by themselves might draw the wrong crowd
April 1, 2016 6:50 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #5
GearNoir in Sealed anything you open that isnt Maindecked is considered your Sideboard so 40 sleeves is fine as the 15 would end up as backups in case of a sleeve blowout
April 1, 2016 6:54 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum(auto-generated comment)
DrFunk27 says... #2
A: Normally Pre-Release costs $25-$30. Also, it's typically best to call ahead, because most stores take pre-orders and pre-release is normally a large event. Some stores may already be full. I know our store sold out earlier this week.
B: For Pre-Release, you will be given a box that includes enough cards to build a deck. Essentially, it's a sealed event. Take what you have, smash it together and have fun.
Hope this helps!
April 1, 2016 6:39 p.m.