Strangest Happenings at LGS'
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Posted on Nov. 26, 2014, 6:06 p.m. by Wolfsbane706
What's the weirdest thing to happen to you at your LGS? For me, this drunk guy once came in and sat down in my seat while I was waiting for an EDH game to start (and while I was off in the bathroom, to boot), basically mumbled at the other players, then when he left, thanked me and left behind one of those "cap-dart-bomb" thingies (those silver bomb-shaped ones) at my place. I just gave it to the shop owner and then sat down, dumbfounded.
Hootiequack says... #3
I don't have anything to add as my LGS experiences have been pretty normal, but I'm already noticing what I suspected: the word drunk is probably going to make a lot of appearances.
November 26, 2014 6:50 p.m.
There have been multiple instances of bannings happening at the shop. One time this guy was playing Belcher(we have legacy fmn every friday) and lost round one so he decided to change to lands round 2 and then lied to the judge about it 3 times, needless to say he got yelled at and then banned. Another time the shop owner of the card shop across the street(went out of business) decided it would be a good idea to come in with a book sac full of boxes of the current set. He then started selling them in the shop for less money than our shop sells for. I have like a million crazy stories like these lol, 6 years of playing in the same place will get you there.
November 26, 2014 6:59 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
Once WAY back when I was first starting FNMs, I sat down at my table for the last round, and some guy that I didn't recognise being there for the event sat down across from me. I just figured that it was some introverted guy or something and I hadn't noticed him until now. Anyway, we got as far as game two before the store owner comes over yelling at him to "Git the heck outta here!" and that he wasn't allowed in the store, then the owner comes over to me and asks if i'm alright. I say yeah, and he goes on to tell me that that guy was an ex-convict / sexual predator, and that my actual opponent dropped before the match.
I can get past the whole "almost got raped and murdered by some skeevy psycho" bit, I just want to know why this guy also plays FNMs and how he knew that my opponent dropped before I knew it. Some witchcraft voodoo crap right there.
November 26, 2014 7:01 p.m.
nighthawk101 says... #7
Not really weird, but last week we were playing FNM draft in the back room and the judge leaves the room. Throughout the first round we keep hearing excited yelling...
When I went out to report my results, the judge, store owner, and two visiting judges were throwing monkey poop into cups.
Well, not really. It's some Korean game with plastic monkeys and brown balls (supposedly coconuts), along with cups. The monkey's arms pull down and spring back, and they had to land the coconut in enough cups to win.
The store owner is considering trying to sanction it for FNM.
November 26, 2014 7:29 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #10
Jp3ngu1nb0y: What?!?! That's so crazy!!! the only time I have ever heard someone say they lost a game is after they play me...
Anyway, Im sorry to hear about your near-rape experience, ThatBlueMage. Glad nothing happened.
November 26, 2014 9:02 p.m.
ABadMagicPlayer100 says... #11
All of my LGS's FNM's take place on Thursdays.
November 26, 2014 9:04 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #12
One time I was playing at an IQ, and I make it into top 8. I was like, Cool. I proceed to lose, like really bad. Then my opponent tells me and the judge that he has to leave to celebrate his wedding anniversary. So I got to move up. That was pretty cool. I ended up winning the whole damn thing. Which made his good samaritan thing all the more better.
Thats probably the oddest thing I have seen at a tournament. Other than a dude dressed as Poison Ivy trying to get fresh with some girl. But I think I have already told that story.
November 27, 2014 5:03 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #13
I went to time after playing against a storm deck, with both of us being stuck on 1 land.
He had 7 rituals in hand, and I had a heap of 1 drops which did nothing, like Martyr of Sands.
At Khans prerelease, I chose Jeskai, and proceded to open literally all the Jeskai rares and mythics. I ended up playing all 3 mythics and 3 rares. I later opened another 3 mythics. Nobody else that I asked got any mythics. I think I stole all of them.
November 27, 2014 6:06 a.m.
Someone came to the store I was playing at Henceforth referred to as A during the RTR prerelease claiming to have purchased a boatload of product form RTR from the towns other game store Henceforth referred to as B. what makes this even stranger is at store B, where I had friends who didn't like store A, he claimed to have a boatload of product from A. It was almost like he was trying to get A and B into a feud or something...
November 30, 2014 3:01 p.m.
this was back in the late 90s.
a kid ran into the shop and asked the group of players if anybody wants to buy a revised demonic tutor.
only i said "yeah how much?"
"you quote"
kid legged it after he sold me the card.
about 4 hours later a guy came into the shop and asked us if anybody came in trying to sell a revised demonic tutor that has a light scratch across the face.
i still have that card today. xD
December 16, 2014 6:11 a.m.
I wish I can upvote this to infinity.
The strangest thing in my LGS is that a stray cat just walked in one night. She was very thin and looked like she needed help. The store owner helped her out - fed her well, went to the vet with her, etc. Several weeks later, the cat now has a leash and a name and while she still lives in the streets, she regularly visit the shops.
In a couple of month, the cat is taking the position of judge at FNMs at the store :P
mpeach1 says... #2
I was at table 1 at fnm, the last round, and my opponent falls over drunk walking to the table. Ended up getting a free win, was pretty crazy though
November 26, 2014 6:27 p.m.