Streaming on Twitch
Social forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2014, 3:05 p.m. by the3rdH0kage
So my LGS recently got a streaming setup, we streamed on Saturday for a TCG event. But the owner has decided that he wants to stream some throughout the week, playtesting and possibly deck construction. So I figured I'd post here if anyone here wants to watch. Our page is AFKgamesWV on twitch. This may not belong here, but since it's talking about online I figured this is where it would go.
mathimus55 says... #3
I have to agree w/ JWiley129. I'm not too excited about the prospect of watching some junky homebrew get crushed by a tuned list w/ a good pilot. If I wanted to watch that I would go to the high school and watch their MTG club play. Most people watch Twitch games to learn and get better, so how are you going to separate yourself from the rest of the content out there? Maybe if you had some of the more experienced players do a deck tech or break down their meta or something insightful that would help get some views. Anyone can stream magic, but can you make it worthwhile and better than the hundreds of other options?
December 17, 2014 5:31 p.m.
For example, I watch LoadingReadyRun when they draft on Thursdays at 4pm Pacific time because they are entertaining despite not being MtG pros. I also watch SGDoc because he is a technically sound player and he plays some sweet tunes. I don't watch Kenji, but I hear he's one of the best MTGO players around and can be quite entertaining.
December 17, 2014 5:47 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #5
Kenji is quite entertaining. He's no Reid Duke, but he sure knows his way around a Limited deck.
December 17, 2014 6:39 p.m.
Few suggestions... (only watched the first game so far)
Zoom in on the game more. - I came to watch the game, not the top of players heads, or their scoresheets. - I can't see what cards are being played.
Commentary is a good idea... but she doesn't seem to mention much of what is going on (especially important when I can't see the cards... but I don't think she can either). - i.e.: T1. Monastery Swiftspear and attack... but all she said was "Swager played a land"
If commentary is going to mention players by name, the graphics need to have their name as well as their deck title.
Tokens should be the proper official tokens. Fun tokens are great while playing, but trying to guess what is on the battlefield when watching a stream is annoying.
JWiley129 says... #2
I wonder if this would fit more in Social than Online Magic, but Epochalyptik will be the final judge of that.
What makes your store's stream different from other Magic streams? In order to get views you have to have some way of distinguishing yourself. So why should I watch your stream over watching SCG or CFB videos? (btw I'm not trying to sound brash, these are just the realities of starting a creative content series)
December 17, 2014 3:19 p.m.