Tappedout.net Maryland EDH/Commander GrandPrix!
Social forum
Posted on Aug. 16, 2017, 2:57 p.m. by Mortlocke
So, I just had this idea rattling around in my head to try and arrange a competitive EDH/Commander tournament for local players in Maryland that have decks on tappedout.net. This will be a tournament where we play with our best of the best decks in a game of competitive EDH. We'd all meet up at a local card shop and play a bracket for some tappedout centric prizes:
3rd place: Every participant in the tournament gives this player's deck an upvote and a comment on their page
2nd Place: Same as third, but they also get 5 feature queue tokens.
1st Place: Same as second, but they also get a pack of magic cards (of their choice, as long as it's within reason. No Alpha/Beta please!)
Since this is my idea, i'll be the one organizing it so...yeah, if I gather up enough of a following, i'll definitely move ahead and coordinate things. The card shops I usually frequent/have in mind are:
- Games and Stuff of Glen Burnie, MD
- Amazing Spiral of Baltimore, MD
- Cardboard Gaming, Odenton, MD
and on occasion
-Third Eye Games of Annapolis, MD
These are all suggestions, but if there are enough people central to a different area in MD i'd be willing to drive out.
gnarlicide says... #3
I am interested in this. I am moving to Odenton in a couple weeks!
August 18, 2017 11:18 p.m.
gnarlicide, awesome. I uh...was starting to wonder if people were weirded out by the prospect of meeting strangers off the internet lol. But great, you're 1. I want to have ideally, 8 people. or 6. Just an even number. But I need more input - should we do things like have two pods, and the winners from each pod face off in a 1v1 battle? Or do we just play things 1v1?
August 19, 2017 8:58 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #5
For EDH? ummm, i don't know. I sold my EDH deck about a year ago. I play Modern and Legacy mainly.
But for something like this, I think a 1v1 set up would be pretty rad.
Mortlocke says... #2
After thought: If this idea actually gets some traction...then everyone playing CANT scope out other's decks and adjust their own accordingly such that they'll have a higher chance at winning. That wouldn't be sporting.
August 16, 2017 8:49 p.m.