The Top Deck - Episode 2 - How to: Buying MTG as a Gift
Social forum
Posted on Dec. 5, 2015, 7:20 p.m. by Spootyone
Hello all!
Episode 2 of my MTG podcast is now live on YouTube, and is also available in an audio-only form in many locations, including Buzzsprout and Stitcher. In this, we discuss the many Dos and Don'ts when buying an MTG product for someone as a gift - just in time for the holiday season! I hope you enjoy!
And please, leave your opinion here or wherever. We want to improve as much as we can, and would love to here any critiquing you could give. Additionally, we are aiming to get onto iTunes with this episode, so if you happen to find us on there, please leave a review. They help a ton :)
Buzzsprout | Stitcher | Youtube (skip to about 9 minutes in)
[email protected] | @TheTopDeckCast