War Has No Winners. (A LONG pointless rant)
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Posted on Nov. 19, 2016, 2:28 a.m. by Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully
Seriously, this is just a summary of a day with no purpose or direction.
One day I stumbled upon an Amazon card, then I realized I could only buy Amazon things. Thought for a while, got a Prime trial, and said 'fuck it', bought some dice in bulk, some sleeves, and most importantly a box of Conspiracy and a box of Conspiracy: Take The Crown. A lot of bullshit happened and we only had four people to draft, to limit the influence I came up with a draft format (me being the only serious magic player), it was as follows:
"Gatling Draft" For the first pick draft as normal, for the rest of the pack, look at it, shuffle it, and look at the top five cards, then draft one. If a card affects the pack (Agent of Acquisitions for example) it supersedes the top five rule.
It stopped us from filtering the fuck out of our picks and made staying open for colours really matter, archetypes were still a little to open, but it was better than a rotisserie or Winston. Drafting was also fun as hell.
The first draft was Conspiracy, and I went Howling Wolf, with conspiring shenanigans they were 3/3's for 2 with no coloured cost and some keyword, and I just got best down by Vent Sentinel. I would have trapped him if it wasn't for the barrage of removal from a third person (a control player), let's call him Grenzo, who mocked my aggro deck, despite this being a casual endeavour, this meant war.
Grenzo a few games later drafted an admittedly powerful deck with 4 skittering lizards, Muzzio's Preparations and Secrets of Paradise, he mulloganed aggressively and was soon swinging for six. This same game he was just waiting for me to mill myself with Iterative Analysis on four Brainstorms and Advantageous Proclamation, so he left me alone. After he killed everyone else, I remembered a phrase from Cameron of LRR that I felt could be more intimidating, I looked Grenzo in the eye and asked, "How do you like value?". I cast brainstorm, draw 4, drop two, cast Rousing of Souls, and in response I cast Split Decision, copy the souls for four spirits and the cards in hand that I needed, block and hold out until I can constantly use Brago, King Eternal, Custodi Squire, and Doomed Traveler to pump out spirits, fly over him, and leave up blockers. Then the bastard conceded.