where are some active places to play MTG in UK

Social forum

Posted on Aug. 30, 2014, 12:12 p.m. by sup3rskrull

I am in Birmingham and I visited two places, Forbidden Planet and Global Gaming and all I saw Yo Gi Oh players. I don't mind 1-2 hours train trip over the weekend, but I want to go to a place to play and trade for hours. Times and locations would be great. Thanks

S4breK4t says... #2

Yeah I have the same problem as u, theyres Game HQ in Oasis Market which do singles but again its mostly yugioh players :/

August 30, 2014 3:11 p.m.

maiden77 says... #3

Stoke On Trent where I live is quite active. Guys that Game is one place, and theres a Forbidden Planet as well.

Link for guys that store. http://www.guysthatgame.co.uk/
I haven't played there myself but two of my best friends do. And apparently most of the guys that used to go my old LGS go there. GTG is actually on here as a venue too by the way. Stoke is like half hr to an hours train journey so it should be within your criteria. I game at home with my mates which is why I don't actually go to the stores. Although I should actually start doing so!

August 30, 2014 6:49 p.m.

sup3rskrull says... #4

S4breK4t do you live in Birmingham or close to it?

August 31, 2014 3:37 p.m.

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