Wow, I didn't even notice....
Social forum
Posted on Sept. 21, 2014, 1:52 a.m. by GoldGhost012
Apparently I've made it up to rank 7 on this site. 7 is actually my second-favorite number, and is supposed to be the most Magical! I feel special.
Yes, this is literally the best achievement I've ever gotten with my life.
...That feels sad.
And now, back to your normally scheduled lives. Which are probably more fulfilling than mine.
Nigeltastic says... #3
Woohoo! I'm #365, which feels significant due to it being the number of days in a year, but is completely arbitrary!
September 21, 2014 1:56 a.m.
Dalektable says... #6
45...which is significant because...uh....someone help me out here...
September 21, 2014 8:06 a.m.
quesobueno123 says... #7
143, which means i'm cool because according to urban dictionary it means love?
September 21, 2014 8:12 a.m.
quesobueno123 says... #8
Oh ya Dalektable according to a quick google of 45 it's a gun.
September 21, 2014 8:13 a.m.
Hallowed_Titan says... #10
...43....YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME Dalektable!!!!!!!
September 21, 2014 9:48 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #11
You know what's more fun funny than 44? ......45. Made it work
September 21, 2014 9:54 a.m.
Dalektable says... #12
Nice 43rd rank you have there, Hallowed_Titan, It would be a shame if something happen to it...
quesobueno123 I suppose it'll have to work for now, haha. I shall just wait until I am rank 42, so I shall be the answer to life, the universe and everything.
September 21, 2014 10:04 a.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #13
I dont think anythings special about 73...
September 21, 2014 10:42 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #14
If you flip the becomes an L....L3...HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED
September 21, 2014 10:44 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #15
Hey Patrick, you know what's funnier than 68?
September 21, 2014 10:46 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #17
Hmm, I appear to have forgotten this. Sieve on me, then.
slovakattack says... #2
Way to make a great accomplishment depressing, ya butt :P
September 21, 2014 1:56 a.m.