Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation MTG Forum
Duel Decks Anthology (Closed)
Life's Legacy Post Rotation (Closed)
Khans of Tarkir. Hit or Miss? (Closed)
small hint at M16 mechanics (Closed)
San Diego Comic Con: Extra Stuff (Closed)
Morph in Khans of Tarkir (Closed)
1 card reprint per wedge (Closed)
Griselbrand 2.0? (Closed)
Time Travel in KTK (Closed)
Deck Names (Closed)
Ugin? (Closed)
the Ally pain lands (Closed)
Ugin in Khans? (Closed)
Midrange creatures in standard (Closed)
Khans of Tarkir SDCC 2014 (Closed)
Wedge Names (Closed)
New Teferi for Commander (Closed)
Mono Color Commander Decks for 2014 (Closed)
Wedge! (Closed)
Liliana of the Veil (Closed)
Something Old, Something New (Closed)
The Necra graveyard deck (Closed)
Huey Dewey & Louie (Closed)
Koth in [[Magma spray]] (Closed)
Modern speculation (Closed)
Flavor cards for the Un-set (Closed)
Commander 2014 (Closed)
ensoul artifatct (Closed)
Khans of Tarkir Speculation (Closed)
Enchantment creatures again or no? (Closed)
Chasm Skulker (Closed)
New Combos with M15 (Closed)
What should i watch for? (Closed)
Polymorphist's Jest (Closed)
MGD in M15, splash a color or no? (Closed)
M15 Big win cons (Closed)
Dragons in Khans of Tarkir (Closed)
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard (Closed)
FTV: Annihilation? (Closed)
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