Actual Bfz Spoiler thread.

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Aug. 28, 2015, 5:17 p.m. by TheNextRedDude

Because so many requested it, heres a place to talk about all the spoilers that don't deserve threads of their own.

TheNextRedDude says... #1

No, you cannot cast it using any alternate costs.

September 21, 2015 6:33 a.m.

Nimbus171 says... #2

Yeah looking at my Grixis Control deck right now i see why it is going to be very powerful.

September 21, 2015 8:36 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #3

I think we're missing a big interaction for the new upcoming standard season. Has anyone noticed how well a Jace, Telepath Unbound  Flip works against all the new eldrazi processors? I'm thinking that the Ingest/Process engines in BFZ will be limited-playable only, since you don't want your standard opponent who has a flipped Jace to reuse his great removal/utility card 3+ times since you keep putting it back into his GY for him. Since Jace is already so widely played, that means that the whole new processor engine in BFZ is effectively negated for standard constructed if I'm thinking correctly. Therefore, the only eldrazi cards that will be viable are the ones that have the additional effects that aren't completely reliant on that process, since I think Jace will continue to be a dominant part of the new Standard meta.


September 21, 2015 8:42 a.m.

So your plan is to draw cards in order to find a card that finds cards... In an already viable Abzan deck... Seems unnecessary, but you do you

September 21, 2015 8:45 a.m.

OP_Magikarp says... #5

So Undergrowth Champion preorder price shot up to $20 overnight. Any reason why that suddenly happened? Glad I got my playset for $7.50 each.

September 21, 2015 8:46 a.m.

TheNextRedDude yay someone's using my word :D

September 21, 2015 8:48 a.m.

Nimbus171 says... #7

Well it really depends on the processor and the deck. If you use the eldrazi support spells like Titan's Presence. Horribly Awry or any card that exiles really. IT can still Work and certain Processors like Ulamog's Nullifier will still be good in standard. Also there is still a fair amount of removal going ahead for planeswalkers. Brutal Expulsion + Ruinous Path + Silumgar's Command Just to name a few.

September 21, 2015 8:49 a.m.

RedDiomedes says... #8

The processors get to choose what to send to the graveyard and for many if not all the processor cards it's a may effect if I recall.

So yes, don't send exiled sorceries or instants back to the graveyard against a jace player. Don't send anything back to the graveyard against a black or Den protector player otherwise have at it. You want Torrent Elemental shipped of the graveyard instead of of being in exile. I am trying to complete my playset since I think Ingest and it combine to create an odd sort of card advantage. IF your playing white enchantment/exile removal its often better to than process the cards exiled this way to the graveyard before Dromokas Command or God forbid Tragic arrogance put you back at a severe disadvantage.

September 21, 2015 8:54 a.m.

Rayenous says... #9

I wouldn't say "don't send anything back"... but rather, "be careful what you send back", and/or "weigh your options"... sometimes your bonus for processing a card may be worth it for the ability you will get, even if you are sending back a good/playable card.

September 21, 2015 11:15 a.m.

DarkLaw says... #10

I'm looking for a budget deck to play at FNM, I'm thinking U/B Ingest. I can always jam in Despise and Icefall Regent.

September 21, 2015 1:50 p.m.

DarkLaw, if you want I can give you a budget version of my Temur deck Eldrazi. Nuff Said..

September 21, 2015 2:48 p.m.

abenz419 says... #12

Maybe it's not budget because of a 3 color mana base, but I'd say go grixis eldrazi. You have the ingest theme still, along with more options.

September 21, 2015 3:15 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #13

I really like Esper Eldrazi. It feels like really solid control.

September 21, 2015 3:24 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #14

If I had enough money for a good mana base, I would go 4 color control all the way (sorry, green).

September 22, 2015 1:19 p.m.

SorcerersBone says... #15

I like the idea of using allies and eldrazi alongside each other. For example, From Beyond + Tajuru Warcaller for a nice field of creatures, or Smothering Abomination + Zulaport Cutthroat to constantly draw cards gain life and ping for 1. The flexibility of both sides' creatures give way to strange and unexpected flavor.

September 22, 2015 1:57 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #16

I wish I could make 4 color without fetches. So expensive :(

As it is, I might have to stick with 8 manlands in Jeskai control. Which still makes me sad, because we are yet to see them.

September 22, 2015 2:52 p.m.

OP_Magikarp says... #17

And this is why I play green ramp. Mana base is easy. Enough mana for days

September 22, 2015 2:55 p.m.

abenz419 says... #18

@DarkLaw That's why I made it a point to finish off what I hadn't gotten from packs when they were all $8-$10. Just having a playset of each I knew would come in handy, whether it help me play any deck I want in standard or for value later on. But I'm really interested in some 4 color possibilities. There's a couple ideas that seem pretty solid even with trying to support the 4 color mana base.

Also don't know if you realize this but the full set is out so the other 3 manlands that we're getting won't be out till next set.

September 22, 2015 6:06 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #19

abenz419 I'll buy the fetches as soon as I can, but first I actually need to piece the cards for a standard deck together. I'm just getting into Standard. And I am aware that the manlands are next set.

September 23, 2015 11:51 a.m.

DarkLaw says... #20

Is it me, or is the event deck really good in comparison to past event decks?

September 24, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Kroto says... #21

The Event deck for BFZ is really good.

September 24, 2015 1:36 p.m.

saj0219 says... #22

The event deck and the most recent clash pack (or whichever product has collected company and windswept Heath) each had cards I'd actually want... Not sure what to make of that.

September 24, 2015 1:52 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #23

Also, it has mythic rares? O_O

I suppose they are trying to make up for the disappointment of DD: ZvE. They had one job and they screwed it up.

September 24, 2015 2:16 p.m.

Nimbus171 says... #24

i just looked up that decklist and it looks pretty intense to go up against.

September 24, 2015 2:19 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #25

Mythics in an event deck? WOW!

September 24, 2015 5:15 p.m.

Harashiohorn says... #26

I take it you guys missed the modern event deck? Now THERE was an event deck.

September 24, 2015 6:04 p.m.

Harashiohorn, yeah, but this is amazing as well

September 24, 2015 6:15 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #28

Why, exactly, is Scour from Existence a common? Give that both Utter End and Vindicate are rares, should not that card be, as well?

September 24, 2015 10:41 p.m.

snotice says... #29

7 mana is an appropiate cost for an instant that can go into ANY deck. If it were less mana (5 or 6), it might have received a rare rating.

September 24, 2015 10:45 p.m.

abenz419 says... #30

@DemonDragonJ also, 99% of the time a cards rarity has more to do with limited events, like sealed and draft. It has to do with how often they want things to show up in those formats. There are large colorless creatures in this set which means lots of decks can take advantage of them. That means for a good limited environment, lots of decks have to be able to answer them. They can't just put kill spells in every color because that doesn't work with the color pie, but a colorless exile spell fits (color and set flavor). Obviously commons show up far more often than rares so in a draft or sealed event having Scour from Existence as a common means there will be answers available for all of the big creatures that are going to show up and it can be used by multiple deck archetypes.

September 24, 2015 11:24 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #31

Harashiohorn But that deck was about 3x more expensive, right?

September 25, 2015 2:21 a.m.

This discussion has been closed