Anyone Pumped to see what the Gods of Nyx will be like?
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Feb. 17, 2014, 6:21 p.m. by Enlightened_Jedi
I am PUMPED for the UR God. And actually have been brewing up ideas for a UR devotion once he is spoiled.
I'm hoping that he has come instant/sorcery copying effects.
Any theories to what all the new Gods abilities will be like?
miracleHat says... #3
If it is anything like born of the gods, then i will cry and quit drafting until theros/bng/journey is completely gone.
February 17, 2014 6:30 p.m.
I thought Keranos would be a copy effect too, but now I think he'll be something like "whenever you cast a spell, Scry X". A doubling/copy effect seems too strong as a triggered ability.
February 17, 2014 6:33 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #5
Shocker of the century: ChrisHansonBiomancin is stoked to find out about the Simic God. Based on Prophet of Kruphix and Courser of Kruphix , I'm guessing that Kruphix himself will be the God of Time or something similar, and there has to be a cool effect that goes with that.
February 17, 2014 6:40 p.m.
Journey into Nyx will reprint the Titans. Not only will it help sell what is usually the worst set in each block but it also makes standard stupid crazy fun.
February 17, 2014 6:57 p.m.
DrFunk27 - I disagree. They won't reprint the Titans because they are too powerful, also they aren't flavorful to Theros.
February 17, 2014 7:13 p.m.
I just can't wait to see the B/G god. I've got this golgari midrange deck that I've been playing since thero's and it has been kicking butt. There was nothing in the new set that really benefit's my deck, maybe a couple sideboard cards like Drown in Sorrow for aggro, but aggro isn't a problem. So, I'm hoping the 3rd set in the block really gives me something that can push this deck to be even better than what it already is.
February 17, 2014 7:29 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #9
I quit playing standard cause of BNG. It's too disappointing.
Modern and Commander here I come :)
February 17, 2014 7:29 p.m.
Unforgivn_II says... #10
All these BNG haters... I personally like all of the BNG gods. But I'm a drafter primarily, so I don't plan on playing them in constructed. But all of them are total bombs in limited. So as long as the gods in JOU are limited bombs, I'll be happy. And Athreos (BW) will be cool. Also, if Kruphix is a bonkers as his followers (Courser of Kruphix and Prophet of Kruphix ), I may have to build an EDH deck for him.
As far as drafting the block goes, I like the change of pace BNG adds. Theros was getting pretty boring. Now black has some decent creatures (Servant of Tymaret , Forlorn Pseudamma , Marshmist Titan , Spiteful Returned ), so its finally playable as a primary color, not just support with removal. Now all color combinations can be played to some success, where as before anyone running black was dead without playing red as well.
February 17, 2014 7:58 p.m.
MadScientist says... #11
I'm hoping for some serious simic pump I am looking to take
TimALingPingADing Playtest
SCORE: 23 | 23 COMMENTS | 3306 VIEWSand make it a fully simic deck. Hoping that journey will help me do that.
February 18, 2014 1:27 a.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #12
I cant wait for the izzet god, Keranos, God of Epiphany. I feel like he will have a scry and burn ability. at least, that is what I hope. something like whenever you cast an instant/sorcery, scry x and deal x damage to target creature or planeswalker, where x is that cards cmc. that would be pretty sick. izzet really needs a boost right now
February 18, 2014 1:57 a.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #13
CommanderOfBolas that actually sounds like a pretty awesome and fair ability honestly. I'm with you. RU needs SOMETHING. Plus a Scry Land.
February 18, 2014 11:08 a.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #14
thank you Enlightened_Jedi. I started playing magic with izzet.i really want to keep playing it but it isn't very competitive. it needs a Sphinx's Revelation type of card. it also needs a sweeper. but for now, I would settle for a kick ass god
February 18, 2014 11:45 a.m.
infinitemana says... #15
CommanderOfBolas: izzet Sphinx's Revelation ? You mean Epic Experiment ? XD
February 18, 2014 12:32 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #16
Epic Experiment is nowhere near the power level of revelation. it doesn't actually draw cards and it only hits instants and sorceries.
February 18, 2014 12:34 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #17
CommanderOfBolas I actually am an Izzet fan as well. Like you said it need's a Rev type of card, sadly the Only option is Opportunity at the moment, which is what I run in my Izzet Control (standard) at the moment. I also run UW control and there is a world's difference simply due to Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Sphinx's Revelation , sadly =/
Melek is my EDH general.I'm hoping Keranos is awesome because I would love a spell slinging/devotion deck.UR definitely has the potential for an awesome tier 2 - 1.5 deck
February 18, 2014 4:07 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #18
I think if they give izzet a good sweeper and better draw power, it could be tier 1. it just doesn't have enough solid removal right now. I do think it has an edge against uw because of Counterflux and Stormbreath Dragon , but verdict, d sphere, and revelation are just really good
February 18, 2014 4:13 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #20
Schuesseled honestly forgot all about that lol I actually love that card though.
yeah in the mirror match, post side it definitely has the edge. I love counterflux-ing or Izzet Charm a huge revelation lol Hopefully JOU will bring something to give it the boost it deserves. CommanderOfBolas
February 18, 2014 5:30 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #21
Tbh, Izzet is lacking in a lot of aspects for true control, and it would be out of flavor for those colors to be shore up those weaknesses. True sweepers are generally reserved for White and Black; RU only has mass burns or bounces. Enchantment and Planeswalker removal (outside of burns) are not in the RU playbook either unless they're countered. Life gain is also not found in those colors, so the best bet there is generally Artifacts. Finally, hard removal without drawbacks (like leaving behind tokens)is not part of RU's arsenal; Turn / Burn is basically the only option and it requires 5 mana.
February 18, 2014 5:36 p.m.
Haha you can't make the minor gods to good or they will be OP because there are 10 of them The UR will have something with scry like the cards with UR now in theros/bng
February 18, 2014 10:51 p.m.
lord_of_the_snakes says... #23
all i want is for pharika, atheros, and kruphix to be good, since those are the only gods I was looking for anyway
February 19, 2014 7:19 a.m.
Anger of the Gods is quite a nice sweeper for izzet, and it comes out a turn earlier than verdict. izzet's main problem is dealing with giant creatures that it can't counter for one reason or another: maybe if they don't have a counter, are tapped out, uncountable etc. It just lacks solid spot removal. (Mizzium Mortars is quite nice though) On the topic of the gods, I love ephara, I hate how they made phenax mill: (i was so looking forward to wizards being creative and going outside their commonly accepted dimid theme, but to no avail), menages is pretty good, but i think it may be a bit overrated, and mogis is so overrated. Karametra is good in edh, but it kinda sux in standard.
blackmarker90 says... #2
There will be one that is ok an the rest will be mildly disappointing, like the BNG Gods were.
February 17, 2014 6:29 p.m.