BfZ Block Planeswalkers
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Sept. 9, 2015, 4:17 p.m. by Rayenous
So... we now know that BfZ has Gideon, Kiora, Ob...
We were told that all of the 'Origins 5' Walkers, except Liliana, would appear in the BfZ block...
So, we should be Expecting Jace, Nissa and Chandra. - Do you think that there will be 6 Walkers in the Block, or did they 'misspeak' when they mentioned the 'Origins 5'?
Personally I think there will be 6 Walkers. As M13 and M15 both had 6 Walkers, it's not unheard of for there to be 11 Walkers in a year rather than 10... so seeing 3 Walkers in 'Oath' is not impossible.
I'm 90% sure we won't see any new planeswalkers in BFZ. However we could see Jace, Nissa, and definitely Chandra in OGW. I'm curious to see whether we'll get 4 in BFZ or if we'll get 3 in OGW. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
September 9, 2015 4:23 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #4
I think I read somewhere that the Eldrazi plot will continue into a future block (it would have to because Kozilek and Emrakul are missing). That leaves plenty of room for the other involved walkers to make an appearence (Ugin, Sorin, Nahiri) should they not appear in this block. Though Ugin is mentioned in the flavor text of one of the new artifacts (part of the Mind Stone/Dreamstone Hedron "cycle," I forget what it's called) so its likely he will appear soon, at least in the lore.
September 9, 2015 4:34 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #5
CastleSiege that wouldn't surprise me. Lorwyn took two blocks to finish (the first being Lorwyn and Morningtide, the second being Eventide and Shadowmoor). so that is entirely possible that the BFZ stuff will continue into block 2 next year.
September 9, 2015 8:59 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #6
canterlotguardian, this is the second Eldrazi block so it would have to continue into at least a third block.
September 9, 2015 11:32 p.m.
ATTENTION ANYONE CONSIDERING USING OB NIXILIS, REIGNIGHTED IN THEIR DECK:Don't use this card it is terrible, and here is why...First off, let's talk about the card itself, sure it is great for control, however, it will take way to long to ultimate and has no potential as a real finisher in my opinion. Next its a planeswalker AKA premier removal target, plus it's like 11 bucks. Sidisi, undead vizier is only 1.50 and it is better, here is why. Let's start with Ob's +1. Sreight off the bat, sidisi replaces itself in your hand, just like Ob can, but it is any card, and you don't lose 1 life. Sure you can't do it every turn, but you can fetch a sweet draw spell. Now let's look at Ob's -3. Sidisi is pretty much removal. It is 4/6 Deathtouch that is removal of you ask me, plus you can fetch removal if you need to. Now Ob's -8 and a 4/6 body that your opponent doesn't want to block seem pretty similar, it's 4 damage every turn, same thing. That is if you don't acount for the fact that Ob takes a 4 turn minimum to start dealing damage every draw, sidisi can start attacking the turn after you play him. Overall, Sidisi is a better card, for a tenth of the price.
October 31, 2015 1:58 p.m.
I apologize for not including this in my previous post, but sidisi does have to exploit, but I don't think that's a problem in a format full of sultai emmissary's, blisterpods, carrier thralls, deathmist rapters(witch you can exploit to search for a den protector for value beyond belief), goblin tokens, manifested face down non creatures, and Gideon knight tokens.
CheeseBro says... #2
we are getting nissa in BFZ the art is even confirmed.
September 9, 2015 4:22 p.m.