Black Commander Decklist Revealed
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2014, 7:07 a.m. by nighthawk101
No Damnation .
wow who knew after such a successful run of c13 they'd make a crap c14
October 28, 2014 8:35 a.m.
beakedbard says... #4
I kinda disagree that deck list isn't amazingly crap sure it doesn't have something similar to True-Name Nemesis or the thing everyone wanted Damnation but i still don't think its bad some of the new cards are actually quite decent and medallions are always nice.
October 28, 2014 8:44 a.m.
Ya everyone was just hoping for some individual money-cards that'd make it worth the investment. What I meant was that I have no desire to have 100 of THOSE singles :>
October 28, 2014 8:46 a.m.
beakedbard says... #6
Well that i agree with there's some singles i'll buy from it but i won't buy the pack itself.
October 28, 2014 8:51 a.m.
Profane Command is in the list... What if they reprint the command cycle? Lol. Good luck getting a blue box if they do.
October 28, 2014 8:52 a.m.
I hope Cryptic Command and Jace, the Mind Sculptor are in blue, and Stoneforge Mystic is in white. lol
October 28, 2014 9:28 a.m.
Dude... Cryptic plz. I'd buy a box. I cashed in on Mind Seize, so why not this one?
October 28, 2014 9:36 a.m.
The lack of Damnation
is disappointing. I'm wondering how green deck is going to fare wrath wise. Would it be too much if they reprinted All Is Dust
for that deck?
October 28, 2014 11:21 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #11
If cryptic command gets the print in blue, expect it to drop to like $15 within a day.
And I for one really enjoy this list. It's very easily expanded upon, but the base that they provide can also be very powerful.
October 28, 2014 11:28 a.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #12
It won't drop to $15 in a day, the deck it's in will jump to $100 in a day. Then prices might go down later.
October 28, 2014 11:46 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #13
All Is Dust doesn't sound terribly out of the question as a reprint.
October 28, 2014 12:41 p.m.
They have something against printing good lands n these decks.,
October 28, 2014 1:39 p.m.
Abyssal Persecutor , Grave Titan , Jet Medallion , Shriekmaw ...for $35, that's not awful. Especially when you consider how many rares and mythics they put into that deck list.
October 28, 2014 1:56 p.m.
As I said in another thread, I wonder where Grave Pact went. Clearly more important than every other black staple out there, including Damnation , as far as this deck is concerned. It's still a fantastic deck and I look forward to playing it, just the lack of Grave Pact is the only thing that grates me.
nighthawk101 says... #2
Balls, didn't see the C14 spoiler hub. Sorry.
October 28, 2014 7:13 a.m.