Can we talk about Hypnotic Siren?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on April 12, 2014, 1:33 a.m. by Rocknj06

Okay, I for one am extremely excited for this card.

Hypnotic Siren -- if someone would, please post a picture?

Not only is it a one drop flyer, it has the potential to steal your opponents best creature. Now, this excitement may only be the casual player (or potential EDH player) inside me, but to me, she just seems amazing.

SpaderAce says... #2

Well, there are some AMAZING creatures that can be played at 7 mana, and so wouldn't you rather a static awesome card, as opposed to a situational (sometimes awesome) card? You can play AEtherling , one of the best blue creatures in standard, for 1 less

April 12, 2014 1:40 a.m.

jewnocerousrex says... #3

Problem is the 1/1 flyer only appeals to fast gametypes the bestow only appeals to slow gametypes. The bestow is also overcosted.

April 12, 2014 1:40 a.m.

She's an ok card, really well thought, in my opinion...

Thought I believe that the bestow cost is too high, 7 CMC is too much.

In standard, big cards cap at 6 (see AEtherling ), and even in casual magic, if you're not playing a multiplayer game, getting to 7+ mana doesn't happen often.

If the Bestow Cost was 5 or even 6 I'd say it's a great card.... but 7's too much.

April 12, 2014 1:44 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #5

Spirit Away was never too special. Getting a measly 1/1 Flyer if they kill it doesnt really make much of a difference. Solid Limited card though. Bombs are in much smaller supply there, so stealing one basically wins you the game.

April 12, 2014 1:45 a.m.

@Unforgivn_II: Spirit Away seems worse than the siren, is it just me?

April 12, 2014 1:47 a.m.

Dritz says... #7


If there was not an image the 'broken image' box would not pop up. There has been a submitted image (I submitted it myself.) but there is a bug on the site that makes most uploads not display properly.

As for the card itself, I really like it. It gives MUD the devotion it needs on T1 to curve out nicely and is also a valuable mana dump in the late game when a 1/1 flyer doesn't cut it anymore. You can even drop it on your own Frostburn Weird to get an extra two points of damage across if the opponent is lacking in creatures.

Versatility makes the card IMO.

April 12, 2014 1:48 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #8

Like I said, getting a 1/1 Flyer is basically irrelevant. Late game, that thing will be nothing but a chump blocker. Its unplayable as a simple 1/1 Flying for 1 (ok, not really, but why on earth would you play it over Cloudfin Raptor , other than for the bestow?). I'm just drawing a comparison to a similar card. Even if it is a tad bit more flexible, it doesn't make it good.

April 12, 2014 1:52 a.m.

Dritz says... #9


A variety of early MUD lists played a small number of Galerider Sliver just to have more evasive poke that added to devotion (This being in addition to Judge's Familiar and Cloudfin Raptor ). I see no reason, with the right tweaks to the format, that something similar couldn't happen to Hypnotic Siren as it is nothing but pure upside compared to that and is at the least a decent, out of the side, trick on problem creatures while not being a dead 'hate' card at the wrong time. Sure the bestow isn't Cyclonic Rift but I don't see when 1 for a 1/1 flying became an unplayable rate in a slow Standard environment. Tack on an upside and it seems like an entirely respectable choice even if it doesn't end up making the final 75 of the biggest decks.

April 12, 2014 3:10 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #10

It has its advantages. Being a solid topdeck late game is the biggest upside. Its also a decent annoyance as an early play. It has some flexibility as you can play it as a body when they have none, or play it as a Spirit Away when they do.

I don't like it. I can't quite put it into words on a forum post. Something about it just says I should avoid it outside of limited. My gut tells me so. It could be wrong, but at the moment, I'm a hater.

April 12, 2014 3:50 a.m.

maxon says... #11

April 12, 2014 7:25 a.m.

Rocknj06 says... #12

Coupling Hypnotic Siren with Hero of Iroas would bring the bestow cost down. It wouldn't be unlikely to have two Hero's on the field by the time you would want to bestow the Siren, reducing her cost by 2.

Also, I've seen mention about why not just use Cloudfin Raptor or Judge's Familiar and even AEtherling . What you all are forgetting, is that the Siren will still be in standard once they leave due to the rotation. I can't think of any early game creatures in blue to play that would be better than this beautiful Siren come rotation.

April 12, 2014 10:14 a.m.

I might try to use it just for the giggles

April 12, 2014 11:40 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #14

Making casual U/B Siren deck...

April 12, 2014 11:51 a.m.

jrh350 says... #15

Yes I can see this being played in mono blue as a 2 or 3 of. As mentioned in previous posts it will be a solid T1 play. This card will also be a T4 or T5 play using nykthos and devotion, which is something the deck is build for. Being able to take a blood baron, stormbreath or the like will totally swing the game.

This card does fall short mid to late game if you aren't able to get to 7 mana. But then again it is better than a late game cloudfin; at least it can swing the following turn without being dependent on playing a second creature.

The reason this card can't replace cloudfin is that early game it doesn't have the same potential growth.

April 12, 2014 2:03 p.m.

RussischerZar says... #16

Siren tribal confirmed. :P

April 14, 2014 12:58 p.m.

This discussion has been closed