[Community Discussion]: C14 reactions

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Oct. 27, 2014, 6:29 p.m. by Epochalyptik

This Community Discussion will be the official watering hole for C14 spoiler junkies. Feel free to post sppilers, discuss the cards, and speculate on how the product will turn out.

rdk3 says... #1

Am I the only one having problems getting Unstable Obelisk and a couple other new cards to work in decklists on here? It's really annoying.

November 8, 2014 9:50 p.m.

MarduGras says... #2

You are not alone rdk3. Femme_Fatale has had some trouble adding the new cards to the database but should have the problem sorted out eventually.

November 8, 2014 9:57 p.m.

rdk3 says... #3

Good to hear it's a known issue and being worked on at least. Obviously I'm very excited to add some new cards to my lists because there are some real gems in this set!

November 8, 2014 10:56 p.m.

ThomasHolmgren says... #4

Hi guys and gals.

I am new here and sort of new to Magic (started play in august).

I have been struggling with building a green deck. My deck as it stands now is this DevotionPowerDeck.

I would love some tips and trix and comments to help me make it better and more competitive.

Things I have noticed so far is the vulnurability of the deck early on is a problem. Especially really fast red aggro decks can be a problem to handle and that I would need to get my creatures hexproof even faster. (If I get one of the Swiftfoot Boots out early that is often essencial.)

November 9, 2014 1:43 p.m.

Pilz_753 says... #5

ThomasHolmgren why did post this here?

November 9, 2014 1:54 p.m.

K34 says... #6

Was lucky to get the red deck at walmart, and got the blue deck at my lgs for 25$. Can't wait to rip them open like a wild chimpanzee and play commander. I do kind of begrudge wizards for increasing the msrp by 5 dollars. I don't really think it was necessary, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

November 9, 2014 3:48 p.m.

MarduGras says... #7

I know right I went to my local store the other day and the black, white and red decks were going for $45 to $50 each. So I did the only logical thing. Booted it to target and got the black and white decks for $35 each.

November 9, 2014 4:23 p.m.

TheScantron says... #8

Guess I got really lucky at my lgs because the owner was selling them $30 each. Ended up buying the green and red one for myself and the white for my friend as a gift. Only got to play one game between green and white and I say they are very awesome decks.

November 9, 2014 6:29 p.m.

BreadManDan says... #9

I bought the black one on Friday at the local Target, they were out of the Red so I figured I wouldn't buy anymore...
Today, while I was at work (I deliver bread) I went up front to check and see if Walmart had any available, and to my disbelief they had 3 of the reds. Since it was 4am the checkout lanes were not open so I went back with my wife at about 9. Then I noticed that the price was 24.96 according to the sticker on the shelf. I grabbed a red one, and it rang up for $35, I mentioned to the cashier that the price was different on the shelf, so he changed the price...and I went and bought the green one too LOL. It made my day.

November 9, 2014 6:43 p.m.

PaladinRyan says... #10

Yeah my lgs can be... unreasonable with their prices. They try and raise them to match online prices when it is very easy to go and get things cheaper at target or walmart. I have yet to see their prices on these but I expect them to be similar to SCG prices. Frustrating as I want to support them but when they pump their prices up I have little choice (they were selling Conspiracy packs for 4.25 plus tax last I checked which is outrageous to me).

November 9, 2014 8:30 p.m.

MarduGras says... #11

That was my meal dilemma I wanted to support them but at the same time I didn't want get ripped off in the proses. It is especially hard since they are one of the only magic stores in my area. Ya I live in a small city.

November 9, 2014 9:09 p.m.

TroyMicheal says... #12

I'm not to sure how I feel about planeswalkers as commanders, I like all of the planeswalkers, but to use them as commanders I'm not to sure that I even would bother playing it. My B.U.G. zombie deck did get a huge boost from the black deck.

November 9, 2014 9:27 p.m.

logansullivan says... #13

i happen to have card kingdom as my lgs so i reallt like that

November 9, 2014 9:27 p.m.

Asher18 says... #14

Frankly i'm surprised Walkers couldnt be commanders from the start. They ARE legendary, you know...

November 9, 2014 10 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #15

Asher18 ~ there is a difference between being of legend and being legendary from a lore stand point actually. And also from the rules as well now that I think about it.

Nit picking aside I do see your point and have wondered this myself from time to time.

The only reson I can think of is that until recently there were only a limited number of multi color walkers. I mean basically until INN MOST but not all walkers were mono color. Which would be a tad limiting compared to the options available with multi color creatures.

Just my thoughts.

November 9, 2014 10:06 p.m.

Asher18 says... #16

meh, if WOTC can make walkers into decks (mono at that!) then we should be able to as well. Maybe ther'd be a limiting rule, I.E. if we used Chandra nalaar we couldn't use any other form of her like firebrand or ablaze. It's a good compromise...

November 9, 2014 10:12 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #17

As an aside I wouldn't mind some three color walkers. I know it's not super likely but with all the powerful three color creatures now it could happen.

If they do I actually think that Narset, Enlightened Master is a good candidate to be the first just based off of the entry for her in the set book from the fat pack.

November 9, 2014 10:15 p.m.

MarduGras says... #18

Ya Bellock86 I could totally see that happen. And MaRo said it himself that Narset had a great destiny in this block. Maybe when Sarkhan comes back to the present after saving Ugin she will be a walker and that her spark egnited due to some kind of traumatic event involving the dragons. I hope we see a legendary Taigam as well.

November 10, 2014 5:56 a.m.

AngryBearTony says... #19

Product was released Friday, late that night I went to Target to get a few things, and they only had Green, Blue, and White left (1 copy of each). Picked up Nahiri because I'm in love with her. Figured my LGS would be sold out of red because the secondary owner wouldn't take my pre-order unless it was total paid up front (which I couldn't do over the phone). On the way home from Target, called the LGS back to ask them if they had any decks left, and they had all of them at MSRP (or at least what I think was supposed to be MSRP, $34.99). The primary owner put one aside from me, and Saturday morning when I picked it up, they still had a few copies left of each (an original order of 10 sets of each). And thank god my LGS doesn't change their price from MSRP on those sealed items. I can pick up the rest at my leisure now. Was very happy with the weekend.

November 10, 2014 12:12 p.m.

00xtremeninja says... #20

picked up a blue and red one, going to get another red at some point to break it apart for Kaalia. I will say, I am digging the red deck and am only going to swap out a handful of cards for more beefy artifact things and it should be good to go. the Metalworker unbanning is going to be incredibly fun in that deck

November 10, 2014 1:38 p.m.

xcn says... #21

I know this is way late Ohthenoises but I'm fairly certain that doesn't work. "If Bearer of the Heavens dies during an end step, the delayed triggered ability will trigger at the beginning of the next turns end step," so it'll wait for the end step of the guy to your left, meaning that you'll have sacced Worldgorger Dragon and gotten all of your stuff back.

I'll just make sure I have Soul of New Phyrexia around instead, of course.

November 12, 2014 1:55 p.m.

This discussion has been closed