[Community Discussion]: C14 reactions

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Oct. 27, 2014, 6:29 p.m. by Epochalyptik

This Community Discussion will be the official watering hole for C14 spoiler junkies. Feel free to post sppilers, discuss the cards, and speculate on how the product will turn out.

Bellock86 says... #1

Oh yeah. I'm down with this. These decks are looking pretty sweet.

October 29, 2014 12:28 p.m.

julianjmoss says... #2

The story made it sound like her ability to create from stone is pretty unique. And we know that zendikar is to her as inistrad is sorin so it is believable that she is the stoneforge mystic.

October 29, 2014 12:28 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #3

julianjmoss - There are other pyromancers than Chandra, Pyromaster , so there are likely other Stoneforge Mystic s than Nahiri. Besides if there was One Stoneforge Mystic she would be Legendary, which she is clearly not.

October 29, 2014 12:31 p.m.

julianjmoss says... #4

Also are those tattoos or just molten stone dripping off of the sword.

On another note lords esker stone spoiled


October 29, 2014 12:32 p.m.

erabel says... #5


"Loreseeker's Stone" -

Artifact (uncommon)

, : Draw three cards. This ability costs Ambassador Oak more to activate for each card in your hand.

October 29, 2014 12:33 p.m.

erabel says... #6

Why is [ [ 1 ] ] "Ambassador Oak"? Agggggh

October 29, 2014 12:34 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #7

Lol, that error.

October 29, 2014 12:39 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #8

I'm loving Stormsurge Kraken. Definitely going in my merfolk/sea monster deck.

Also, anyone else wondering why Mythic Spoiler hasn't posted Wurmcoil Engine yet? It was spoiled the other day.

October 29, 2014 1:07 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #9

CastleSiege - I bet it's because Mythic Spoiler is only caring about the new cards, not the reprints.

October 29, 2014 1:08 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #10

Even so, Wurmcoil Engine is a pretty anticipated reprint. Lots of people are excited about it. You'd think they'd put it up to hype people who don't know about it yet.

October 29, 2014 1:22 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #11

Yeah, but Mythic Spoiler has their own agenda. Same with MTG Salvation, neither show Wurmcoil Engine in their spoilers

October 29, 2014 1:24 p.m.

Zuckfat says... #12

Stoneforge walker.... so happy.....!!!

October 29, 2014 1:36 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #13

GUYS! Guys....new Wrath of God variant for Commander. It's also quite good in a casual setting, but that's about it. And it's anti-voltron too.

Meet Mark Rosewater's C14 spoiler:

October 29, 2014 1:45 p.m.

erabel says... #14

Dude, that's baller in a token deck. You swarm the board with a bunch of 1/1s anyways, why not clear the board?

October 29, 2014 1:48 p.m.

Phaetion says... #15

The more I look at her, the more I love Nahiri. I originally wanted Freyalise and her deck but Nixilis and Nahiri both caught my attention. I'm looking forward to pitting them against each other.

October 29, 2014 1:49 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #16

Whoa, that wrath is amazing.

October 29, 2014 1:56 p.m.

MurderHood says... #17

I can't see the wrath what does it do?

October 29, 2014 1:57 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #18

Fell the Mighty


Destroy all creatures with power greater than target creature's power.

October 29, 2014 2:03 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #19

Good for Doran decks, kind of like a more manageable Retribution of the Meek

October 29, 2014 3:29 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #20

anyone think the red deck could get a Mycosynth Lattice or would that be putting too much value into a single deck?

also, if I'm buying the red deck and having a small budget to make it very dedicated to artifacts, do you guys think feldon or the walker would make a better commander? obviously I'll want both in the 100, but I'm not sure who I'll want more consistently. feldon lets me have shenanigan with battlesphere/wurmcoil, but daretti just looks so good because of that ult.

October 29, 2014 4:32 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #21

Probably Feldon, because as you said, you're going to want to be able to use him as much as possible.

October 29, 2014 4:34 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #22

I still can't add these cards everyone, so until yeago gets that fixed, no being able to make decks around them.

October 29, 2014 4:36 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #23

all good, thanks femme.

October 29, 2014 4:46 p.m.

Jay says... #24

I want all of these decks. But I have no money i-i

Also, Nahiri is my new main bitch. Sorry Elspeth, you've been demoted to side ho.

October 29, 2014 5:03 p.m.

Chubbub says... #25

I'm hoping Stoneforge Mystic is in the white deck. It's possible because the deck is cAlled Forged in Stone and Nahiri makes a sword called "Stoneforged Blade"

October 29, 2014 5:04 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #26

$40 MSRP, right? I can buy... half a deck. T_T

October 29, 2014 5:04 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #27


October 29, 2014 5:25 p.m.

gufymike says... #28

34.99 MSRP GoldGhost012

I've already pre-ordered all 5 for 150 at my lgs D:

October 29, 2014 5:27 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #29

I'm not gonna lie, slightly disappointed in nahiri. not that the card that is there isn't awesome, but I wanted to see more of that hedron control magic, like what she did to seal ob nix, and we're not getting any of that.

October 29, 2014 5:30 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #30

asasinater13 - If you read the Uncharted Realms you'll learn that Nahiri learned how to make the Hedrons from Ugin, and this card is probably from her pre-Eldrazi sealing, so she wouldn't have known how to make the hedrons.

October 29, 2014 5:36 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #31

hmm. the wizards site has been down so I haven't been able to read the uncharted realms yet, I will as soon as I can. Makes sense, and I get that it does fit her character and is good. Doesn't stop me wanting to see her being a hedron-wielder at some point. it seems she may be dead though, so this might have been our only chance.

October 29, 2014 5:45 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #32

For anyone who is interested in playing the new cards untap.in lets you put custom cards into the decklist by linking the image. The instructions for doing so are in the FAQ on the site. Sign up is free.

Chubbub ~ the odds of a stoneforge mystic being in there is slim. It's half the value of the precon by itself

October 29, 2014 6:07 p.m.

NateJH says... #33

Medallion are 1/3 the price and are in all the decks. :/

October 29, 2014 6:11 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #34

$7 isn't 1/3 of $30, but I get what you're trying to say.

October 29, 2014 6:13 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #35

yeah. also Wurmcoil Engine so that value isn't too far off.

October 29, 2014 6:26 p.m.

jr92_2000 says... #36

I don't think the price is what would keep Stoneforge Mystic out. I think it's more the similarities between her and Nahiri. For the same reason, Goblin Welder seems unlikely in the red deck.

For white, I'm hoping for some of the better equipment: Umezawa's Jitte , Batterskull , Sword of Fire and Ice cycle, Skullclamp .

October 29, 2014 6:28 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #37

Lightning Greaves , Whispersilk Cloak , Darksteel Plate , Swiftfoot Boots etc all seem to be better choices for WotC to put in then the money card artifacts that don't really hold as much EDH value.

October 29, 2014 6:57 p.m.

Dalektable says... #38

I'm definitely buying the Mono White deck, It'll finally be my way of getting into commander. If it doesn't already I'll add some upgrades to give it a kor sub theme and some of the better equipment and removal. It'll be great.

October 29, 2014 7:36 p.m.

Ah shit, son, I guess Kemba is no longer the Commander of my mono-white voltron deck. In all seriousness, this is beautiful. So much harder to kill and will make the deck so very beastly.

October 29, 2014 7:42 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #40

Umezawa's Jitte not holding EDH value? Whaaat?

October 29, 2014 7:44 p.m.

Eduardogbg says... #41

why's dualcaster mage 15$ at scg? It's a more expensive Fork with a 2/2 body...

Guys, with 15$ you can almost buy a Thoughtseize ... Why would someone spend this money with A FORK IN A BEAR

October 29, 2014 7:50 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #42

Because that fork bear goes infinite with Twinflame or any other copy creature spell.

October 29, 2014 7:51 p.m.

mcskivvies says... #43

Can fork bears be in the next unset?

October 29, 2014 7:58 p.m.

Kravian says... #44

Maybe spork bears, "fork bear" too mainstream.

October 29, 2014 8:12 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #45

I do see the point about Wurmcoil Engine . But I would argue that mystic is a lot more busted than the medallions. Plus if every deck gets a medallion then noone does (someone please name the movie reference so I don't feel like an idiot).

I think it would just add too much power to the white deck and make it near impossible to find even at target or walmat. I mean remember the True-Name Nemesis debacle when C13 hit? Really don't wanna see that again.

October 29, 2014 8:13 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #46

The Incredibles.

First from Dash, then from Syndrome. The fact that Syndrome says it later is a reference to how he still holds on to his childish beliefs. You can also see it in him when he sniffs his nose and wipes it. Remember, everything done in movies is on purpose :)

October 29, 2014 8:18 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #47

Sweet I'm not the only person who liked that movie/has kids. Lol

Does anyone agree/disagree aboutnmy true name comparison?

October 29, 2014 8:21 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #48

I agree with you, but it wasn't that big of a deal. in fact, people LIKED it. The only problem was was that it destroyed competition between big box department store companies and small LGS's

October 29, 2014 8:24 p.m.

MurderHood says... #49

I think Dual Caster is high priced because... Flash in against Jeskai/Any Form of Delver and copying a Treause Cruise/Dig through Time seems to be strong. :/ don't know tho, never played legacy/vintage be4

October 29, 2014 9:02 p.m.

mcskivvies says... #50

The fact thats fork on a 2/2 is why its expensive. It is however just speculation. It could become the next snapcaster for all we know

October 29, 2014 9:10 p.m.

This discussion has been closed