Community Poll: Which new enemy land cycle will we see in Strixhaven?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on March 20, 2021, 9:32 p.m. by StopShot

Mark Rosewater has released his official Strixhaven teaser highlighting things we should expect to see in the next Standard set, among them was:

"• a cycle of enemy dual lands finishing off a ten-card cycle"

Source: Blogatog

Maro's teasers can be pretty vague leaving room for ambiguity while subverting expectations, but this snippet seems the most direct of the bunch, so I wanted to make a community poll regarding the possibilities of each enemy land cycle.

I've pooled through Gatherer and there are currently 12 cycles of ally dual lands that do not have a direct enemy-cycle to compliment them. For each of these ally cycles I'll list each one down below from latest to oldest. But first on the subject of this poll:

• Of the 12 cycles listed below, which one would you like to see an enemy cycle for?

- and -

• Which enemy cycle do you think will get printed based on Strixhaven's themes?

The 12 Land Cycle Candidates

1.) Amonkhet's Bicycle Lands - April 2017

2.) Shadows Over Innistrad's Reveal Lands - April 2016

3.) Battle For Zendikar's Tango Lands - October 2015

4.) Zendikar's Refuge Lands - October 2009

5.) Time Spiral's Storage Duals - October 2006

6.) Coldsnap's OG Snow-Duals - July 2006

7.) Champion's of Kamigawa's Slow Duals - September 2004

8.) Odyssey's OG Filter Lands - October 2001

9.) Invasion's OG Tap Lands - October 2000

10.) Tempest's Lag Lands - October 1997

11.) Mirage's Expanse Lands - October 1996

12.) Ice Age's Depletion Duals - June 1995

Dromar39 says... #2

I for one would love to see tango lands.

March 20, 2021 9:34 p.m.

Hardhitta7 says... #3

I would like the see the Bicycle lands. I want a U/R cycling land.

March 20, 2021 9:50 p.m.

legendofa says... #4

1-Bicycle: Probably not, I'm guessing cycling won't be in this set.

2-Reveal: This is my guess, and one I'd like to see.

3-Tango: This is my second guess.

4-Refuge: No, too Zendikar-y.

5-Storage: High complexity level. Sometimes you just want to tap for .

6-Snow: Would have shown up in Kaldheim, if they were going to appear at this time.

7-Kamigawa Slow: Low powered. If WotC specifically announced a Standard power drop, I would rank these higher.

8-Filter: This is my outside shot, and the one I'd like to see most.

9-Enters tapped: Low powered, and not especially unique anymore with the Guildgates.

10-Tempest Slow: Same response as 7. They're the same cards with different names.

11-Expanse: My other outside shot.

12-Depletion: My choice for least likely. Completing a 25-year-old cycle with mechanics very similar to, but more complicated than, 7 and 10 just isn't going to happen.

So, my ranking from most likely to least likely:

Reveal, tango, expanse, filter, enters tapped, Kamigawa/Tempest slow, bicycle, snow, refuge, storage, depletion.

March 20, 2021 10:05 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #5

I think my guess will be Mirage's Expanse Lands... my hunch is they will complete the cycle and the older ones get put into a follow up set for access for Pioneer/Modern.

March 20, 2021 10:39 p.m.

psionictemplar says... #6

I wouldn't bet on the mirage lands since they have fetches banned in pioneer already. My guess would be for the filter lands since transforming one kind of mana into another seems like a wizard thing to do. Second guess is bicycle lands to tie in with the school colors and potentially cycling decks.

March 20, 2021 11:54 p.m.

shadow63 says... #7

Its gonna be the show lands or the tangos. I'd prefer the filter lands followed by the slow fetches personally but the filter lands just seem awkward in standard and might make mana bases a little too consistent

March 21, 2021 12:54 a.m.

StopShot says... #8

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of storage lands or slow lands, not that I particularly want them but that I think they could still make it into the set. It's possible this set has a cycle of rare dual lands with unique abilities and then the slow lands or storage lands take up another cycle at a lower rarity for draft. Storage lands could be particularly useful if a set has a lot of x-cost spells and spells with extra costs which is something you might see in a plane dedicated to casting spells. That being said I do think the bicycle, reveal and tango lands are probably still more likelier.

As for what lands I'd want to see barring limitations of the set, I think I'm tied between Odyssey filter lands and Time Spiral storage lands, just because I'd love more budget inclusions for the commander format.

March 21, 2021 1:39 a.m.

Yisan says... #9

I'd like to see 1 or 11 myself

March 21, 2021 8:50 a.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #10

My highest preference is for the "tango lands/battle lands" cycle to be completed, with the "bicycle lands" being my second choice, and the storage lands being my third choice. However, the storage lands are highly unlikely, because they are much more complex than are most dual lands, and the five allied-colored storage lands were just reprinted in Time Spiral Remastered. I have no interest in the SOI reveal lands, but I can understand why some players may like them.

The Odyssey filter lands have been rendered obsolete by the Shadowmoor/Eventide filter lands, so that cycle is also unlikely to be completed at any time in the near future. The Coldsnap dual lands have been rendered obsolete by the Kaldheim dual lands, and all the other cycles are also very underwhelming by today's standards, so I feel that the most likely cycles to be completed are the tango lands, the bicycle lands, and the reveal lands.

March 21, 2021 11:13 p.m.

edengstrom1 says... #11

People have been asking for the Tango lands for a long time, and my gut tells me that we will finally see them here. They are also the ones I most want to see printed tho, so maybe I am just biased.

I had never thought much about SOI Reveal lands until recently, but that would be fine I suppose.

I doubt it will be the Bicycle lands since we just had cycling last year in Ikoria and they probably wouldn't want to come back to that mechanic this quickly.

I feel the the other land cycles would be pretty disappointing and aren't very likely, but I've been disappointed before so we'll see.

March 22, 2021 11:26 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #12

I think they are going to do #3 or #11 (even though Triomes are still in Standard).

March 24, 2021 8:10 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #13

March 25, 2021 12:57 p.m.

legendofa says... #14

Are they going to be called Snarl lands going forward, after this cycle?

March 25, 2021 1:07 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #15

legendofa, I like to refer to them as "reveal lands," because they require the player to reveal a card in their hand as the condition for entering the battlefield untapped.

April 6, 2021 11 p.m.

shadow63 says... #16

I call them show lands

April 6, 2021 11:03 p.m.

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