Do we expect Ajani, Mentor of Heroes to fluctuate in price?
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on April 10, 2014, 10:09 p.m. by SpaderAce
As of now, without any other cards spoiled, do we really expect Ajani, Mentor of Heroes to stay $30? I feel like he's good, and I want to play him, but I don't see that he's any better than Kiora, the Crashing Wave , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , or even Jace, Architect of Thought (i know on jace it's because of the duel deck that he's so cheap). So where do we see Ajani, Mentor of Heroes settling in the near, middle, and far future?
That was my thought. At first, i was like "HOLY CRAP", but looking at him more, i wouldn't say he's BAD, but he's definitely not Domri Rade or Elspeth, Sun's Champion status.
April 10, 2014 10:13 p.m.
The Doctor says... #5
He'll probably do what Kiora is doing. Not be used much, but still be around $20 because of mythic planeswalker status.
April 10, 2014 10:17 p.m.
Well, i see that black blue one used a lot more than Kiora, and he's still cheap (oh come on what's his name!). You know which one i mean
April 10, 2014 10:18 p.m.
To maintain $30 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes would need to be playable in other formats. It's a decent enough walker for standard, but no where near good enough for eternal or non-rotating formats.
April 10, 2014 10:19 p.m.
Oookkaaayy that makes sense Slycne. I hope to play him, but I actually hope he stays playable only in Standard (cause that's like all i play, and i have no money ): )
April 10, 2014 10:21 p.m.
His -8 ability is just win more in my opinion. His first 2 abilities make him reasonable in almost any kind of deck.
But....there arenother wincons in those decks that ajani is not needed....yet. come rotation it could be a totally different story. I'll grabbing a few while they are cheaper after initial hype dies down.
April 10, 2014 10:21 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #10
He'll drop eventually for two reasons: The hype surrounding him right now is ridiculous and he's not playable in other tournament formats.
April 10, 2014 10:25 p.m.
The Doctor says... #11
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is whom you're thinking of.
April 10, 2014 10:33 p.m.
That's his name! Thanks The Doctor. Also, off topic, but what are some less well known recurring card draw cards in standard? (beside Sphinx's Revelation )
April 10, 2014 10:34 p.m.
Actually a little nitpick here lore-wise, Ashiok has no canon gender. In all references, Ashiok is simply referred to as Ashiok, no pronouns.
April 10, 2014 10:40 p.m.
Well, sadly acbooster, I didn't know Ashiok's name at first (i typed his the first time lol). But I won't get it wrong again! And, The Doctor, I do know that one, but I was hoping for something that would grant recurring card draw, or absurd amounts of card draw. Divination is very well known, but not what I'm looking for. Something to abuse Kruphix
April 10, 2014 11:14 p.m.
The Doctor says... #16
Nothing in the standard sets as of now, except for SRev.
April 10, 2014 11:37 p.m.
Ultimaodin says... #17
acbooster - comics refer to ashiok as a him,I'm going to go with Ashiok being a guy since the comics are generally cannon
April 10, 2014 11:41 p.m.
Everybody says male, and also, how often is it so hard to notice any sort of breast on these types of things when they're girls?
April 10, 2014 11:53 p.m.
The Doctor says... #20
Well considering a large majority of Ashiok has turned into a nightmarish dust, we'll never knoooooooooooowwww.
mmdw34 says... #2
He's gonna be a fad for a bit and everybody's gonna try to build a deck around him. He wont stay super high but he will still be useful as maybe a 1-2 of in some selesnya decks or naya maybe. I see him staying at like 10-15 when the hype settles
April 10, 2014 10:11 p.m.