Does Anyon Know About Khans Spoilers?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Aug. 25, 2014, 6:17 p.m. by IATEAREPUBLICAN

So does anyone know when Wizards will spoil Khans? Will they even do it? I dont know much about transitioning to new sets and all...

pookypuppy6 says... #2

So, normally there is a "spoiler week"" where a portion of the cards in the set are spoiled two or three weeks or so before it is released.

It has just been confirmed today actually that next week will be the start of the Khans Of Tarkir spoiler season.

August 25, 2014 6:19 p.m.

Ah awesome! So they don't spoil all the cards? I thought they did that with M15?

August 25, 2014 6:47 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #4

They do spoil all the cards eventually, not doing the spoiler week but either in the week after or the early week after that (not sure, someone confirm for me). Spoiler week may even be spoiler weeks (as in, two).

Ha, shows what I know. The above comment gives the basics I DO remember. Hopefully someone else can better answer your queries.

August 25, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Nagaram says... #5

They do eventually but they're released in chunks. Maybe 1 one day 2 the next none the next one the next etc. ( not particularly in that order of course) until they are all spoiled.

August 25, 2014 6:52 p.m.

there are typically 2 spoiler weeks, which start around 3 weeks before a set is released. They will hype everyone up by spoiling some rares during the first week, and most of the commons and uncommons will be spoiled the following week. you can check the wizards website for information about upcoming spoilers, events, etc under their articles section.

August 25, 2014 7:38 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #7

What I normally do is:

  1. Go to

  2. Spam F5

  3. Profit

August 25, 2014 8:15 p.m.

@Gidgetimer I'm on a phone so I can't do that D:

But thanks a lot everyone!!

August 25, 2014 9:03 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #9

IATEAREPUBLICAN - There are other sites you can go to as well, but mythicspoiler does format well on a phone.

August 25, 2014 9:13 p.m.

JWiley129 alright I'll try again. Maybe Gidgetimer's link wasn't working or whatever. Thanks!

August 25, 2014 10:22 p.m.

Zuckfat says... #11

They'll accelerate as the block nears. Typically the whole set is revealed by a week before pre-release. Or at least by Monday before.

August 26, 2014 1:23 a.m.

Thank you Zuckfat! I'm excited to see the spoilers!

August 26, 2014 10:36 a.m.

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