Eternal Masters Spoiler Thread

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Feb. 15, 2016, 11:26 a.m. by FAMOUSWATERMELON


Set Name: Eternal Masters

Number of Cards: 249

Release Date: June 10, 2016

Official Three Letter Code: EMA

MSRP: $9.99


Force of Will


It's worth noting that NOTHING ON THE RESERVED LIST WILL BE REPRINTED. So no ABUR duals and the like.

Additional Information:

Everything You Need To Know About This Set (youtube video)

mathimus55 says... #1

If cube enthusiasts are needing another reprint of Sol Ring to get one in their cube...they're probably trying to play the wrong format. I'm very aware that EMA is trying to support all non-rotation formats, but Sol Ring specifically is a card that has been printed plenty of times that they could use that spot to get a card out there that could use some extra copies out there. Stuff like Aven Mindcensor, Cabal Therapy or Shardless Agent I think would all be much better inclusions for the EDH/cube community than yet another Sol Ring printing as they're all fairly pricey for uncommons and have much less supply than the ubiquitous 1 drop artifact.

May 3, 2016 2:36 p.m.

DarkLaw given that there weren't basic lands in modern masters 1&2, I doubt we'll see islands

May 3, 2016 2:48 p.m.

Arvail says... #3

enter image description here

May 3, 2016 3:24 p.m.

I'm all for a good "island OP, nerf blue" joke every once and a while, but perhaps not in a set where there genuinely won't be basic lands.

Seriously. How hard would it be to add them?

May 3, 2016 4:45 p.m.

Rayenous says... #5

They should reprint the Unhinged Full-Art Lands... with new 'guru' artwork on them.

May 4, 2016 7:40 a.m.

logansullivan says... #6

I would personally like to see unglued land borders with the guru art

May 4, 2016 11:49 a.m.

Rayenous says... #7

So... spoiler season... any idea when they should start?

Normally, for a regular Standard set, you would have the full spoilers completed 2 weeks before release date (one week before pre-release), and the spoiler season would generally consist of the 2 weeks before that.

That would make the spoiler season start on or about May 16th... but since there are no pre-release events for Eternal Masters, might it delay the spoiler season by a week, making it start on the 23rd?

Really just curious as to when I should start keeping an eye out for spoilers.

(for hype reasons, they should start spoilers as early as possible)

May 4, 2016 3:25 p.m. Edited.

00xtremeninja says... #8

It's been about a week so I will say it.

I hope they reprint Tropical Island!

In all seriousness though, I hope this set offers a lot of solid items. Please make it limited, but not so limited that is has a minimal effect. I would be smitten if Mana Crypt was in there and absolutely floored if Mana Drain had gotten in there. Draft environment be damned Wizards, just print off the big buck cards and make people go ape shit for it.

May 4, 2016 4:44 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #9

Is it possible that Temple of the False God shall be in this set? it has been printed in every Commander set, thus far, but it would be very nice to be able to obtain it in foil.

May 5, 2016 3:03 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #10

@DemonDragonJ It has a foil from Scourge. That foil is really expensive, but it does exist.

May 6, 2016 7:04 a.m.

lithium142 says... #11

my own personal speculation would be that we wont see any planeswalkers until next year when they can reprint Liliana of the Veil. if they do, then Dack Fayden, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Karn Liberated, and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas will be the ones. I'm thinking we'll definitely see Spellskite, and at least Ancestral Vision and Brainstorm among the blue stuff. maybe Gitaxian Probe if it fits the draft format. I dont think we'll get zendikar fetches yet. instead, i think we're going to have filter lands, and maybe (hopefully) future sight special lands (River of Tears, Grove of the Burnwillows, Horizon Canopy, ect.)


May 6, 2016 2:25 p.m. Edited.

Rayenous says... #12

lithium142 - Is there a reason they cannot print Liliana of the Veil? - Not that I expect her to be in Eternal Masters... but I don't know of any reason they cannot.

Also, is there any reason you think that they are unlikely to print any PW's without her? - Jace, the Mind Sculptor certainly comes to min for me... but I wouldn't necessarily expect both him and FoW in Mythic slots.

May 6, 2016 2:44 p.m.

lithium142 says... #13

My thoughts are based on past trends. They seem to really like doing planeswalkers in sets of 5, but I wouldn't put it past them to change that for a limited set.

as for lily, im 99% certain she wont see a reprint until at least next year. same with snapcaster. all the moderns masters sets thusfar have only reprinted cards that were first printed at least four years ago. with some small exceptions (namely, commons dont seem to matter in this, but also Surgical Extraction last year), but it's hard to think that they would break the trend with such pronounced cards.

May 6, 2016 3:12 p.m.

zephramtripp says... #14

What are some Eternal cards we could likely see at common? Like Trained Armodon or Llanowar Elves or what have you.

May 6, 2016 3:32 p.m.

saj0219 says... #15

I think Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas makes a lot of sense here - they reprinted Tezzeret the Seeker in MM2 and everyone was hoping for Bolas, but maybe they knew he as going in Eternal Masters.

Liliana of the Veil seems unlikely if we assume there will be a MM3. She'd be a great headline for the next modern masters set, and my guess is they save her for that.

Karn Liberated feels unlikely because he saw a MM2 reprint.

I could see Jace, the Mind Sculptor but am hoping against it (and would rather see Dack Fayden).

It's extremely unlikely we see five walkers in this set. I'd be more surprised to see three than I would to just see one.

May 6, 2016 3:36 p.m.

Both Modern Masters sets had two 'walkers, and I think we'll likely see that again here. Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Dack Fayden seem like reasonable guesses.

I completely agree that WotC will almost undoubtedly save Liliana of the Veil for MM3 next summer.

I would also be very surprised to see a cycle of rare dual lands, considering that neither Modern Masters set had one.

May 6, 2016 5:21 p.m.

saj0219 says... #17

SpringingTiger, I do think two are most likely... I'd just be more surprised if they went above two than if they went down to one.

May 6, 2016 7:22 p.m.

saj0219, that's definitely possible, especially since there aren't very many that aren't legal in Modern. (I count seven. Jace, TMS, Dack, and the five from Commander 2014.)

May 6, 2016 7:56 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #19

Traded a bunch of stuff, including two Verdant Catacombs, for a Mana Drain last night. I assume it probably won't be in EMA since we're already getting Force of Will at mythic. Hope I'm right lol.

May 7, 2016 12:49 p.m.

braderus9 says... #20

Mortem Lol

May 8, 2016 11:46 a.m.

What do you guys think draft is going to look like for this set? I hope it's cube-like.

I think there will be a storm archetype that can come together once in a blue moon.

Maybe mono green ramp?

GB aristocrats doesn't seem that hard to imagine. And we can finally get more copies of Brindle Shoat for paper mtg!

May 9, 2016 6:46 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #22

Might the five praetors from New Phyrexia be reprinted in this set? They all have become rather expensive, so I am certain that many players would like to see them printed, again.

May 10, 2016 2:55 p.m.

00xtremeninja says... #23

the praetors would be cool. maybe a Bribery or Gilded Drake reprint too.

May 10, 2016 3:19 p.m.

Omeros says... #24

Gilded Drake is on the reserved list.

May 10, 2016 5:55 p.m.

miracleHat says... #25

What do people think about this article?

May 10, 2016 6:06 p.m.

acronix says... #26

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that this set is going to be crap. The most powerful cards in legacy/vintage can't be reprinted, and as Wizards has shown in both Modern Masters sets as well as Conspiracy, they care more about the Draft aspect than actually reprinting cards. That's why the "Masters" sets have a limited print run. They're meant for a unique Draft format, not for getting people into other formats. And since there's no way they can reprint near enough of the cards that desperately need reprints while keeping the Draft format fun, anyone who's hoping for good reprints are going to be very disappointed.

May 12, 2016 9:39 p.m.

Guftders says... #27

acronix also bear in mind that (if MTG Headquarters have any truth in the video they released about this) then if there are actually a decent amount of NEEDED reprint cards in the set, then the distributors are going to hoard a lot of the print run they get, and jack up the prices on the stuff that they do sell on so much, LGS's will have to charge anywhere between $20-$30 on a single pack (about 15-20 for UK I think).

It's utterly absurd. I for one will vote with my wallet if anyone dares charge me more than msrp+20% XD

May 13, 2016 6:24 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #28

I won't even pay anything above the MSRP. I will not support any and all "greedy" local game stores. I'd rather buy it online actually.

May 13, 2016 7:21 a.m.

acronix says... #29

Well that's part of the problem. That wouldn't happen if it didn't have such a small print run. If they cared about helping people get into older formats, they'd give the masters sets a normal sized print run and include a decent amount of needed reprints. But since they are only doing it to make a new Draft format, they don't need to have a large print run, and including legacy staples is actually detrimental to include due to how unbalanced the format would be.

May 13, 2016 7:24 a.m.

Guftders says... #30

acronix I think actually the reason that they don't include many needed reprints, is because it takes a lot more work to balance a format with a large number of overpowered cards in it. Not that it couldn't be balanced, but because of the amount of work it would take to balance it. And Kozilek forbid that the R&D team would need to actually work on balancing the set :)

May 13, 2016 7:43 a.m.

Reaxetion says... #31

Bear in mind EpicFreddi, most stores that jack up the price do it because they had to pay more to get it. My LGS sells packs at MSRP when they get them. However they run out VERY quickly because they can only get so many. The demand is still there so they try to get more boxes. But since WotC already gave them the allotted amount, they have to go to other stores and buy it at marked up prices as demand rises. Not all stores are Greedy when they charge an extra $5 per pack. Often times its because players still want them and that is the price they had to pay to get them.

May 13, 2016 9:52 a.m.

Centurion582 says... #32

Anybody else have that nagging feeling that they are gonna do Force of Will , Wasteland and maybe like 3 to 4 other actually well used cards and then the rest of the set will just be whatever landed on the floor in the circle when they just took scraps of paper with everyone's favorite commons and uncommons and tossed them up in the air

May 15, 2016 1:33 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #33

Centurion582, I do not believe that there is any need to be so negative about this set, because while many players found the second Modern Masters to be a disappointment compared to the first, the first set was quite excellent.

May 15, 2016 1:46 p.m.

pskinn01 says... #34

The second modern masters set, wizards tried to balance msrp with what they would sell for. In other words there wasn't enough estimated value for the shops to Jack prices or just bust the packs and sell singles. Which is what would happen to most of the packs if most cards were in demand.

Also, if they reprinted only in demand cards there would be no need for eternal masters 2.

So in my opinion, there will be some cards that are high in demand, some cards that are playable in each of the 4 main eternal formats, and then cards that are just there to support a draft archetype. And a lot bulk filler that can be used in multiple archetypes, but are not cards you would want outside draft. But as cube is an eternal format, some of those will still be playable outside of the initial draft.

May 15, 2016 3:42 p.m.

WizardLogic says... #35

I dislike when Wizards acknowledges that they make some reprint decisions just to keep private collectors happy, yet on the flip side try as hard as they "can" to give the players easier access to cards. I feel from a company standpoint, you appeal only to the players, and don't acknowledge that private collecting is a thing. Just my two cents, I feel like private collecting gets in the way of needed reprints in sets like these meant for older formats.

May 15, 2016 3:44 p.m.

Harashiohorn says... #36


It's important to protect all peoples sense of investment though. It's not ideal that Tarmogoyf is $150, but people can sleep comfortably at night knowing that tomorrow he wont be $2 because he suddenly got reprinted at common without warning. By controlling how they reprint WOTC ensures that the cards the print are more than just pieces of cardboard. A lot of other games have been ruined by over-reprinting, and while nobodies favorite part of magic is trying to get expensive rare cards, I'll take that in exchange for the ensured longterm stability of the game.

May 15, 2016 7:06 p.m.

readerrw07 says... #37

There is only so much they can put into the set without the prices getting jacked up. I honestly just hope that a few really old cards get a shiny new modern printing with cool artowrk, so I cna pick up the singles for EDH rather than pay the $40 a pack or whatever they'll go for if the set is actually good

May 16, 2016 4:03 a.m.

Guftders says... #38

Harashiohorn Tbh, I'm not sure which I prefer out of the two options.

If you've ever played Yu-Gi-Oh, you'll know that they're pretty brutal when it comes to reprints- as such, there are virtually no cards that have a price tag over 50 (barring Tournament prize cards like the xyz Minerva). Of course the advantage is, you can pick up cards pretty cheap most of the time, but you'll have to wait if it's something recent, like Phantom Knights for example. However, this effectively deters most people from picking anything up, in fear of a future reprint.

Of course, we all know how it is with MtG- reprint sets aim to get a higher supply in circulation, but without derailing prices. So while people have confidence that their purchases will not suddenly be worth nothing overnight, it DOES mean that people can buy out singles of a specific card to create artificial price spikes (see Gaddock Teeg, and I believe Arcbound Ravager was also a victim of this, where it went from $25 to $50 overnight). And since prices rarely ever decrease due to a lack of reprints, the new price rarely changes.

So the real question is: do you want to play the game on the cheap; OR do you want to be able sell your collection when you finally decide to leave/stop using that specific deck?

May 16, 2016 7:21 a.m.

smackjack says... #39

Shouldnt spoilder season start by now?

May 16, 2016 9:42 a.m.

saj0219 says... #40

smackjack I sure hope so. I'd guess they will at some point later today maybe?

May 16, 2016 9:53 a.m.

smackjack, saj0219, I believe next week is preview week.

May 16, 2016 11:19 a.m.

smackjack says... #42

So close to release? Its only 2.5 weeks before. It used to be almost a month before, didnt it?

May 16, 2016 11:43 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #43

I think spoiler season tends to wrap up the Friday before the pre-release.

May 16, 2016 11:44 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #44

Next week is the spoiler season for EMA. Also, to smackjack's concern, this is a supplemental set, not a large set release. It probably doesn't have the marketing budget that other sets have.

May 16, 2016 11:49 a.m.

Coinman1863 says... #45

Two things:

  1. Spoiler season starts on the 23rd.

  2. With the Planechase anthologies coming out, there is a high likelihood that Shardless Agent will not be reprinted in EMA, which is rather unfortunate.

May 16, 2016 11:50 a.m.

smackjack says... #46

Planechase anthologies?

May 16, 2016 12:01 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #47

May 16, 2016 12:02 p.m.

KidNemo says... #48

I'm with the dismissers here too. It's that 'draft' notation & Reserved list issue that's keeping me from preordering. Still, it's really difficult not to do so, lol!

+1 for Mana Crypt & Rishadan Port !!

May 18, 2016 9:19 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #49

Guys! Guys! Guys! and Gals!

Guess What? Show

May 22, 2016 10:32 p.m.

ZeGinger says... #50

*tonight I bet they'll drop one of two of them at midnight

May 22, 2016 11:27 p.m.

This discussion has been closed