Eternal Masters Spoiler Thread
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Feb. 15, 2016, 11:26 a.m. by FAMOUSWATERMELON
Set Name: Eternal Masters
Number of Cards: 249
Release Date: June 10, 2016
Official Three Letter Code: EMA
MSRP: $9.99
It's worth noting that NOTHING ON THE RESERVED LIST WILL BE REPRINTED. So no ABUR duals and the like.
Additional Information:
DiamondFlavor says... #2
I'm wondering if Toxic Deluge and/or Yawgmoth's Will are likely contenders for this set. I want both for EDH but I'm not sure if I should commit if they're about to be reprinted.
February 22, 2016 10:58 p.m.
alanwescoat says... #3
DiamondFlavor, Yawgmoth's Will is on the Holy Reserved List of abandoned intellectual property. It is banned in Legacy and Restricted in Vintage, so, unless you are playing Urza's Block, you only need 1x. I omitted it from my list above because it currently lists below $20. I also omitted Wheel of Fortune, Tolarian Academy, and Fastbond for similar reasons.
February 22, 2016 11:09 p.m.
alanwescoat says... #4
Working with the list of 30 cards I presented above and the prices indicated from TCG by the mouseover, a playset of the dual lands is 40 cards costing $6728.04. Adding the remaining Legacy staples is another 32 cards totaling $10,024.60 for 72 cards together at $16,752.64. 4x Mishra's Workshop and 1x each of the remaining eleven cards comes to 15 cards for $21,906.20. All 87 cards together come to $38,658.84.
These prices are nonsense, and the fact that Wizards refuses to reprint them makes it absolutely clear that they want both formats to die. It would be cheaper to play polo. I had been including Force of Will until the official announcement that the utility card was going to be printed at mythic frequency in the upcoming set (so much for promises about mythic rarity and utility from Wizards). A playset of Force of Will would up it by $348.60 for a total of 91 cards at $39,007.44.
Even if you had those 91 cards, you would still not have a deck, and I have not added in the obligatory playset of Wasteland..L.O.L.
February 22, 2016 11:36 p.m.
SpringingTiger says... #5
I think that the utility cards at mythic thing is more for Standard legal sets, not supplemental sets with expensive reprints. Remember that Tarmogoyf was a mythic in both Modern Masters sets.
February 22, 2016 11:45 p.m.
zephramtripp says... #6
I think that it's funny that a spoiler thread on a set that is still two sets away has 300 comments. Have people already given up on SOI and Eldritch Moon?
February 23, 2016 1:05 a.m.
alanwescoat says... #7
zephramtripp, I think it is testament to the sheer number of people who truly want Eternal formats to be accessible.
February 23, 2016 1:13 a.m.
But alanwescoat, as you have so nicely presented, EMA will not make the format more accessible for anyone.
It's actually a mystery to me why this set is even being printed. I mean I understand the money but damn. We will see how many placeholder cards are included just to release a set. I expect most cards in the set will be absolutely useless in the formats.
This is the reason I want to see reprints for cards I could actually use for my Commander decks. New Counterspell, Ashnod's Altar, etc. I want new pretty foils for Commons and Uncommons.
February 23, 2016 1:26 a.m.
alanwescoat says... #9
Azire, of course this product is not going to do what Eternal players or wannabe Eternal players want it to do. It does seem like it will probably be more useful to E.D.H. players than to anyone else, other than Wizards and the price-gouging asshats in the supply chain. I am merely observing that the sheer number of comments in this thread is indication that a lot of people want to play Legacy and Vintage. This set could be amazing, but without anything from the absurd Holy Reserved List of Abandoned Intellectual Property, it is not going to be amazing. It is probably not even going to be particularly good, but I will probably let myself get gouged some ludicrous price for the "privilege" of cracking a pack or two.
I am grateful to you and to people like you who have money to blow on foils, which makes my experience in keeping up with this ludicrously expensive game partially possible...L.O.L.
February 23, 2016 1:50 a.m.
alanwescoat well dude, thats just a plain fallacy... You don't necessarily need all those cards to play Legacy and you certainly won't obtain them all in a lifetime unless you're a filthy rich obsessive collector...
You can just work your way up to finishing your main deck, it may even be your own build, because you know, part of the game is building a deck, but let's say you're trying some online list that you are fond of and you could very well have 95% of that list paying like 3k over a year or something, adding with cards you already own or the ones you're up for trading to get staples for your list and before you know it, you're done. You even have budget options like only 2 Duals and 2 Shock lands, you're gonna be less competitive because you have 2 Shocklands on your deck? Well, tecnichally yes, but it's not gamebreaking...
After you've assembled your first deck, it's fairly easy to trade it off for other decks or better cards for your deck, then from time to time you can very well play with several different decks, as long as you're willing to trade off once in a while, without paying much, playing the format you like and still not being forced to buy stupidly expensive cards like The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
February 23, 2016 1:53 a.m.
TheInsanelyMadWizard says... #12
I exaggerated just a tiny bit. There will most probably some cards I can use. I'm not really familiar with any of the cards they're gonna reprint so I'll be looking at spoilers every now and then.
February 23, 2016 2:47 a.m.
alanwescoat says... #13
Duffzord, yes and no. Piloting one deck gets dreadfully dull. Of course, if I played in the environment I used to play in, things would be much better. I prefer to just play M.T.G. The game is a blast! In my current meta, I have only one person (who has a playset of all of the duals and many of the others I listed) who simply loves to play, but he also wants to train because he flies all over Asia competing.
If M.T.G. were what it used to be about for me, a group of people playing cards until sunrise, I really would not care. People could proxy what they wanted, or we would just agree to tone down the power, or form teams, or whatever. I honestly wish that I liked E.D.H. more than I do because I could play that once per week if I wanted.
Anyway, the players in my area do not LOVE to play M.T.G. in and of itself. They only want to compete, which means paying at sanctioned tournaments such as F.N.M., G.P.T., etc and competing for prizes. It is a poor attitude, but that is the culture I am dealing with. If there is no money or prizes, they are not interested in playing. It is a sad attitude, but that is what I am dealing with.
The real issue I am dealing with is a social need for the players to play only tier-1 decks. I am very nearly the only decksmith in my meta and the only fairly decent one. Nobody wants to play Pauper or any other innovative format. The only thing anyone seems to want to do is pretend to be pros in sanctioned formats. For me to play, I have to square off with players who are skillfully piloting card-for-card copies of whatever is winning at the moment.
Also, if you have 3K over a year of pocket money for cards, that rocks for you. I am trying to figure out how to get the cash together just for the 4x Chain Lightning and 4x Price of Progress I need just to finish Legacy Burn, and to be honest, for as good as that deck is, I do not particularly enjoy playing Burn. I also dropped a small amount of cash in January finishing up the shell for Twin about two weeks before Splinter Twin got banned...L.O.L. It is not that the rest of the cards are not useful, but I would now have to spend even more money getting more cards...
...and so it goes.
Two weeks ago, I was considering picking up a playset of Mox Diamond. I could get a playset for about $140 plus shipping, plus extortion fees from the customs gangsters at the border. I just got paid some bonus money for a spare job I did. I checked the price. Mox Diamond has more than doubled in price in those two weeks.
This is what is getting really stupid about it. There is no way to even budget for this. You cannot save up for something because the prices just keep going up and up and up, and there appears to be some kind of endless supply of money magically appearing from somewhere or other for things to keep going up like this.
Last year, as I was looking at the Tron shell, I realized that I was reasonably close to having it. I was just short 1x Eye of Ugin, 1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, and 3x Oblivion Stone. I focused on other things. Oblivion Stone is critical to the deck, and it has gone up more than double in that time. Eye of Ugin has gone up 800% in the past couple of months. I can work the deck without Eye of Ugin or any Eldrazi, but it does not work without Oblivion Stone, and the buyout asshats know this.
While the prices do come down after a while, they never seem to come down to even close to where they were before the buyouts.
February 23, 2016 2:58 a.m.
Yeah alanwescoat I do have a higher budget than a lot of Magic players. I mean I spend on average $200-300 a month on cards I don't have. I can usually spend up to $500 but that would limit my movie theater time and what not.
When you factor box prices though it doesn't seem like that much. Especially this box which will be $240.
With my kind of spending, Vintage and Legacy are still ridiculous. It would take too long to buy a deck, a deck I may not enjoy. The formats are pretty dead around here as well. It's hard enough to find anyone that plays, or even could play if they wanted. Modern players are hard enough to find.
Play Standard or play Commander. My budget is what allows me to foil decks out. I make great trades. I try to get people's foils/promos off them pretty often so the cards add up.
February 23, 2016 3:28 a.m.
Am surprised that Entomb has not been mentioned in this. Maybe a reprint for Griselbrand because...
Story spoiler Show
February 23, 2016 7:10 a.m.
I've never been interested in Legacy/Vintage, since the card frames are just... Ewwwwww (no offense to anyone who likes that frame). I mean, I'm tempted, just because I like the Lands deck, but eh. Commander is my thing tbh.
But yeah, the card frames is pretty much why I would have never bought anything from that era. Until now. If the list spoiled on 4chan has any merit to it (probably only a wish list due to that one reserved list card), then it would be pretty awesome to get hold of Vampiric Tutors in a modern frame, as well as other such cards.
Wizards- why are you doing this to me?! Dx
February 23, 2016 7:25 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #18
Subbing. I predict the set will be better than MM2, but not as awesome as MM1 as far as amount of semi-expensive playable cards go. I won't be buying any boxes, but I might pick up some Wastelands and a few Berserks if they get the reprint so I can play legacy infect (minus the duals, of course).
February 23, 2016 11:12 a.m.
Berserk seems like a prime candidate for a reprint. It's price is ridiculous.
February 23, 2016 11:16 a.m.
I'm going to try to pick up three boxes if the value is good enough.
February 23, 2016 11:17 a.m.
I've been pretty damn on-point with my predictions lately, so I'll put down some specific ones to see how well they'll hold up:
- The land cycle printed in EMA will be the Khans Refuges at uncommon.
- The two planeswalker reprints will be Dack and Daddy Jace.
- EMA will not have either Liliana or Snappy. Those will receive reprints in MM3 in 2017. They will be the first two cards spoiled.
- WotC will reprint the Zen fetches in the first set of the block after we're done with Innistrad.
February 23, 2016 11:54 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #24
TheDevicer khans refuges.... you mean the lifelands? I hope not. I do know that the wasteland set number thing does hint at it.
February 23, 2016 12:18 p.m.
Well, to be fair, once the rumors about ema hit the web, I told my friend they were probably true. I called force and wasteland as the first spoilers. I also figured that the event decks and such being dropped meant another supplementary product being released. I'm feeling pretty prophetic.
And yes, I'm talking about the khans lifelands. I feel like you guys might be expecting too much value from this set. It's likely that WotC wants to have an uncommon land cycle support the draft environment while leaving space for high profile reprints. That way the price of this set isn't going to be so ridiculous that players can't afford to draft it. Players already felt strained to draft mm2 because of the price of boosters.
February 23, 2016 12:19 p.m. Edited.
I really doubt they would reprint the lifelands though. There are other relatively inexpensive lands that could be printed over ones that have so recently seen a first printing.
February 23, 2016 12:30 p.m.
TheDevicer The point of the masters sets is to bring back cards that haven't been printed in a while, why would they bring back a land cycle that was printed not even two years ago?
February 23, 2016 1:12 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #28
Because this is a drafting set, and the lifelands are excellent mana fixers.
February 23, 2016 1:16 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #29
We could see the mirage fetches like Rocky Tar Pit
February 23, 2016 1:20 p.m.
I would actually be pretty mad if we saw Mirage Fetches. They are too slow and thus not very competitive. Who would actually use them?
Look at their prices, it's because nobody uses them, they suck.
February 23, 2016 2:14 p.m.
We're going to see evolving wilds before the mirage fetches. Lol.
February 23, 2016 2:20 p.m.
Evolving Wilds gets printed in every set doesn't it? At least a lot of sets. It is a likely inclusion. Sadly, I literally have like 80 of them.
February 23, 2016 2:22 p.m.
The thing to remember, which a lot of people don't, is that there are 240+ cards in the set and only a few can be all-stars. There are going to be some clunkers. But just ensure that you don't set your expectations too high and expect the moon, when instead the set offers a reasonable rate in a comfy apartment right outside of downtown.
February 23, 2016 2:30 p.m.
I know it JWiley129, that's why I have my fingers crossed for playable Commons and Uncommons. Some great Eternal cards that don't deserve Mythic/Rare rating in the set.
Not even expensive cards, just cards that get played that don't have Foils yet.
February 23, 2016 2:35 p.m.
Thank you JWiley129! Everyone is upset it isn't having power nine, or they are saying commons and uncommon HAVE to be valuable. These packs will have a wide array of possible cards. There are going to be some cards that are in there specifically for drafting, some for commander, some for legacy, some for vintage, and even some old cards that don't see play but haven't ever been reprinted. If you expect every pack to contain 14 Mythics and a foil Power Nine, then yes, you will be disappointed... If you expect there to be some awesome cards at a fairly common rate (I.E. most packs will replace your value - at least if you take the average of multiple packs) then you will be perfectly happy with this set.
I cant wait to draft this set and open my box with friends.
February 23, 2016 2:35 p.m.
I have no fears of being disappointed. I expect the set will be 95-98% useless garbage.
To be fair, while everyone else is getting excited for stuff like Force of Will and Wasteland, I will absolutely lose my mind and be 150% satisfied if I get a Foil, New Art Ashnod's Altar.
February 23, 2016 2:41 p.m.
My wishlist isn't that large, but I would like to see Show and Tell, Sneak Attack, and Imperial Recruiter. They could all use another printing.
I'll even settle for some subset of the three!
February 23, 2016 2:42 p.m. Edited.
Besides for Ashnod's Altar I will just be happy to see cards that haven't been printed in a new border. I like new border cards with my Commander decks. I don't like pulling cards that don't match the deck at all.
February 23, 2016 2:48 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #39
A cool new-art Crop Rotation would be fun. I'm in the boat that doesn't care so much about the prices of the cards being reprinted as much as the playability of the reprints. I'd rather have more printings of Invigorate or Daze in the set rather than a few super-expensive rares. Of course if there are a lot of pricy rares reprinted I sure won't complain either!
February 23, 2016 3:02 p.m.
Harashiohorn says... #40
I think something else to remember about this set is while it certainly isn't going to "crack open" legacy per say, it certainly makes it a lot easier to get in to, in the past it could be impossible to even find someone at your LGS who had some FoW's to trade. Is legacy going to be cheap and super accessible? No, but we can't complain at WOTC for doing something that is only beneficial to us. The only people hurt by this are speculators. There is no harm for the rest of the MTG community, and consequentially I don't think we should be unhappy at all about this set.
February 23, 2016 3:25 p.m.
Did you see that Goblin Warchief is the FNM promo for May? Pulling info from MM15's FNM promos, Goblin Warchief is most likely not going to be in the actual set, so thats something.
February 24, 2016 8:49 a.m.
Wotz should just reprint stuff on the RL. Piss off hundreds to make thousands happy? Sounds like a good deal to me
February 24, 2016 12:31 p.m.
JWiley129 I think it's funny how you're telling people not to get their hopes up and then you're hoping for only expensive cards.
February 24, 2016 12:38 p.m.
Livingham - Are they expensive? Yes. But it's not like I'm asking for 50 expensive cards, just 3. Also they are prime candidates for reprints.
February 24, 2016 12:58 p.m.
You can also hope for the best while expecting nothing at all. Think about what attitude most people who buy lottery tickets have.
February 24, 2016 1:10 p.m.
Imperial Recruiter is pretty much the only card i want to see in this set. Probably wont see a reprint tho. If you compare EMA to MMA we already have the "goyf" in Force of Will. Thats probably the most expensive card we will see. Then a couple $40-50 cards and a lot of trash. I don't expect the overall value of this set to be higher than MMA..
February 24, 2016 1:21 p.m.
Well, the first card spoiled by Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and it's only worth like $30 so maybe this is one of the less expensive mythics? I doubt this is reality, but who knows?
February 24, 2016 2:15 p.m.
Force of Will may be one of the least expensive that is.
DuTogira says... #1
Any chance they reprint AEther Vial? I love the card, but don't particularly like either of its arts.
February 22, 2016 10:39 p.m.