February FNM promo: Clash of Wills
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Nov. 24, 2015, 11:40 a.m. by JWiley129
So continuing with the Magic Origins promos for FNM, we get Jace on Clash of Wills
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #4
It isn't great considering hard ramp is a lot more difficult to pull off in current Standard. You aren't going to see a whole lot of X mana costs nowadays without Nykthos, besides Hangarback Walker.
November 24, 2015 1:40 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #5
Before rotation, I noticed some UB Control players ran some number of this.
November 24, 2015 1:45 p.m.
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #6
It can hit one turn earlier than Scatter to the Winds or Spell Shrivel, but that's pretty much all it has going for it over the other counterspells in the package. If you want to counter unless is paid, you can pay , but Spell Shrivel does the same thing for less. And Horribly Awry hits reasonable-costed spells easier, with the added exile effect. Plus, if you see your opponent counting your lands repeatedly, you can guess it's in his/her hand. Other counterspells simply outperform it.
CuteSnail says... #2
That's a kozilekian Eldrazi.... Interesting....
November 24, 2015 11:45 a.m.