Fetch lands in zendikar
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on March 30, 2015, 3:01 p.m. by IndepenentMeta
So I had heard that every pack from here on with the exception of modern master 2015 is for standard. This means that their might be a small Chance at fetch lands for the colors ktk block missed Arid Mesa Marsh Flats Misty Rainforest verdant catacomb. My speculation was that it get here around the zendikar pack since zendikar has been known to have pretty lands. What do. You guys think ya or naw?
Literally the only things we know about BFZ is that Gideon will be there and there will be Eldrazi. Everything else is pure speculation. While some players are expecting the ZEN fetches to come back, I am not so sure. I'm about 50/50 on them being in BFZ, but I won't say no if they are :)
March 30, 2015 3:03 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
Isn't this the assumption that people have been making since the set was announced? There's definitely a thread on this already.
March 30, 2015 3:03 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #5
You also have to remember, right after Magic: Origins comes Return to Zendikar, and it would make much more sense for the Zendy fetch reprints to be in the set that actually goes back to the plane where they originated.
March 30, 2015 3:04 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #6
There, their and they're all mean different things.
This is also the 90 millionth thread on this subject.
March 30, 2015 3:04 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #7
JWiley129 Agreed wouldbt mind picking up a set of Marsh Flats
March 30, 2015 3:08 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #9
That's true. And I've said this before but will do so again:
"There was Ravnica, City of Guilds. There were shock lands. We returned to Ravnica. There were shock lands again.
While this is not an unalterable pattern, I'd be surprised if we didn't see the enemy fetches upon our return to Zendikar."
Let us be done with this and wait until spoilers. :)
March 30, 2015 3:09 p.m.
If they're not in MM2, they will very likely be in the next block. It's a great way for Wizards to sell huge amounts of a new set (like with Khans) and will keep land prices low, which encourages diverse deck building and new players in both modern and standard. I expect them to be in a set that returns to Zendikar in the fall. Naturally, my expectations for this block will be extremely high as in my opinion Zendikar block was the peak of Magic's "golden age" (Which includes somewhat Alara, Scars, and Innistrad blocks in my opinion).
March 30, 2015 3:29 p.m.
HolyFalcon says... #11
When was it said every pack from MM15 on will be for standard sets?
March 30, 2015 4:02 p.m.
Hmm I feel like I've seen a couple threads like this before....
Other than that, I definitely think fetches will see a reprint, for the same reason JakeHarlow pointed out
March 30, 2015 4:20 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #13
"every pack from here on with the exception of modern master 2015 is for standard. This means that their might be a small Chance at fetch lands for the colors ktk block missed"
That's not what that means.
March 30, 2015 4:35 p.m.
notamardybum says... #15
there were fetchlands in zendikar. we are having a set that is going back to zendikar. more likely than not there will be fetchlands. yay discussion is over now
March 30, 2015 4:41 p.m.
quesobueno123 says... #16
Huh, I hope that you pull grammar from your first pack.
March 30, 2015 6:37 p.m.
deckmonster99 says... #18
@quesobueno123 why do u always ride others about grammer, get a life bro. does it make u feel good taking shots at people, or do u think it makes u look good doing so, either way u really come off as an asshole.
March 30, 2015 9:32 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #19
Know what makes you come off as an asshole? Riding someone on having poor grammar when you yourself have poor grammar. Know what else makes you look like an asshole? Telling someone to "Get a life" on an internet forum for Magic the Gathering.
March 30, 2015 9:35 p.m.
deckmonster99 says... #20
@ThatJunkMage uh oh blindsided by his little boyfriend, lol. go trade some more junk rares with your little circle jerk squad. im sure ill be hearing from all u little stuck up cry boy's real soon.
March 30, 2015 10:01 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #23
Lol wut? Imma have to report this to the admins
There shouldn't be this much trouble coming out from these guys.
March 30, 2015 10:47 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #24
@IndepenentMeta deckmonster99 tends to be a bit volatile sometimes but that's ok, everyone gets something stuck in their craw every now and then, it's just how we deal with it after the outburst that determines the end result.
Everyone needs to take a step back and chill, this a magic website not 4chan guys. We come here to deckbuild and discuss mtg not to get pissy with others.
March 30, 2015 11:36 p.m.
deckmonster99 says... #26
i was sticking up for meta, all u have to do is go back and read the post from dude who said "Huh, I hope that you pull grammar from your first pack" i have seen him do it to others as well. u guys can make me out to be the bad guy go ahead.
March 30, 2015 11:41 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #27
Man it's true I've been trying my hardest to give you guys some pretty deciet builds. Just so you guys could have some fun playing em or checking what beats what. But on every thread I post there's too many people giving bad feedback. I think by now we know who's interested I'm talking and who wants just talk trash. I wouldn't mind us just getting along and even if you know something. Might be wrong try your beat to exaplain it that why things dint ever get out of hand
March 30, 2015 11:42 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #28
deckmonster99 I wasn't blaming you, just trying to be fair and even.
IndepenentMeta Part of it is just your communication skills. I mean, even your username is spelled incorrectly. If you are young or English is not your first language that gives you a partial pass but basic communication skills help cut back on the amount of people that call you a troll. That's just some honest facts.
Another thing is taking honest suggestions with some grace. For example telling someone that you'll at least consider what they say is a much better way to conduct a discussion. Otherwise it breaks down into two people shouting at brick walls all day.
I'm honestly sorry that you get this negative of a response but I think if you try and tone it back some, listen and at least act like you'll consider what others say, that you might get a MUCH more positive response as a whole.
I have noticed that you have been writing with better grammar and sentance structure and I thank you for that. It really DOES help.
March 30, 2015 11:51 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #29
Idk man I have this theory that my spell check is not up to date then randomly puts stuff wrong so no one can understand me. Then you guys go off and fight over it. I've try to tell some one to get me a new one that won't hassle me as much. But idk it always seems like I'm asking for to much. So right now this is the best way me and you can communicate me through. So either bear with me or don't bother reading all the errors this thing has been doing...
March 30, 2015 11:55 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #30
If it's a capslock problem you can proofread what you write on the "comment preview" page that you have to go through before the post finalizes. That's my first suggestion.
March 30, 2015 11:59 p.m.
Let's just settle this altogether and achieve the purpose of the thread: many people here and in a wide variety of other places have come to the conclusion that the original Zendikar fetches will be reprinted. I think that. I'm sure a lot of people here think that as well. That's really it.
March 31, 2015 12:02 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #32
HAHA I just realized that I said capslock. Go go 12 am typing.
If it's an auto correct problem**
March 31, 2015 12:08 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #33
Okay, this is getting out of hand!
First and foremost, let us address what has everyone so riled up. And that is your present conduct IndepenentMeta. Allow me to explain, in terms clear for everyone. Over the past 2-3 days IndepenentMeta has created six thread that I have been able to find, if there were more I have over looked them. Of these six threads I would say that only two have resulted in anything resembling a proper discussion. What has aggravated people however, is not the sheer volume of threads made, but the quality as well. Whenever you are presented with facts IndepenentMeta you are swift to dismiss them. You argue with experienced players who, at first, attempt to help you. What has also pissed off players is how you act as if you have secret information about WotC, the incident where you said Gifts Ungiven was once a Sorcery comes to mind. But this is the recent behaviour. I will be the first to admit that your conduct has improved over the past few months. However, it has left a bad taste in the mouths of many of the Communities long term users.
However, with that being said it is not the Community's place to harass any user regardless of their ignorance or conduct that at worst is an abuse of site resources that stems from ignorance. We all get angry, frustrated and annoyed with one another. This is a fact of being human. Just last week I started a thread that was almost devoid of purpose where I bitched about the current state of Modern. We all do this. This does not give us the right, however, to act out in what is borderline bullying behaviour. I have noticed a marked decrease in quality within the T/O Community these past few months. What has caused this I do not know, but we need to cut this bullshit out.
As I see it, two things have to happen. Firstly, IndepenentMeta do your research. Shut up. And listen. You have an idea, fine, voice it, but don't argue when someone presents facts to you. And don't act as if you have the inside scoop on WotC. I don't care if it is a lie or is true, it is antagonizing users and we need to have some peace and quiet.
Everyone else, myself especially include. Cut the crap. Answer civilly or not at all. If something gets out of hand, walk away. This needs to end and it needs to end now.
I hope this has been enlightening for everyone. And before someone accuses me of being a "white knight" I would like you to know that I equally guilty as I have said several times. Now, move on.
IndepenentMeta says... #2
Forgot bout Scalding Tarn
March 30, 2015 3:02 p.m.