FNM update
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Oct. 12, 2014, 4:28 a.m. by CuteSnail
Sorry is this is poorly placed. Does this mean I can pay each week and play commander in a tournament? Will this be uniform in that ever game shop that hosts FNM will automatically add the other formats? How do you guys feel about the update?
Admin update: This information has been vetted by Gathering Magic here.
Epochalyptik says... #3
First, there is no mandate (or at least no practically effective mandate) that all stores host the same events. I know stores that do Standard FNMs, stores that do Standard and Modern FNMs, and stores that do draft-only FNMs. So I wouldn't assume that Commander would be supported even if it were sanctioned.
Second, sanctioning Commander is tricky because there's no formal event structure in place to do so, and devising that structure would likely require involvement both from WOTC, which manages sanctioned games, and from the third-party RC, which manages EDH.
Furthermore, sanctioning a social format and instituting it as a competitive format introduces a host of other problems. Even current, unsanctioned EDH tournaments suffer from conflicting demands about casual versus competitive atmospheres, points, and many other disputes.
I actually did an academic report on the organization of EDH tournaments, and I found that they're just nightmarishly complicated to organize. Running them is fine, but solving the logistical problems associated with determining how many players per game, how many games per match (the answer should only ever be one, according to almost every respondent I asked), how best to determine the winner of a match, and even whether to modify the RC's ban list.
Beyond that, the rules expertise required to properly judge an EDH event is, by magnitude, greater than that required to judge Standard or Modern.
October 12, 2014 4:55 a.m.
PaladinRyan says... #4
I for one would like stores to be encouraged to be more varied events. Standard and draft are fairly common, modern sometimes, legacy usually only at specific stores at certain intervals. While I am not a legacy player I know many who are that would enjoy the chance to play a bit competitively more often without having to drive an hour to do so. For EDH and some of the other for casual oriented formats I see sanctioned competitive play to be unlikely. Sure EDH leagues are a thing but I expect they will remain their own entity still. But I am no expert.
October 12, 2014 6:23 a.m.
BreadManDan says... #5
Link to the paper you wrote would make an interesting read if possible and you don't mind
October 12, 2014 7 a.m.
DSHoyt ~ you have to tag Epochalyptik to get a response. Due to sheer magnitude, he doesn't subscribe to every thread posted.
I second what hoyt said though epoch. If you have a link to a digital copy of the report to wrote I'd love to read it.
October 12, 2014 8:51 a.m.
What about 1v1 edh? Maybe that could be sanctioned and if the location has an in-house judge that handle it. It could be part of a rotation.
October 12, 2014 3:20 p.m.
nighthawk101 says... #11
October 12, 2014 7:27 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #12
Featuring this because it's now confirmed.
I suppose the decision is still up to the stores. WOTC is just giving them much more freedom to embrace their constituents' preferences. I like the decision, but I feel that the effect on social playgroups will be corrosive.
October 12, 2014 7:31 p.m.
PaladinRyan says... #13
I think the decision is overall positive, encouraging a more diverse FNM
October 12, 2014 8:09 p.m.
PaladinRyan says... #15
Likely. Modern and Legacy FNMs will likely become at least a bit more common which in turn will likely boost their popularity a bit. Modern was already on a decent popularity high imo but Legacy could use the boost.
October 12, 2014 8:25 p.m.
I think that, with a good mixed-levels-of-competitiveness LGS community, and an open-minded LGS owner, we could see dumb jank like an FNM with Star EDH Planechase being the format of the night. It's incredibly unlikely, but I'd like to think it's possible. I'm optimistic about it.
I might actually go to FNM if Cube Draft or EDH or a community-made format were hosted one night. Standard and Modern were never my thing.
October 12, 2014 9:34 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #18
I would probably explode with excitement of I could get to a planechase fnm. That would be exceptional.
October 12, 2014 10:29 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #19
@ those comments on Modern being a FNM format more often or at all. It's been an option since jan 2013 and the dec 2012 FNM promo was Gitaxian Probe though not standard playable the idea was to give you a good Modern card to try out Modern FNMs in January which did not really go big in 2013 and most LGS have given up trying to push Mod for FNM. Giant stores with huge backstock and display cases with thousands of Modern and Legacy staples for sale and alot of players for at least modern can and do run duel FNMs. For the average LGS FNMs of standard sell boxes of cards and boom business so I doubt anything will compete. As for Commander it will be interesting to see a final frame for how these rankings ,final rules and ban agreements and structure for prizing will pan out. I was trying to create a duel commander tournement with prizing with DCI labeling it casual legacy but there were too many who wanted multiplayer 3+ and a different ban list. Loved the Sol Ring to much I guess. Anyway my opinion is it will be as popular as extended was. I liked extended by the way and would like it back as an option. I feel it was dropped as it helped stores fill up their out of standard lands and staple cards backstock dirt cheap from standard players desperate to continue in standard an finance their obsession with their card collection with now no insentive to keep those rotating cards for extended. Also increasing new set sales right away.
October 12, 2014 10:54 p.m.
So happy about this. Time to win me some packs.
But seriously, giving players choice is never a bad thing, so long as the stores can organise fnms for these new formats effectively.
October 13, 2014 4:45 a.m.
nighthawk101 says... #21
The Modern FNM thing isn't an issue for me, as my LGS has "Modern Monday." I've never actually been, as my deck isn't fully built yet, but it's nice to have the option.
October 13, 2014 9:45 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #22
I first heard about this through watching the official footage of Rich Hagon and Helene Bergot discussing it, and I'm really looking forward to the rollout.
This is a good thing. It's perfectly fine to run multiple FNM events on the same day, so opening up these new options won't kill or replace a store's regular Standard/Modern/Draft/etc. FNM events. If the message gets spread around effectively, this will increase FNM attendance and enrich the overall community by bringing even more players into contact with one another on a regular basis.
The two key elements keeping non-FNM players away from events are the format restriction and the "competitive" nature. Those things are what I hear over and over again when talking with a player who says "Yeah, this is my first tournament. I've never done it before because of XX". I'm sure those things are also the reasons behind why many of those players either come back only infrequently or disappear from the shop entirely. How stoked would those players be if they knew they could come up to the shop on a Friday night and find some people to play Emperor with, and then get a chance at cool FNM promos for doing it? That's pretty awesome.
Getting more butts-in-seats means more community interaction, more teaching and learning, more trades, more laughing and swearing while laughing, and ever expanding social playgroups. Having more places to play Magic and meeting more people to play with will keep more players in the game for a longer period of time. Because this has turned into a lifelong hobby for me (19 years), I kind of feel sad for the people who really love the game but only get to play for a little while before dropping out because they don't have enough friends and acquaintances who are as interested in the game as they are. As much as I love the current regular crowd at my LGS, I'm always excited to see new faces, and I'm really happy when those faces keep reappearing on a regular basis.
October 13, 2014 10:58 a.m.
AngryBearTony says... #23
My LGS currently does a triple format on FNM: standard, modern, and draft. The most popular is draft, though, at least on Friday nights, and is my personal favorite currently thanks to the less competitive nature, friendly faces and words, and general good humor in the format. However, my LGS also does Standard on a separate day (Tuesday nights I believe) and Modern on a separate day, too (Saturdays, if I'm correct). I'd love to see some commander or even more sealed format, and just try out some new things. I look forward to seeing how this gets implemented, especially at my store.
October 13, 2014 1:58 p.m.
I would love to have a pauper fnm!!! I believe that most stores already have well established routines, and trying to get a new format up and running will be near impossible.
I'm most upset about the change in promos. My LGS pretty much gives a promo to everyone. Will that no longer be the case? I rarely if ever come in first ( I play for fun...hence pauper league) and I enjoy my 'consolation prize' of a promo. Now my store may only get a handful? Shame on you WOTC, shame on you.
October 13, 2014 6:58 p.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #25
My LGS is now changing from all standard FNM to hosting 2 seperate events, supposedly. It will always have standard, but will be doing alternating French EDH and Cube side by side.
October 16, 2014 6:30 p.m.
I didn't see the part about reduced promos. That kinds of suck.
October 18, 2014 7:28 p.m.
zyphermage says... #27
It's always been so boring to me that you basically have to play standard at fnm. Granted there are some that had modern, I have not happened to of seen many here. There are many Friday's I spent drinking away instead of playing magic instead. Even with the recent changes to fnm, not much has seemed to of changed. I prefer to see some legacy on fnm but it is difficult to keep people continuously showing up for it.
December 31, 2014 1:20 a.m.
zyphermage says... #31
Before I do that would you kindly go fuck yourself.
December 31, 2014 2:13 p.m.
This thread wasn't worth necro'ing. You didn't even offer anything of substance. It's not like you posted some news on this topic since the last post.
January 1, 2015 3:15 a.m.
zyphermage says... #33
Not like you did either. Do you have proof you fucked yourself yet?
January 1, 2015 5:02 a.m.
zyphermage says... #34
ZOMG a post from less than 2 months ago. Someone alert the police. 2 months is ancient history, read all about it.
Pretty sure fnm being changed recently is relatively recent compared to how long standard has been the fnm main event. As douchey as fucking yourself goes, telling me to kill myself over a fucking 2 month old post on a magic forum? You sir are a fucking piece of shit.
January 1, 2015 5:08 a.m.
zyphermage says... #35
Do you have any idea what kind of impact suicide is on others? You probably don't but I will spare you my experiences of others with it.
January 1, 2015 5:12 a.m.
@zyphermage: When there's a bunch of people trying to talk about spoilers and find out new information, the worst thing to do is necro a thread that isn't relevant. It's not even worth bumping, so this will be my last reply.
As far as suicide goes, you're assuming it hasn't affected my life in some way. Other people deal with situations differently. That includes making light of situations by disproportionately applying them to lesser situations.
You being offended doesn't make you in the right. It just means my goal of offending you for offending me by necro'ing an old thread in the middle of spoiler season came to fruition. Seriously, do not necro threads. It's obnoxious. It's inconsiderate to other users.
Regarding fucking myself, I have a dildo lubed up right here I intended to deepthroat in celebration of New Year's prior to your post.
JakeHarlow says... #2
First off, here's a link that everyone can click on.
Secondly, I believe this was idle speculation by commentators between bouts. Though I yearn for a Planechase FNM, or at least the option for one, I doubt it'll switch from Standard anytime soon. I wouldn't take this to mean anything.
October 12, 2014 4:47 a.m.