Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2015, 12:24 p.m. by MangoPunch
Arcbond + Channel Harm on an opponent's creature, and then do a damage to it!!!!
9cmc 2 card insta win if they are attacking and you have a blocker!!!!!!!
All 10 current Gods fit the bill, monstrous Fleecemane Lion.
January 9, 2015 1:36 p.m.
Nigeltastic says... #4
It also has to be your opponent's creature you target.
January 9, 2015 1:46 p.m.
And channel harm is basically unplayable in constructed
January 9, 2015 3:08 p.m.
MangoPunch says... #6
It's definitely not "good" and needs Valorous Stance and 11 mana to be reliable, but it would be epic to pull off in limited.
January 9, 2015 3:44 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #7
Channel harm makes your creatures survive and prevents the damage from being dealt to you. So say you block a polukranos with a goblin token. you cast Arcbond on polukranos and you cast Channel Harm. now damage resolves and polukranos is dealt one damage. Arcbond triggers, dealing 1 damage to everything. the damage to your creatures and you is prevented, then redirected to polukranos. lets say it is 3 damage that is redirected, polukranos would then deal 3 to everything, this time you redirect 9 damage to polukranos. polukranos would dieafter his trigger goes on the stack, and you would have only dealt 13 damage. So it is not an insta win.
Nigeltastic says... #2
I think this will only instantly win if you can keep that creature alive long enough to kill your opponent, which means it needs to be indestructible or have 20+ toughness.
January 9, 2015 12:33 p.m.