Golgari got some new toys :)

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Jan. 5, 2015, 2:35 p.m. by APPLE01DOJ

Liking all 3 of these...







ChiefBell says... #2

They're all bit lame in constructed.

January 5, 2015 2:39 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #3

so Abzan got a Figure of Destiny? Back off my mechanics bro ;-; they be making my colors so unplayable

January 5, 2015 2:42 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #4

I understand they didn't want to break Tasigur by making the returned card player's choice, but essentially paying 4 to put one card in your GY and getting one card back is not that great, especially since you can only guess at what you might get. His mana cost paired with delve is okay, but that ability just kills it for me, unless someone else can help me understand why it's awesome.

A bit of the same with Warden of the First Tree. Not sure his second ability is worth the extra mana, and spending 13 for the full upgrade is... deflating. Granted an 8/8 with trample and lifelink is nothing to scoff at, but if his second or third form were maybe 4/4 I would think about running this. As it is, nice limited card provided you can get the mana.

Destructor Dragon I would certainly play in limited, and that's it. Too high cost for constructed, not enough wow factor. Though green could certainly use another flyer.

January 5, 2015 2:52 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #5

I dunno Tasigurt seems like a decent late game card advantage mechanic.

January 5, 2015 2:54 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #6

I think that the Delve cost of Tasigur helps increase of getting something u want back out of the graveyard.

I see the dragon as easily ramped into with a bit of protection.

The Warden seems like a better mana dump than Rakshasa Deathdealer as he keeps the stats but then again I thought Rakshasa Deathdealer would be a far better card than it is...

January 5, 2015 2:59 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #7

Unless late game you have garbage in your GY. Hmm. Of course.... you could ensure that when you're playing your GY shenanigans with delve you only leave the good cards... Maybe you're right, but damn, it would be tricksy.

January 5, 2015 2:59 p.m.

DrFunk27 says... #8

These cards suck.

January 5, 2015 3:01 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #9

It's any card the opponent chooses. It could be some random 1-mana manadork that died T2 as a chump blocker.......

January 5, 2015 3:02 p.m.

Necrotize says... #10

The idea behind it is you exile all the cards you don't want to get with his delve ability leaving only things you want. Kind of a pick your poison deal I suppose. With topdeck manipulation in things like Sylvan Library and Sensei's Divining Top, I can see him being nice in EDH, but not much else, probably not as a commander though.

Warden is meh. Sure you can spread out that 13 mana over several turns, but I think if you have that much mana lying around on your turns and nothing better to do with it, you may have a flaw in your deck design. Plus he just screams "Remove me!" in response to you trying to make him worthwile. If he had hexproof or indestructible at either the 1st or 2nd levels respectively, he might have been worth the risk, but probably not in his current state. In limited he could easily be a bomb, but still, on that requires several turns to reach full potential yet only requires a Murderous Cut to become a waste of 13 mana.

January 5, 2015 3:03 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #11


"Warden is meh. Sure you can spread out that 13 mana over several turns, but I think if you have that much mana lying around on your turns and nothing better to do with it, you may have a flaw in your deck design."

I agree but I can see someone holding mana open for Bile Blight and essentially a turn or two later needing to hold mana open for Utter End. Not saying that this is a common situation but totally plausible. However the final upgrade cost is a bit much for 6 mana u could just summon Terra Stomper without any of the work.

January 5, 2015 3:11 p.m.

I like the idea of the Warden, but he seems pretty slow. Even though it can be spread out across a few turns, seven mana is a lot to dump into a 3/3 trample lifelink - I think the cost of his second ability might be what holds him back.

The warrior subtype and the ability to activate his third ability multiple times late game is nice though.

January 5, 2015 3:14 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #13

I like the Warden, even if he turns out to just be scaled down Figure of Destiny (although I'm pretty sure that card was great when it first came out) I'll at least try him out.

January 5, 2015 3:30 p.m.

the warden is the card im looking for in limited. so far there hasn't been much in the way of removal in this set, so there isn't much that can kill him after you use his last ability once

January 5, 2015 3:44 p.m.

Souljacker says... #15

What makes the Warden good is that it's a 1drop that's not super awful to draw late game

January 5, 2015 4:19 p.m.

Putrefy says... #16

Sadly none of these 3 is Modern-playable or close to Modern-playable. If only the Warden would become a 3/4 to be out of Bolt-range once you dumped the mana into him...

Tasigur looks decent, but whenever an opponent get's to choose it's bad. That's mainly the reason why Fact or Fiction was bonkers and Steam Augury sucks.

I don't think I need to give an explanation why the Dragon won't see Modern-play.

January 5, 2015 4:42 p.m.

Spootyone says... #17

I also think the warden falls the most flat due to his second mana dump not bringing him out of strike/blight range, but I see him as copies 5-8 of Fleecemane Lion and falls into the same vein as Rakshasa Deathdealer. These are cards that can be played early to apply pressure if desired, but who also can be reasonable top decks into the late game. People scoffed at the lion when it was released but it has now come to shine. I think the same will be true for the Warden. I'll gladly hold up mana for a Devouring Light and then pump this guy up a level when they decide not to attack.

He, like the rest, is a flexible mana-dump. His only downside is that he cannot protect himself like the rest, but I think it's still a worthy card to play.

January 5, 2015 6:41 p.m.

DrFunk27 says... #18

In a 3 color deck, how often will you play him turn one? There are too many ETB tapped lands.

January 5, 2015 6:46 p.m.

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