Green Ramp once Origins is in rotation.
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on June 23, 2015, 1:14 p.m. by Gabtuls
Leaf Guilder (1G 2/1 tap for G) appears to be the new ramp card being brought in. Just curious what people think will be the ideal ramp card. I imagine Rattleclaw Mystic will see more play but what about Whisperer of the Wilds ? With Elvish Mystic rotating out is Whisperer of the Wilds now more viable?
Rasta_Viking29 says... #3
I think we will see something printed in BFZ to make this speculation moot. Still way too early for rotation talk.
June 23, 2015 1:17 p.m. Edited.
@Rasta_Viking29 If you think it's too early now, you should have been around when this same question popped up a month or two ago lol. Talk about people stressing and worrying about nothing. All these concerns about what to used and we don't even know what's available, lol.
As for ramp once Origins is in rotaion, I think people will still use Elvish Mystic as a go-to staple. There's no reason not to, since it won't rotate out until 2.5 months later when Battle for Zendikar is released and it's highly unlikely something better gets printed in Origins. Then by the time it's actually about to rotate out, we'll already know what the other 90% of the cards in Origins are and we'll know 100% of the cards in Battle for Zendikar so finding a replacement should be rather obvious.
June 23, 2015 2:34 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #5
abenz419 seriously though... I'm starting to feel like the old man shouting "Stay off the grass!" in regards to rotation. Seemed like 50% of the population thought rotation happened when DTK came out. I'm actually kind of concerned that half the Standard community will stand around pissing their pants non-stop in fear of rotation worrying about non-existent issues and making bad decks now that it will happen every 6 months.
June 23, 2015 4:01 p.m.
Yeah I know, it was clearly explained how and when things would rotate but people act like the concept of rotation is something new and panic because of it.
People stress out over rotation far too much, for little to no reason at all. They scramble around asking everyone they see what they can use to replace certain cards that are rotating, completely forgetting that after rotation the standard card pool will have drastically changed and new decks/archetypes will show up. So even if they could find decent replacements for the cards their losing, who's to say that their deck will even still be relevant in the new meta.
This post is a perfect example of what I'm talking about when I say people are worried/concerned for little to no reason at all. We basically have almost 2 full sets of cards to be spoiled before the next rotation, how could you possibly expect anyone to speculate on what's going to be used when we don't even know what 40% of the cards in standard are even going to be. For example, they say "with Elvish Mystic rotating out is Whisperer of the Wilds more viable?" How do they know Elvish Mystic is rotating out? Have they somehow been given inside access to all of the Origins and Battle for Zendikar spoilers? Unlikely, lol. Things like this people just shouldn't waste their time worrying about with absolutely no information of what is to come first. Like, I wouldn't worry about what your going to do without Elvish Mystic, until you actually find out that your not going to have Elvish Mystic.
Hjaltrohir says... #2
The new Honored Hierarch might be pretty sweet. I think people are going to turn to Whisperer of the Wilds or maybe even non-creature ramp after rotation hits. Rattleclaw Mystic is definitely a viable option however.
June 23, 2015 1:16 p.m.