GW Ajani PW and Xenagos will be a GR God.
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Dec. 26, 2013, 3:17 a.m. by Dorotheus
These are rumors with heavy support from the mothership [X]
Also added, how do you think Devotion with dual colored gods will be treated?
ShadowLand says... #3
Just saying, personal opinion here, but I think Ajani will be R/W, and we will see Xenagos as either a black god or a mono-black planeswalker, I'm not sure if WOTC has ever printed two planeswalkers in the same block with the same name though.
December 26, 2013 4:07 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #4
Over the past few months theres been a lot of threads bringing all this up. I think Ajani will make his appearance in JOU since the spoiler is for that and BNG just shows Xenagos in the spoiler, I wouldnt be surprised if Ajani just Green but G/W seems likely since Xenagos and Kiora are already G themselves. What if his name is Ajani Hunts Champion or something related to Karametra. I think dual devotion Gods will be creatures and with whatever devotion to create an enchantment on the battlefield, hopefully something interesting and instead of indestructible, maybe hexproof. I think it would be lame if they were just like the major Gods.
December 26, 2013 4:17 a.m.
@ShadowLand, Xenagos is a G/R planeswalker, why would he be black? He is taking over the role of the r/g god and why would he be printed as a plaeswalker in the same block twice?
December 26, 2013 4:18 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #6
also on another note ShadowLand Ive done some reading on Ajani and he lost his rage/vengeance and his original desire to be in charge of his Cat people, the loss of "redness" just from what I think.. I could go back and read specifics, but he wants to be a good and helpful guy now. He tried to help Elspeth in the past and failed and now shes asking for him in a letter. I doubt he will be R/W. But I think he could also be R/W/G, he is from Naya afterall.
December 26, 2013 4:24 a.m.
megawurmple says... #7
I don't think they'll make Ajani G/W. It doesn't really fit with the story - at what point does he start using green mana and being all nature-loving and/or beast-like? Wizards have said that they're not going to make a G/W 'walker simply to check all of the boxes, and I don't think they'll make the G/W 'walker everyone's after.
As for Xenagos, I'm pretty sure he'll be R/G. He was a R/G 'walker, and the throne in the art of Temple of Abandon is mysteriously empty (maybe the god is dead?) and surrounded by Satyrs (just like Xenagos).
December 26, 2013 6:43 a.m.
tim_swaggers says... #8
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
look @ this and be amazed!
December 26, 2013 8:33 a.m.
harrydemon117 says... #10
I don't think Ajani will be G/W. Kiora was just spoiled who is G/U (Simic) colors, and it would be really bad if they printed two walkers in the same set for the same color (G). In fact, I can't remember a set where they DID print two 'walkers in the same color.
December 26, 2013 9:09 a.m.
Even if it doesn't happen in Born of the Gods.
It could still be possible to show in Journey to Nyx.
The way the art does show, and how wotc usually does stuff, here are some of the things that I think are possible. Ajani WILL be printed one of the next two sets as Green White. Xenagos, The Reveler
, according to the lore will most likely become a god, but his name may even change. If that is the case the art is very Black looking, I'd almost think Red/Black, but to take a Green Red Planeswalker and spin his colors so abruptly in print would be strange. Which kind of makes me think, that Xenagos will not see another print, and he is strictly left to lore. Then there will be a RG God printed in Journey to Nyx as they are replaced or revived.
My hope... which is completely not based in anything but sheer hate, is that Elspeth dies, and Ajani becomes the RG God, but becomes RWG instead.
December 26, 2013 10:37 a.m.
When there's already a RG planeswalker running around who is likely to become a god, why on earth would another non RG planeswalker turn up and become an RG god?
December 26, 2013 10:52 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #13
Wizards has printed walkers in the same color before.
Ajani Vengeant , Elspeth, Knight-Errant , and Sarkhan Vol were all in Shards of Alara.
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker , Liliana of the Dark Realms , Jace, Memory Adept , and Chandra, the Firebrand were all in M13.
December 26, 2013 12:28 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #14
Core sets excluded as there usually isn't a story behind them as there are in the "block" sets.
And ok I conceded the Shards of Alara point, but ever since then (again, barring core sets) they haven't printed two planeswalkers in the same colors. My theory is that they didn't want to show favoritism to one color over another
December 26, 2013 12:42 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #15
I thought W/R for Ajani because he may have gotten his rage back, seeing another planeswalker using their powers the way Xenagos is. Trying to ascend to god hood.
In response to the why I think Xenagos will appear as a black or black aligned god. Look at the art. In the final form he is black and red, no green anywhere. And its been hinted at by wotc that he kills Purphoros and Erebos. Evil and Chaos are reds colors.
I was asking a question, not making a statement when it came to them printing Xenagos again in the set. If Xenagos were to be a two colored god, wouldn't he fall into the demi-god category, not full godhood?
just questions for discussion, I tend to think outside the box at possibilities
December 26, 2013 12:50 p.m.
blackdragonetm says... #16
Xenagos: Will definitely become the R/G god. In theros black isn't about evil but more so about death. The minotaur god wouldn't be thrille at Xen ishin all over his god hood colors either since he's black and red.
Ajani: Cat's are typically green or white followed close by red. Ajani is typically a life gain walker which is a green and white feature. He's from naya so he could easily have access to green magics that we haven't fully seen yet. Wizards feels Ajani is to close to Elspeth in regards to planeswalker abilities so him appearing in BNG/JOU is a chance for them to shift him away from her dominant style.
The next time we see ajani after this block I really hope we see him as a naya walker, but that's just me
December 26, 2013 1:48 p.m.
We've seen the Demigods and what colors they will be in Theros cards:
Kruphix: U/G Prophet of Kruphix
Mogis: R/B Mogis's Marauder + Fanatic of Mogis
Iroas: R/W Priest of Iroas
Setessa: G/W Setessan Griffin
Athreos: B/W Scholar of Athreos
Pharika: B/G Pharika's Mender
Ephara: U/W Ephara's Warden
Phenax: U/B Disciple of Phenax
Keranos: R/U Steam Augury
Ephara's and Phenax's second colors are implied by the lack of other possibilities. Notice that there is no R/G demigod? Plus, Satyr Hedonist is R/G - The Red-Green Demigod is XENAGOS! There's no point in speculating that Xenagos will be anything except a R/G demigod. We already know it from Theros cards and the spoiled artwork of Xenagos with stars in him.
December 26, 2013 4:18 p.m.
Setessa is one of the polis. The G/W demigod is Karametra (Karametra's Acolyte ).
December 27, 2013 7:14 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #19
So who was the R/G demigod originally? Or was there not ever one?
December 27, 2013 11:37 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #20
We don't know who the R/G God ever was. There have been no mentions of him/her in Theros outside of Temple of Abandon .
December 27, 2013 12:03 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #22
It was Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker before he got his spark lol.
December 27, 2013 1:18 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #23
this new spoiled art for Xenagos looks bad freakin A@# though!
December 27, 2013 1:47 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #24
That is one piece of art I would not mind as a giant poster on my wall.
December 27, 2013 1:54 p.m.
It's an interesting question though: Isn't becoming a Theros God technically a downgrade for a Planeswalker? I mean, it's hardly likely that the Gods of Theros are -more- powerful than Planeswalkers, if simply because they don't appear able to leave Theros.
December 27, 2013 3:45 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #27
I have been asking myself that question ever since Xenago's endgame was revealed.
December 27, 2013 3:50 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #28
I think it's because the planeswalkers lost their immortality and "godlike" powers after the mending. Some of them are trying to regain these by trying to "consume" the gods of Theros (again this is speculation here).
I'm sure Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker has some underhanded scheme he's hatched and sent Xenagos, The Reveler to Theros to test out this theory BEFORE Bolas shows up and does it himself.
ajani being released in this set further indicates that some connection between him and Bolas will resurface and the storyline will have some confrontation between the two
December 27, 2013 4:04 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #29
Maybe it's that they don't want to leave Theros, not that they can't, that wasn't very well explained.
December 27, 2013 5:38 p.m.
megawurmple says... #30
I think the reason Xenagos wants to be a God rather than a Planeswalker is because when he first planeswalked away from Theros, he realised how insignificant he was in the grand scheme of the Multiverse. He wanted to be more significant, even if it were just in Theros, so he decided to be a God so that people would see him as powerful, given that the residents of Theros think Gods are the most powerful beings in existence.
December 27, 2013 6:31 p.m.
Maybe he'll be a Planeswalking God.Planeswalker - Xenagos - God
I don't actually believe that, but it'd be really awesome to mess with.
Also, don't forget that gods are indestructible, so I mean, where Hero's Downfall
is abundant. ;)
December 27, 2013 11:12 p.m.
Gruulravager111145 says... #32
Well, abandon is in the name. Plus, some websites show that there isn't any G/R god, so Xenagos just has to be the god in this situation.
December 28, 2013 6:42 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #33
Do we actually have any solid revealed storyline other than the card flavor to base these assumptions on? For who any of the demigods are or what colors they represent? Or is it just conjecture on everyone's part?
Also, I am not mocking or berating, just curiosity. If there is actual storyline I want to read it before making any further guesses.
December 28, 2013 8:35 p.m.
There WAS a daily mtg article, listing all the demi-gods and vaguely what they represent. Too lazy to look for it, my friend wrote down what they are, but I don't even care enough. If anyone is interested I can get the summarization from him.
December 28, 2013 9:22 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #35
I will look it up in awhile unless someone already has a link to the article in question, I would like to see that
December 28, 2013 9:38 p.m.
I've been had, it was just a reddit post....laaaame. oh well.
December 28, 2013 11:26 p.m.
I feel that if devotion IS implemented with the mutli-color gods, then I feel it will be almost the same with the mono gods. Example the GB god requires you to have devotion to G or B for it to be a creature. Then it's ability requires you to pay GB+2 for it to give target creature regenerate until the end of the turn.
December 28, 2013 11:34 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #38
I saw it as a possibility to hurt people who want to stick with mono colors. Having to have devotion to both colors. Or not using devotion at all.
I feel like the demigod crew will have a more direct impact in the game, and will compliment their heroes. Think of it in a mythological sense. The demigods were way more active in the human world than the greater gods, and quite often picked favorites and had champions.
If they hit the field, I feel like they will target respective cards you have on the field, or have overload abilities that can target multiple things depending upon how much mana you wanted to dump into it.
Just look at how clunky some of the heroic affects are. If you had something you could constantly target things with. That adds a whole new aspect to the strategy. And it would really slow things down even more IMO
December 28, 2013 11:52 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #39
I'm not following. People who want to run mono colors don't need help as it is (MUD, MBD, MRD, and G/R Ramp/Monsters is practically green devotion). Dual colors will bring a boost in decks that want to move out of the current meta. I hope they will do the opposite so running multiple colors is necessary or most beneficial for their respective gods. Why beef up single color devotion more? Thats just me though. IMHO I don't see it as hurting mono colors, I see it as giving some of the 2/3 color decks a better chance. Im getting tired of the variations to Mono Red, Blue, and Black.
December 29, 2013 12:11 a.m.
From what WoTc said and making it more DEVOTION as the mechanic states, so like Red Black: God is a creature as long as your Red or Black devotion is at least 5. If you have any devotion to both colors God is not a creature.
Thats one possibility, I could see also "As long as your devotion to black is less than five, God isn't a creature. As long as your devotion to red is less than five, God isn't a indestructible."
December 29, 2013 12:27 a.m.
shinobigarth says... #41
its already confirmed Xenagos will become a god, not a rumor. think its just a coincidence that Satyr Hedonist is green and makes red mana and how Xenagos is a satyr as well? thats just clever foreshadowing on Wizards part.
i never thought about what the names of the other demigods would be before, so thanks Timber
December 29, 2013 4:08 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #43
I don't think it was ever debated that Xenagos would become a god, I just personally don't think he will be R/G casting costs.
December 29, 2013 4:27 a.m.
@ShadowLand He's taking of the abandoned temple. (Temple of Abandon ). I think we can safely assume he is the g/r god as all the other ones have been mentioned in cards already.
December 29, 2013 4:45 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #45
Perhaps the reason there isn't a G/R god is because Xenagos has already killed him . . .
December 29, 2013 5:13 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #47
That's what everyone keeps assuming, which is why I think wizards is going to switch it up and do what nobody expects.
December 29, 2013 7:06 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #48
W/U - Ephara (Ephara's Warden )U/B - Phenax (Disciple of Phenax )B/R - Mogis (Borderland Minotaur /Deathbellow Raider /Mogis's Marauder /Fanatic of Mogis )R/G - No potential candidate..G/W - Karametra (Setessan Battle Priest /Bronze Sable /Karametra's Acolyte )W/B - Athreos (Scholar of Athreos /Sentry of the Underworld )B/G - Pharika (Pharika's Mender /Pharika's Cure )G/U - Kruphix (Agent of Horizons /Prophet of Kruphix )U/R - Keranos (Steam Augury /Lightning Strike )R/W - Iroas (Arena Athlete /Priest of Iroas )Kinda hard to find a place for Xenagos, They seem to be all taken up. Even Kiora Atua wasn't a surprise... Krakens... Merfolks... Leviathans... she just fit into Theros. I'm sure WoTC will have stuff no one expects but Xenegos's alignment is pretty much there unless he wants to kill another god and be 3 colors. I doubt he wants to share a throne with Mogis.
December 29, 2013 7:43 a.m.
What if Xenagos become a creature, Legendary Enchantment - Satyr, and has the devotion and indestruct rules, has some ability, assumed to be mana related BUT isn't a God. Then they revive the old RG god and then we have it? xD
December 29, 2013 7:48 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #50
See, someone else can think outside the box, thank you Dorotheus! That's what I'm getting at. Just because there is a vacancy in the gods, doesn't mean that Xenagos has to fill that slot. He sure doesn't look R/G aligned in any of the spoiled art. And there are rumors that he actually destroys both Erebos and Purphoros, so is he now going to be a B/R/G god in Journey into Nyx? I'm just saying, he does ascend to god hood, but he could be anything.
Epochalyptik says... #2
I personally think the bicolor gods may work on a different mechanic or principle than the five monocolor gods. Devotion seems too tricky to properly implement on bicolor gods unless those gods count the sum of both devotions. Of course, a non-devotion ability would depend on the bicolor gods serving a canonically subordinate role to the monocolor gods. Something that would justify devotion not being a requirement.
December 26, 2013 4:05 a.m.