How many prerelease versions of Teferi, Master of Time?
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on June 22, 2020, 3:11 p.m. by firestorms90
In today's article on the mothership, Gavin Verhey confirmed that, as has been the case in recent years, the prerelease promo for M21 can be any one of the rares or mythic rares in the set. What I'm wondering is if, since they've begun doing the prerelease promos this way, there have been any cards with multiple artworks such as Teferi, Master of Time, or if this is a new precedent? I can't think of any, but that doesn't mean much. My assumption is that only the "main" artwork (card number 75/274) will have a chance at the prerelease stamp, and the other artworks (275, 276, 277) will not. Is there any reason to believe this won't be the case?
The reason I'm wondering is that, when planeswalkers were first introduced to Magic, I decided I'd try to collect one of every printing (promo, reprint, etc) of every planeswalker. I got into the game way too late to realistically own one of every card ever printed, so it seemed like a good subsection to aim for. For a brief period, I even succeeded (even getting the SDCC cards, which were a pain). Of course, once they started the new prerelease program, it got harder to keep up, and now WOTC is spitting out a million versions of every new planeswalker, and I'm kicking myself for having been so inclusive originally (rather than settling for just one of any given card name) because now my OCD won't allow me to NOT aim for EVERY printing... the number of cards I'm missing, I think by now, has far surpassed the number of cards in my binder. I'm just curious if I'll have ten versions of Teferi to aim for, or thirteen. (Well, presumably there will be a version with the planeswalker stamp in a promo pack, too, but I'm trying to stick with known information rather than assuming). Any guesses?
firestorms90 says... #3
Omniscience_is_life I appreciate the support! Heaven knows, I didn't realize at the time just how high my aspirations would be. With every new innovation WOTC comes up with regarding planeswalkers, I'm torn between excitement (because OO, SHINY!) and dismay (because it's just that much harder to meet my goal). At this point, it would take a small fortune to fill the holes in my collection (for example, on tcgplayer, the prerelease version of the Japanese alternate art Liliana, Dreadhorde General isn't even in stock and has a market price of 2k USD). It mostly just gives me a subset of cards to watch for every spoiler season; I've basically given up on actually fulfilling my goal. Even now, I just discovered another subset of promos I didn't even know about before...
June 22, 2020 4:05 p.m.
I don't have an answer to your question but I wouldn't bother. One of each Planeswalker would be enough, or one of each art if you're dedicated.
One of each variation is far too expensive. You have to factor especially new ones have nonfoil, foil, prerelease, promo, and if not yet, in the future will have full art. Original Karn also has extended art from Box Topper. Some will end up with multiple promo copies.
Let's take Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God as the example. That's 11 copies you need to own priced at around $500. This will not be the end of his printings either.
I would change how/why you buy.
June 22, 2020 11:17 p.m.
Flooremoji says... #5
Since the question still hasn't been answered, so I did some digging, and the first result I got was this reddit post, saying there are 18.
June 24, 2020 2:53 a.m.
firestorms90 says... #6
Aztraeuz First, some clarification. I'm not trying to get both foil and nonfoil printings of everything; my policy thus far has been to aim only for nonfoil (because cheaper), but if I crack a foil or can get one in a trade or something a foil will go in the binder. Therefore, I've only got nine versions of Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God to aim for: SDCC 2019, Mythic Edition, Secret Lair stained glass, Japanese alt art prerelease and normal, promo pack, regular prerelease, and normal printing. Second, I already know I'm in over my head. This goal started getting hard once the prerelease promos were changed (meaning every new planeswalker had TWO versions per set to collect), seemed even more unattainable with the release of the SDCC promos (though I currently have all but 2018 and 2019), and by War of the Spark it was absolutely a pipe dream. Between the thousands of variants Wizards puts out these days and the fact that I'm in a relationship with less money to spend on Magic than in the past, it would take a miracle to actually update my collection. Doesn't mean it's bad to have goals... ;) Plus, as noted in the original post, trying to settle for just a single copy of every card doesn't jive with my OCD. At some point around Khans, I DID have EVERYTHING, and having everything up to that point and switching to just one of a card would bug the crap out of me, haha!
TypicalTimmy, Flooremoji While I appreciate you guys, my question technically still hasn't been answered. I was wondering how many of the four Teferi artworks would end up with the prerelease date stamp. So, would I have ten versions (four normal arts, four showcase arts, one borderless and one prerelease) or thirteen (because four arts with stamp) to aim for? As far as I know, there haven't been any rare cards with multiple artworks in a normal pack since the change to prerelease promos, so I've no precedent to use...
I am super relieved to have read somewhere that all M21 cards appearing in Jumpstart would keep the M21 set symbol. I was worried I'd feel obligated to get ANOTHER copy of each of the new colored walkers because of a different set symbol.
Omniscience_is_life says... #2
First off, props for such high aspirations, I could never be that dedicated. WotC changes such things up far too often for me to be caught up on the most recent iteration of madness this prerelease contains, so I can’t be of much help on that front... but have my support
June 22, 2020 3:20 p.m.