Immortal sun?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Sept. 3, 2017, 12:13 a.m. by Pygmyrhino990

Will the immortal sun become a card in the next set after Ixalan? if so, what does it do? Since Vraska is after it, are we looking at a golgari colored pirate tribe that synergizes with this? Along those lines, what will the new Vraska be?

dbpunk says... #2

My guess is it's an article similar to That Which Was Taken or the pieces of Kaldra. That's generally what happens when they have some all powerful artifacts.

My guess is it involves something with tribal stuff. Like something similar to Door of Destinies.

As for Vraska, who knows? We know the main Green dudes is dinosaurs or merfolk. So maybe she'll have pirate merfolk?

September 3, 2017 1:06 a.m.

Rhys_Fahey says... #3

Also I'm hoping Vraska will be mono black so that I can use her in my Pirate deck. There's no green pirates yet so it might happen

September 3, 2017 1:33 a.m.

Rhys_Fahey says... #4

. Or we will after its played

I meant to post this as well. It just had to be posted

September 3, 2017 1:35 a.m.

Rhys_Fahey says... #5

Stupid links and stuff

September 3, 2017 1:36 a.m.

dbpunk says... #6

Considering the nature of the plane, it might have something to do with Planeswalkers.

September 3, 2017 2:31 a.m.

kanokarob says... #7

I've seen a theory circulating that its related to Ugin in one way or another. Either as what was left behind when he shed his colors or some piece of himself kept there, perhaps to maintain his immortality in the form of a spirit dragon.

There does seem to be a lot of circumstantial evidence to support this. Angarth mistaking Dinosaurs for Dragons may not be a coincidence; they may look like Dragons because they are born in a similar way to the dragons of Tarkir: Ugin. Perhaps whatever he left behind is creating a weaker form of the dragon tempests, which spawns dinosaurs due to it being not quite enough of Ugin.

There also appears to be some markings and statues related to Orzazca which looks suspiciously like Ugin effigies.

The Immortal Sun being related to a Planeswalker, especially one of such power and stature as Ugin, nay serve to help explain its effects on planeswalkers on Ixalan.

I'm sure there's more, that's just what I've caught in passing.

September 3, 2017 6:22 p.m.

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