Indulgent Tormentor
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on June 10, 2014, 4:44 p.m. by Rhinowarrior
Do you think that this card will find a place in standard as a pontential replacement for desecration demon perhaps?It can be found on here :
I think the 3 toughness is what breaks it for me. I like the ability, for 5 mana it is fair, but at 3 toughness it gets hit by red removal which I know for some isn't a reasonable reason, but Desecration Demon doesn't die to Lightning Strike . This does.
June 10, 2014 5:13 p.m.
What about the card Triplicate Spirits. Would it see play in a B/W token deck?
June 10, 2014 5:29 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #6
triplicate spirits: 4ww, convoke, 3 1/1 white spirits with flying
June 10, 2014 5:33 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #7
Interesting note with trip spirits is Elspeth makes it only cost 3. Kinda interesting.
June 10, 2014 5:37 p.m.
I love convoke but I feel like it needs the right deck, its a niche card. For most decks, a 6 drop at sorcery speed should be more impactful than 3 1/1 flying tokens. Obviously it is no Lingering Souls but if you have the convoke on board, its still only okay because you still need to tap your creatures for the convoke to happen, and that is still on your turn which typically hurts more than helps
June 10, 2014 5:37 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #9
Eh not sure about it replacing Double D, they fill different roles.
Desecration Demon gives you 12 p/t for 4 mana. That is an incredible amount of pressure on turn 4. It comes with an out for the opponent but that out essentially casts you a free removal spell providing card advantage. This card's role is a beater.
Indulgent Tormentor gives 8 p/t for 5 mana and provides nowhere near the pressure of DD. However it draws you cards in the late game and keeps your attrition game plan rolling. The opponent can deny you a draw but you get a free Chainer's Edict or Bump in the Night so it is always gaining you an advantage. The ability is the attraction on this guy and he appears to be more of an engine/enabler card that can function as a beater at times, kind of like Keranos, God of Storms . Being 5 mana it will also compete with Gray Merchant of Asphodel for real estate.
Hard to know if the ability is worth playing him for at this point. With only 3 toughness I don't think he will be swinging reliably. My guess is he will fit into a Control deck better than a Midrange/Devotion build.
June 10, 2014 5:38 p.m.
But with Intangible Virtue you can attack, and then tap :). Couldn't this be used?
June 10, 2014 5:44 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #12
I'm hoping for a Convoke card that makes Inspired an ability to actually care about.
June 10, 2014 5:47 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #13
Unless I missed the spoiler for the reprint, Intangible Virtue won't be in standard with this card.
There may be some other anthem effect, however.
I don't think that I'd play a 6 drop sorcery in a tokens build, even if it does have convoke. Just seems like too much for, in this case, too little gain.
June 10, 2014 6:09 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #14
yes but there are Spear of Heliod and Dictate of Heliod , and Hall of Triumph
June 10, 2014 6:18 p.m.
Bloodgift Demon didn't see play. With one less toughness and a worse ability, this won't either.
June 10, 2014 6:44 p.m.
@ChiefBell standard is much different now then it was back when Bloodgift Demon was in it. Desecration Demon didn't really see play until MBD came around.
June 10, 2014 6:50 p.m.
That's only because the meta was token heavy so DD was useless....
June 10, 2014 7:28 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #18
I like it, but I'm more exited for things like Ulcerate, Goblin Rabblemaster, Void Snare, and Military Intelligence.
June 10, 2014 8:16 p.m.
Rhinowarrior says... #19
Ulcerate looks insane. I am also so psyched for cards Resolute archangel for my brago blink deck! Same with meteorite. The soul cycle is Dumb AF!
June 10, 2014 8:18 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #20
Ulcerate will likely see modern play. I mean, decks play Disfigure . But 3 life is quite a bit.
June 10, 2014 8:29 p.m.
The reason i don't see ulcerate seeing play is because Dismember is a strictly better option. Unless you had a deck dedicated to cards like Disfigure and ulcerate i don't see it seeing play.
June 10, 2014 8:45 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #22
I was strictly speaking about standard for ulcerate :)
June 10, 2014 8:59 p.m.
Ulcerate won't be played. It's a poor version of Dismember . It's ALMOST strictly worse.
June 11, 2014 8:10 a.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #25
All i can say is that it will see play from me, i likey a lot.
Magiclover318 says... #2
I personally thing Ulcerate is gonna be a bomb. :D
June 10, 2014 5:12 p.m.