Mechanics, Themes, Rarity Changes, and Sideboard Staples in MM2015

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on May 5, 2015, 5:18 p.m. by 6tennis

So, Modern Masters 2 is on its way, and we're getting some awesome spoilers. Let's take a look at some common themes.

For starters, let's talk about the deck that's been confirmed: Tokens. Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder has been confirmed for the set, and in an article on WotC's page, he was spoiled along with the possibility of a Tokens draft archetype. He's most likely going to be a Limited bomb. Also falling into this category would be Bitterblossom.

Let's talk about some slightly obvious themes now. We all know that the Big 3 Eldrazi been spoiled, along with Artisan of Kozilek. We've also seen a lot of Eldrazi utility cards; Eldrazi Temple, Eye of Ugin, Kozilek's Predator, and All Is Dust to be specific. This would lead us to believe that Eldrazi alone was a theme. But then we see Karn Liberated. Because of him AND the Eldrazi, we can conclude that some form of Tron that ISN'T specific to Eldrazi will be very prevalent in this set. Further evidence of this proof is the existence of Primeval Titan. He has gross synergy with the Urzatron lands, which have also been speculated.

Those aren't the only colorless cards we've seen, though. Recently, all 3 Etched cards have been spoiled, along with All Suns' Dawn. We could be seeing some sort of Sunburst deck (though, we already had some Sunburst cards in the original Modern Masters set, so this is just speculation.) What I have seen, though, is a TON of Metalcraft. Mox Opal and Cranial Plating alone should make it obvious that there are going to be a ton of artifacts in the set. Other cards we've seen with Metalcraft include Indomitable Archangel and Rusted Relic. We could be seeing some sort of Affinity deck. (MythicSpoiler also had Tezzeret the Seeker spoiled at one point, but it's been taken off the page.)

Vampires could definitely be a thing in this set. It's just a hunch, but we've seen both Bloodthrone Vampire and Vampire Lacerator. There isn't much more to support this, though, other than MAYBE (maybe) Dismember being kinda suicidal.

There's only one card we need to nearly confirm Auras being a theme in this set, and that card is Daybreak Coronet (with fun flavor text from Brimaz!). It's a superb card in Bogles, so we can expect to see more sweet Auras. In addition, we've also seen Shadowmage Infiltrator (which has unblockable and synergy with its unblockable ability) and Profane Command (which gives unblockable and is just plain amazing).

Another hunch I have is some form of Burn. Lighthing Bolt got yet another reprint in this set, but with an interesting twist (which I'll talk about below). Also worth mentioning is Goblin Fireslinger, which could be Burn's Limited counterpart. (Goblin Guide is on MythicSpoiler's page, but has not been officially confirmed.)

I should mention that Splinter Twin has been confirmed for the new set, so I'm almost certain they'll reprint Deceiver Exarch. Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Pestermite probably won't see reprints, because they were in the original Modern Masters set. Other popular additions to Twin decks that have been spoiled are Lightning Bolt, Vendilion Clique, and Cryptic Command.

I can't find a place to fit Noble Heirarch, Stormblood Berserker, Iona, Shield of Emeria, Apocalypse Hydra, Mirran Crusader or Tarmogoyf. (Dark Confidant, another unofficial spoiler from MythicSpoiler, would also fall into this category.)

So far, we've seen three mechanics in MM2015. I've already mentioned 2 (Annihilator and Metalcraft), but we've also seen Phyrexian mana in Dismember.

Another interesting thing I'd like to talk about is rarity changes, because there seem to be a lot of them in the set. I'll list them all here.

The last thing I'd like to talk about are the sideboard staples that have been printed in MM2015 so far. There seems to be at least one card to counter each strategy I talked about above.

(Spellskite fits in to either Affinity/Twin mainboard or any sideboard for Burn/just being really good.)

I believe I've covered everything of great significance. What do you all think?


6tennis says... #2

Oops, forgot:

May 5, 2015 5:21 p.m.


May 5, 2015 5:24 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

I'm hyped for this set. I don't buy packs anymore but am tempted to pick a few up just cause...

May 5, 2015 5:24 p.m.

6tennis says... #5

FAMOUSWATERMELON I was gonna put that in, but I figured not many people would have any idea what I was talking about. ;-)

APPLE01DOJ I know that feel, bro. I might play some Limited MM2, just because I can.

May 5, 2015 5:28 p.m.

Arvail says... #6

Nice coverage, mate.

May 5, 2015 5:56 p.m.

6tennis says... #7

TheDevicer Thank you, I tried to get as much as I could with the info we have now. There were actually a few spoilers taken off MythicSpoiler, though (Elesh Norn and Tezz, to be specific), so I was a little unsure on writing this up. But this seems pretty good.

UPDATE: Crunching some numbers right now to estimate how many cards of each color will be in the set. What I have so far:

(I will not include unconfirmed spoilers.)

  • There are about 6-13 non-artifact colorless cards.

  • There are about 11-37 white cards.

  • There are about 24-46 blue cards.

  • There are about 19-47 black cards.

  • There are about 16-48 red cards.

  • There are about 27-41 green cards.

  • There are about 28-41 multicolored/hybrid cards.

  • There are about 22-41 artifact cards.

  • There are about 9-19 land cards.

May 5, 2015 6:31 p.m.

TehCoopeh says... #8

Bitterblossom is gonna be a mythic? Damn :/ I need a fourth.

May 5, 2015 8:44 p.m.

6tennis says... #9

TehCoopeh I'm not good at predicting where the price will go, but I'm guessing up, because of an upshifted rarity.

May 5, 2015 9:23 p.m.

6tennis says... #10


  • Apocalypse Hydra most likely is for the Tron theme.

  • Dispatch has been confirmed. It is a card for the Metalcraft theme.

  • Surgical Extraction has been confirmed. I don't know what this could be used for, but it does confirm that Phyrexian mana is a mechanic for the new set.

  • I am retracting my speculation of Vampires being a theme. It seems that the 2 Vampires currently in the set (Bloodthrone Vampire & Vampire Lacerator) are for the tokens deck.

I know I've talked a lot about themes, but I haven't touched on COLORS yet. Because all a lot of decks have colors.

  • For starters, we know the tokens deck is .

  • As for the Tron deck, there are a number of possibilities. Most likely, it'll be , because Apocalypse Hydra has also been confirmed for the set.

  • The only Metalcraft options we've seen so far are in the color (Dispatch & Indomitable Archangel), but there will most likely be another color. It could be (Spellskite), it could be (Cranial Plating), it could be ! (Etched creatures).

  • As for the Burn deck, it will most likely be . There isn't much evidence to support it being in any color.

  • The Auras deck, I'm not sure. It could just be , but there's also a possibility it could be or as well. (Some speculate that a Auras deck is on the way, with Shadowmage Infiltrator.)

  • We think that Twin will be a thing, but it could also be Twin, with the addition of Tarmogoyf.

  • If Swans of Bryn Argoll is in this set, then that means (I'm guessing) Seismic Assault will also be in it. (Possibly, Treasure Hunt will be too.) We might be looking at the beginnings of a Hunt deck.

'Tis all I've got for now.

May 6, 2015 12:55 a.m.

6tennis says... #11

Yet ANOTHER update:

  • I've apparently glossed over ALL of the mechanics. (Well, not really, but a lot.) Note that each mechanic I'm listing now has only been demonstrated on 1 card each.

  • Bloodthirst was featured on Stormblood Berserker.

  • Exalted was featured on Noble Hierarch.

  • Sunburst was featured on Etched Oracle.

May 6, 2015 12:59 a.m.

6tennis says... #12


May 6, 2015 1:01 a.m.

SimicPower says... #13

I just realized how good of a card Swans of Bryn Argoll is. It turns your Lightning Bolt into Ancestral Recall, and then swings for 4 in the air. Nice.

May 6, 2015 1:13 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #14

SimicPower And it goes infinite with Chain of Plasma.

May 6, 2015 1:38 a.m.

SimicPower says... #15

Nice. Not Modern, but nice. In Modern Seismic Assault seems to be a usually consistent alternative.

May 6, 2015 2:06 a.m.

This discussion has been closed