Modern Masters 2015 Spoilers!
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on May 3, 2015, 7:03 p.m. by JWiley129
Tomorrow, official spoilers for Modern Masters 2015 begin! So far we have officially spoiled:
- Tarmogoyf
- Karn Liberated
- Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
- Etched Champion
- Splinter Twin
- Spellskite
- Vendilion Clique
Remember you can find spoilers at,, and at wizards homepage.
mathimus55 says... #5
I'm excited beyond excited. And for real spoilers to come out that are reliable. Elesh norn at rare, Fulminator Mage at mythic, I'll believe those when I see the real spoilers and not a random wish list
May 3, 2015 8 p.m.
mathimus55 those are NOT confirmed spoilers and so shouldn't be trusted. Also Fulminator Mage, if reprinted (which it should), should be a rare.
May 3, 2015 8:27 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #7
get remand under 5 and serum visions down to 2 (and bring back the rav art on remand and give us new art on visions) and I'll be happy. I could also really use a kitchen finks reprint, although that is unlikely. Maelstrom pulse would also be appreciated, though it is almost guaranteed to not be in there.
May 3, 2015 9:29 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #8
Exactly. I don't believe any of the spoilers that aren't actually released. Elesh norn in a limited format would wreck so many games. There were lots of things fishy about the "spoilers" that came out. Rarity shifting cards usually comes with a really good reason.
May 3, 2015 10:04 p.m.
Epochalyptik - I don't know if you want to make your own thread for the MM2015 spoilers, but if you want you can just feature this one once the spoilers start in about 3 hours.
May 4, 2015 8:13 a.m.
kameenook those weren't officially spoiled and part of a "leak" that had some false information. I'm only talking about legitimate spoilers.
May 4, 2015 10:12 a.m.
Yeah 'm not sure, I follow it on, and they're up there.
May 4, 2015 10:14 a.m.
They're up on many sites but are listed as "uncomfirmed" due to the nature of the leak. As such I didn't list them in my original post and won't list them as spoilers until they are officially spoiled.
May 4, 2015 10:20 a.m.
Not to cause too much trouble, but I don't know how much you're looking for in an official spoiler. Looking at they also have the mentioned spoilers up.
May 4, 2015 10:22 a.m.
Official spoilers come from Wizards or associated parties during spoiler season. Spoilers don't start until today, so those spoilers are not official because they aren't by definiton.
May 4, 2015 10:24 a.m.
Huge dump from the mothership!
Noble Hierarch, Mox Opal, Daybreak Coronet, Dismember, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Cranial Plating, Vampire Lacerator, Stormblood Berserker, Goblin Fireslinger, Bloodthrone Vampire, Rusted Relic!
May 4, 2015 10:51 a.m.
OK, official spoilers are out. There were a lot today, i counted around 15 around the various articles, the major ones being Mox Opal at mythic, Noble Hierarch at rare and Daybreak Coronet at rare with new art.
There are a lot more in the articles of the mothership today, but these are the crucial ones.
May 4, 2015 10:52 a.m.
mathimus55 says... #19
Anything on mtgsalvation is just speculation and they have said they are not confirmed spoilers, this the crappy lookin Photoshop images they have with no hologram, red borders and no flavor text. There were lots of issues with the "leak" already so you shouldn't give it too much credit and treat it like a guys wish list
May 4, 2015 10:52 a.m.
Star City Games just spoiled Primeval Titan as a mythic in the set.
May 4, 2015 11:10 a.m.
going to add all the new cards spoiled today to the MM2 set
May 4, 2015 11:10 a.m.
hmm so mythic titans? Better than dragons, but its really just primeval titan that interests me..
May 4, 2015 11:21 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #25
I'm glad they are reprinting Daybreak Coronet, it's price is far too high for what it does.
Also it's good that Noble Hierarch and Mox Opal have been confirmed.
May 4, 2015 11:22 a.m.
smackjack - yes, Mark Rosewater spoiled it in his article today!
May 4, 2015 11:29 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #32
I do wish that Mox Opal had gotten different art though, just because I want it with different art.
May 4, 2015 11:31 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #35
You can always get custom art on the Opals if you want a new art...
May 4, 2015 11:51 a.m.
Mox Opal has one of my favourite art. Why would anyone want different art?
May 4, 2015 11:52 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #37
I was simply replying to another user, but I'm with you. It's a very nice piece.
May 4, 2015 11:54 a.m.
I'm a little worried about Cranial Plating at common for limited purposes. That seems like that could get a little out of control.
May 4, 2015 11:58 a.m.
actiontech says... #42
Oh man, I shipped out 2 copies of Daybreak Coronet on Pucatrade just last Friday. Timing is everything.
Also, feeling super stoked about preordering a case of this @ $225/box. This set has some serious EV potential.
Any reason we shouldn't all be buying out Inkmoth Nexus?
May 4, 2015 12:08 p.m.
actiontech - probably because in Maro's preview article he said that infect was not chosen as a theme for MM2015. Maybe Inkmoth Nexus shows up despite this, but I'm not ready to say it's in yet.
May 4, 2015 12:26 p.m.
Added the following to the mm2 set:
- Bloodthrone vampire
- Cranial plating
- Daybreak Coronet
- Dismember
- Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
- Goblin Fireslinger
- Mox opal
- Noble Hierarch
- Primeval Titan
- Rusted Relic
- Spellskite
- Splinter Twin
- Stormblood Berserker
- Vampire Lacerator
- Etched champion - corrected spelling
- Vendilion Clique - updated with a more clear, nice looking image
Will add Mirran Crusader as soon as i can find a english image, all I have for now is this.
May 4, 2015 12:53 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #46
Pity about the coronet. I liked the future sight art
May 4, 2015 12:58 p.m.
I do like the new art on Daybreak Coronet. Plus the flavor is spot-on. The only weird part about the art is the eye placement, but I can live with that. This probably hints at a GW Auras theme.
As an aside, we have some info on what themes are there in Limited:
Elementals, aggro, artifacts, sacrifice, and I think that's it so far. Be on the lookout for other themes for Limited!
May 4, 2015 1:07 p.m.
I'm hoping Coronet means auras as a theme, probably if I had to hazard a guess. If there isn't sufficient aura support it's gonna be a hard pill to swallow in limited.
Silhana Ledgewalker reprint to go with?
May 3, 2015 7:20 p.m.