Nissa, Worldwaker
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on June 25, 2014, 3:05 a.m. by JWiley129
Let me talk to you about Nissa...
I hear you like ramp...
At first I was like 6.5 / 10. Then I had a little think and I was like yeh..... 8 / 10.
June 25, 2014 10:31 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #4
Hey guys, there's Zendikar spires in the background of this card. That means that there's going to be a fetchland reprint in Khans.
June 25, 2014 10:35 a.m.
Dalektable says... #5
I am a fan of Nissa the planeswalker in general, and I am not disappointed. Manlands are okay, the ult is game winning short of a board wipe and that ramp is just sick.
June 25, 2014 10:38 a.m.
trentfaris242 says... #6
By the time green gets her out, they have enough land to not care about them being destroyed. Also anyone else seeing the synergy with Darksteel Citadel ?
June 25, 2014 10:43 a.m.
her ultimate is for sure a game winner, but it'll suck if someone is holding onto a board wipe
June 25, 2014 12:02 p.m.
Cleavage is strictly better than midriff.
Other than that, I know the guy, who'll be exited to play her in every green deck.
June 25, 2014 12:08 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #12
When evaluating in a vacuum it's evident that this is a powerful walker. I'm going to go ahead and evaluate her in the current standard environment.
Converts your resources into pressure.Synergizes with Xenagos, The Reveler 's ramp and ultimateElemental lands are immune to Detention Sphere and Banishing Light . Synergizes with Kiora, the Crashing Wave 's -1.Works well with Courser of Kruphix helping find her fuel(lands) and increasing the impact of them.5CMC spot on greens curve is not crowded.
Not much value in ramping above 7 mana at the moment.Slow as a finisher.Without ramp and played on curve she cannot protect herself.Her ramp without shocklands can be lackluster in a multi-color deck.Not very splashable.Making your lands creatures opens you up to blowouts or plays that can tempo you out of a game.
Playing the Card
The more and more I look at her she does the same things as Xenagos, The Reveler . Both have ramp, make a dude, and vomit cards onto the board for their ultimates. The optimal line of play for her would be to cast on T4 with ramp, untap 4 forest, and cast Polukranos, World Eater . Xenagos, The Reveler or Kiora, the Crashing Wave is an option if running Stomping Ground or Breeding Pool . I see her mostly gaining incremental advantage for you and combining with other cards that do the same to overwhelm the opponent as an effective strategy. Against control she will function the same way as Xenagos, The Reveler , in other words beastly.
I was going to go more in depth on in play interactions and lines of play but lost steam... maybe later.
TL;DR: The new Nissa is good but great for standard.
June 25, 2014 12:19 p.m.
Wolrdwaker -> Worldwake -> Zendikar Block -> Fetchlands Confirmed!!
June 25, 2014 12:41 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #14
I'm toying with the notion of Modern play here. On the plus side she's throwing man-lands which are incredibly important and fueling your mana so you can protect her. On the down side, she's a 5cmc. In ramp this isn't a problem, but it becomes a problem if you lack sufficient ramp. However, G/B/x decks should be able to use her, since those decks are traditionally grindy as hell, almost Control level grindy. I suppose we'll see, though I think she may make the cut in some decks.
June 25, 2014 1:12 p.m.
Mono Green devotion decks just got the perfect Planeswalker to fit the curve. The problem I had with running Garruk, Caller of Beasts in my MGD was the clogging up of the 6 spot. Personally, I love Hydra Broodmaster in that spot, and having more than 4 cards fill up that slot in the curve made for some awkward draws. Now, you can run 2 Arbor Colossus along with 4 Nissa and not be punished by the mana curve. I absolutely love the untap lands ability, and maybe I'll grow to love the man-land function. For now, I see her as crazy ramp and a free Polukranos, World Eater . Reminds me of the first time I played a Burning-Tree Emissary into a Sylvan Caryatid , it's amazing value to play one card into another like that.
June 25, 2014 1:22 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #16
This is really making me want to give up on aggro and go full out mono-green fatty brigade.
This thing with soul of phyrexia and Hydra Broodmaster . Is going to wreck face.
In before dies to Supreme Verdict , no it doesn't, untap four lands, tap a mystic they are all indestructible. HAHA.
Although i tihnk i'll wait until after rotation, but jesus this is cool.
June 25, 2014 1:41 p.m.
@ CanadianSamurai thanks for reciting what I already wrote some pages ago :) Nice to see someone else mentioning her perfect fit for G/B/x grindy decks!
June 25, 2014 2:43 p.m.
megawurmple says... #19
She seems like a fun addition to Standard, but I can't see her making a huge splash in Modern. I run a Modern ramp deck, and I really want her to fit, but I just can't make her. I keep thinking "if she cost 1 less" or "if she could untap non-forests" and so on. She's so close to being playable, but she is simply outclassed by Garruk Wildspeaker in my opinion.
June 25, 2014 2:51 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #20
if you're playing against a deck likely to have a board wipe, just play around it. use her for ramp until you have extra lands youc an afford to lose, get a board presence that makes them use the board wipe then use the ult to get the board back. we have Darksteel Citadel
having reprint to make indestructible lands, and we could either Hammer of Purphoros
for haste or use her ramp to keep open mana to activate soul of new phyrexia once man-lands start to be made.
and if we only use her ramp and ult, keeping enough lands on the field to play relatively well that aren't man, emptying a deck of lands means now there's a pile of threats for you to draw every turn. thinning out the dead draws is enough to make her ult playable, as long as one's remembering to leave enough lands that aren't man-lands.
Whelming Wave
will be big against her, even gets around Darksteel Citadel
's indestructible. other than that the other negatives are pretty expected and able to be played around.
June 25, 2014 2:55 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #21
How to win using Nissa
Step One: Don't herp.
Step Two: Don't derp.
Step Three: Win
June 25, 2014 3:31 p.m.
My turn!
This is a good planeswalker. I've seen and heard the arguments on both sides but I think the most important thing this card does is make ramp a win condition -- something that standard hasn't had legitimately for a little bit now. Let me paint a magical Christmas land picture for you all.
T3 Nissa, Courser of Kruphix
T4 Hornet Queen in your face fuck your Elspeth and fuck your fliers and most importantly...fuck your life points.
Okay, it's super ideal and not always going to happen, but it's there. What else can you do?
Play Polukranos, World Eater and profit from his monstrous ability regularly.
Not fear flooding into lands in a ramp deck because you can turn the extras into huge threats (trample! TRAMPLE, PEOPLE).
Make yourself a huge Genesis Hydra which brings more threats with it.
Play with the new soul of New Phyrexia and not care how much it costs because you have mana. Btw, your permanents are now indestructible.
Laugh at your opponent.
You can be a goat.
You just have to play her correctly. Don't be stupid with her abilities. Basically, listen to NobodyPicksBulbasaur.
June 25, 2014 4:22 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #24
"fuck your Elspeth and fuck your fliers and most importantly...fuck your life points."
Simply put, that is the best way to say it.
June 25, 2014 4:39 p.m.
Spootyone - You forgot to fuck the color pie, since Hornet Queen isn't really a green card (despite it being green).
June 25, 2014 4:45 p.m.
I try to be exact with me wording.
Also, definitely fuck the color pie. That thing never even tasted remotely good.
June 25, 2014 4:47 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #27
The blue and red parts taste nice, but the green, white, and black parts are disgusting. Why would you make a pie with those flavors?
June 25, 2014 4:53 p.m.
You, sir, clearly need to experience more shepherd's pie in your life.
June 25, 2014 4:58 p.m.
BoromirOfGondor says... #29
Opponent: "I will ultimate Nissa. Now I have no more lands in my deck, and all my lands on the battlefield are creatures!"
Me: "Supreme Verdict ."
Opponent: "F*ck."
June 25, 2014 8:31 p.m.
BoromirOfGondor - that's not how her ultimate works. Only the lands that you bring out with her ultimate become creatures. And Supreme Verdict is only in standard for another 2-3 months, so good try once RTE block rotates.
June 25, 2014 8:34 p.m.
@ BoromirOfGondorVerdict is super telegraphed. Just use spare lands that you get and animate them with her +1. Don't be an idiot. Just because you CAN ult a planeswalker doesn't mean you SHOULD.
June 25, 2014 8:35 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #32
By the way, her ult only makes the lands it fetches creatures. There is never a reason not to ult her besides her dying.
20x Forest
4x Darksteel Citadel 3x nykthos, shrine to nyx4x elvish mystic4x sylvan caryatid4x courser of kruphix4x polukranos, world eater4x nissa, worldwaker4x hydra broodmaster4x soul of new phyrexia4x arbor colossus 2x garruk, caller of beasts
June 25, 2014 9:26 p.m.
I love her so much! I love all her abilities, being the first PWer with 2 +1 abilities since Elspeth, Knight-Errant !! She is gunna have a GREAT niche in green ramp and i can't wait to build a deck around her!! I LOVE HER
June 25, 2014 9:35 p.m.
damn, forgot lol. I KNEW there was one other, but.... brainfart... funny actually. White + Green= greenwhite, so does that mean Elspeth, Knight-Errant + Nissa, Worldwaker = Ajani, Mentor of Heroes ? Maybe Ajani is gunna revisit zedikar and fight the eldrazi, AKA block after tarkir
June 25, 2014 9:43 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #38
most of the eldrazi have left zendikar, it's still threatened by what remains but if I read the article correctly emrakul and kozilek are both in the area between planes last anyone knows of them.
June 25, 2014 9:49 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #39
asasinater13, mind linking that article? I want to read it to find out for sure, but I'm pretty sure the Big Three Titans have left but all the broods remain.
June 25, 2014 9:52 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #40 is the one I'm referring to. Nissa was looking down ulamog, I'm not sure if this is the most recent story-line that exists though.
June 25, 2014 9:53 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #41
Ulamog's still there? Zendikar's fucked.
Emrakul and Kozilek are gone? The Multiverse is fucked.
It's just a giant lose-lose for everybody.
June 25, 2014 10:07 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #42
Being as the page is dated today, I'm going to go with yes it is the most recent storyline available.
June 25, 2014 10:07 p.m.
Sorry to side track but I thought that Garruk was kind of supposed to be the main character in M15. He was in the trailer and even after innistrad he was still supposed to be part of the story. I know that they released "In Garruk's Wake" but one card to his name isnt exactly being part of the story. For a while i was thinking he would be black because of the promo and Lilliannas curse. Theyve said that the black planeswalker would be lillianna. As for Nissa I dont think she would be a stand alone planeswalker she cant provide a ton of defense but imagine playing her than tapping 1 mountain for xenagos. she almost takes the place of burning-tree emissary
June 27, 2014 1 p.m.
magiceli - I think it's well known that the new Garruk is going to be G/B, and Nissa being the Green walker and Liliana being the Black walker doesn't mean there won't be a Garruk.
Also Nissa is at her best in Mono-Green when you can follow her up with a Polukranos, World Eater or Courser of Kruphix .
June 27, 2014 1:05 p.m.
magiceli - I think it's well known that the new Garruk is going to be G/B, and Nissa being the Green walker and Liliana being the Black walker doesn't mean there won't be a Garruk.
Also Nissa is at her best in Mono-Green when you can follow her up with a Polukranos, World Eater or Courser of Kruphix .
June 27, 2014 1:05 p.m.
Being the "Face of M15" does not mean he will have a card in M15.
Actually.... I believe that has shown that "Garruk the Slayer" is not a playable card, but rather an promo event that players will receive at the M15 pre-release.
Click HERE for source.
I haven't seen anything from Wizards to confirm this... but nothing to dispute it either.
I did find that the image source was taken from the Wizards servers...
Probably for a future media release.
June 27, 2014 1:16 p.m.
Rayenous - Garruk the Slayer is just something for the prerelease, and in no way a real card. I feel like it'd be a BIG oversight on Magic's part if there isn't a Garruk. Also Maro already confirmed that Garruk is in M15, and that he's terrifying.
June 27, 2014 1:20 p.m.
Do you have the source for MaRo's statement? And did he say "There will be a Garruk Card" or "Garruk will appear in M15"... there's a huge difference between the 2. - What I've posted would be classified as "an appearance", and some would classify this as "Terrifying"
The only place I've seen that stated Garruk will be in M15 as a playable B/G Plainswalker has been on this site, and a few other forums... but with no actual proof.
June 27, 2014 2:07 p.m.
chrishuffman95 says... #49
MythicSpoiler has recieved information that a B/G Garruk is confirmed, and are holding a contest for people to guess him right. If what I read on Reddit is right, Garruk will be spoiled Monday
June 27, 2014 2:16 p.m.
Rayenous - First I'll direct you to this blogatog post where somene asks about the New Garruk. Then I'll direct you to today's Tales from the Pit where Jace talks about Garruk's new card. I think that's all but confirmed that Garruk is in M15.
JakeHarlow says... #1
I want. Bad. So bad. I want that rump...I-I mean that ramp.
June 25, 2014 10:08 a.m.