Ob Nixilis Commander 2014
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Oct. 27, 2014, 8:55 a.m. by ChiefBell
He seems to be pretty flavourful. I don't like that he's a 5 drop walker that's not fantastic if you're behind (well, unless you manage to ult but that won't happen easily).
October 27, 2014 9:05 a.m.
Blind_Guardian says... #4
He would have been so much better starting at 4 or 5 loylaty. 3 is non-playable for me.
October 27, 2014 9:14 a.m.
TelleoStar says... #5
Yeah, but all the commander walkers are likely to be underpowered compared to what we're used to from a walker, because the recurring usefulness makes them far stronger than usual. Would I include these walkers in existing decks? No. But I'd be tempted to play them as commanders of their own decks, because their weaknesses can be built around.
October 27, 2014 9:27 a.m.
Hmmmmm. It might be tempting to take out my Disicple of Bolas for this though. See how that works instead.
October 27, 2014 9:41 a.m.
He's 5 mana and 2 life for a 5/5 flier that happens to come with a 1 loyalty planeswalker. I like it lol.
October 27, 2014 10:09 a.m.
Odd number of starting loyalty counters... all abilities are even numbers...
So I wouldn't be able to use a 'suicide' ability then re-cast him unless he's been damaged in some other way. - Would have loved to have been able to cast, create token... then following turn, create token to kill him... recast with + cost, and create another token.
October 27, 2014 10:12 a.m.
TelleoStar says... #9
They designed all the new commanders to be like that, so that you can't recast them for an extra usage. There was an article about it when then spoiled the red legend/white lieutenant.
October 27, 2014 10:16 a.m.
CastleSiege says... #10
Pretty balanced as a commander and very flavorful but his art looks nothing like his two creature versions.
October 27, 2014 11:21 a.m.
This is him pre-demon. So obviously he looks different. It's in the lore somewhere.
October 27, 2014 11:27 a.m.
CastleSiege says... #13
It was my undestanding that he was a demon to begin with.
October 27, 2014 11:35 a.m.
CastleSiege the Uncharted Realms about Ob Nixilis said that he once was some kind of warlord who conquered his homeworld. Maybe he was a human and somehow became a Demon and the Walker shows him when he was still a human.
October 27, 2014 11:37 a.m.
TelleoStar says... #15
It was never specified. It's been hinted that he turned into a demon when he lost his spark, but it hadn't been confirmed that he existed as a non-demon until now.
October 27, 2014 11:39 a.m.
Guys, if you literally google his lore it makes it pretty clear.......
October 27, 2014 11:49 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #17
Ob Nix actually didn't just conquer his own plane, he conquered a few others. That's why he came to Zendikar.
I like the card. Now we can put those dumb rumors about Wizards printing Yawgmoth as the black walker to rest. (Seriously, he never had a spark...)
October 27, 2014 12:19 p.m.
I like him a lot. If you think of him as a 5 cmc 5/5 demon with the ability to gate in another demon once every 2 turns, he's actually great!
Hey, where's his token? It doesn't show in the playtester. :(
Boza says... #2
Meh, he feels weak. Both commandwalkers are pretty lackluster. The emblem is nice amazing though, the rest of the abilities are not.
October 27, 2014 9 a.m.