Ob Nixilis, Unshackled is going to be the most overhyped thing since...

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Aug. 31, 2014, 4:17 p.m. by slovakattack

Athreos, God of Passage . Mark my words, you're going to see dozens of decks on here that do not need nor want him in there throwing in 2-3 just fer teh lulz.

greensheepman7 says... #2

He will at least be a good sideboard against any deck that runs two or more colors.

August 31, 2014 4:20 p.m.

slovakattack says... #3

greensheepman7: The main issue with him is his mana cost. By T6, your opponent really doesn't need to use fetchlands to search for mana, and can always choose not to. You can't force an opponent to search their library in standard (in modern, of course, there's Path to Exile ), and Obby really has lackluster stats without his signature ability factored in.

I could see him being a decent sideboard against some decks like like to abuse Chord of Calling , I suppose, but other than that...

August 31, 2014 4:26 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #4

Without duals to search up, it's not even clear all 3 color decks will run fetches.

August 31, 2014 4:28 p.m.

greensheepman7 says... #5

Well I was thinking maybe there will be some sort of Sultai card that can give other spells Delve, which would make hime ten times better.

August 31, 2014 4:29 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #6

Even that card would likely cost a boatload of mana.

August 31, 2014 4:38 p.m.

2austin5 says... #7

I mean, maybe somehow an early discard of it into T2 Raise the Alarm into T3 Endless Obedience , maybe...not really but meh

August 31, 2014 4:48 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #8

The card isn't very good even with all the shuffle effects.

August 31, 2014 4:48 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #9

Say what you want, Modern black based reanimator decks have already started toying with the idea of Ob Nixilis, Unshackled in the side board.

August 31, 2014 4:58 p.m.

slovakattack says... #10

trentfaris242: SO IT BEGINS.

Seriously though, my comment was more standard focused than modern focused. Even so, I really can't imagine a situation in which you'd want Obby instead of, say, Griselbrand , or Sheoldred, Whispering One .

August 31, 2014 5:04 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #11

The only card decks want to reanimate in modern is Griselbrand, he lets you dig for ways to win.

August 31, 2014 5:23 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #12

Have you ever played against a Modern Reanimator deck? Plenty play Iona and Elesh Norn doing fine. Even the black decks prefer Grave Titan .

August 31, 2014 7:05 p.m.

slovakattack says... #13

trentfaris242: I think you're thinking of Gifts Ungiven decks, which aren't pure re-animator decks. From what I see, xlaleclx is mostly right in that pure reanimator decks tend to go for Grizzy. Even aside from that though, is Ob Nixilis really better than Iona or Elesh Norn?

August 31, 2014 7:09 p.m.

mbooma says... #14

People are overlooking his second ability. Whereever a creature dies put a +1/+1 counter on it. With return to dust that means you can almost finish a game after casting it with him on the field. It might be a loose combo, but that second ability is nuts. Just need a really decent sac outlet.

August 31, 2014 7:10 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #15

Yes, because those are the only Modern Reanimator decks that see any play at the competitive level. I don't care about your friend's cousin's homebrew Goryo's Vengeance deck that made a top 8 a year and a half ago. A quick search reveals there have been a grand total of 5 decks top 8 this year with Griselbrand as opposed to 13 from Grave Titan , a number that would be even higher if the Gifts deck hadn't recently switched him out entirely for Iona.

And against decks like Pod, Ob is much better than Iona or Elesh.

August 31, 2014 7:24 p.m.

slovakattack says... #16

Woah, that was pretty aggressive, man. Sorry if this discussion pushes your buttons.

As it stands, even Grave Titan is better than On Nixils tho, so your point is really moot.

August 31, 2014 7:26 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #17

That was aggressive? How many threads do you frequent on this site, may I ask? That was pretty civil. If you're going to make an argument for a card, it needs to be a legitimate argument. That was all I was pointing out. I realize you were more focused on Standard, but the card is receiving so much hate, it's hard for me to not point out that it actually has a place in Modern.

As a main board card Grave Titan is way better. In a control deck that doesn't care about the casting cost of a creature Ob Nixilis is way better than Titan in the side board against decks that are dependent on library searching. Here's why.

It's not any more susceptible to removal than any of the other creatures those decks already play. It provides no worse board control. It punishes decks that fetch while providing a win condition.

Elesh Norn doesn't stop Pod, because Pod can simply clone Elesh to cancel its combo-cutting ability. Iona doesn't stop Pod, because Pod's combo doesn't rely on casting cards. Grave Titan doesn't stop Pod, because if Pod can remain stable for 2 or 3 turns, it easily gets its combo off. Ob Nixilis is a fantastic side board edition to punish these decks.

August 31, 2014 7:37 p.m.

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