Official Spoiler Thread: Oath Of The Gatewatch
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Dec. 3, 2015, 5:58 p.m. by ChiefBell
Official Spoiler Thread.
Have at it.
Goblin Dark Dwellers with the white flicker eldrazi...0-0
January 5, 2016 10:11 a.m.
Wow. The prowess card is great, but I think the void dude (the UG) one is the most interesting. UBx CoCo decks have been popping up all over the place so now they have enough good tools to find off coco
January 5, 2016 10:13 a.m.
This is a very interesting card.
Inverter of Truth 2BBCreature - EldraziDevoid, Flying.
When Inverter of Truth enters the battlefield, exile all cards from your library face down, then shuffle all cards from your graveyard into your library.
January 5, 2016 10:30 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #6
Interesting card. A heavy hitter for sure, but a risky card since this is your all-in card
January 5, 2016 10:46 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #7
And Chandra's oath....for some reason the flavor text just works for her.
January 5, 2016 10:48 a.m.
Inverter of Truth
Creature - Eldrazi
Devoid (This card has no color.)
When Inverter of Truth enters the battlefield, exile all cards from your library face down, then shuffle all cards from your graveyard into your library.6/6
January 5, 2016 10:53 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #10
I don't think the owner likes it any more than you EpicFreddi because he's at the mercy of Wizards; because what is that going to do? It's going to drive down attendance big time because all you're going to see is decks with Dragons, Origins, BFZ, Oath, and SOI; and even SOI you're not going to see many cards because it's very very new and not much exposure; or time for that matter, to assemble decks. I agree the situation sucks bad and will likely show with low attendance. In my city Epic, he has said that Standard is struggling big time and risks falling out of favor.
Back to the cards; check out Bonds of Morality:
January 5, 2016 10:58 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #11
Hedron Alignment; way too dangerous to get the win con; but the scry ability is a nice touch
January 5, 2016 11:01 a.m.
I love Hedron alignment. I don't think it's a viable thing, but I love alternate win cons.
January 5, 2016 11:02 a.m.
Nice to see the Chandra confirmation. And that new Fall of the Titans makes me want to run it in EDH. Two roasted players are better than one.
January 5, 2016 11:05 a.m.
Nobody wanna talk about Reality Smasher? Its awesome! 5cmc for a 5/5 with trample, haste, and built in auto-counter. :3
Also, Fall of the Titans and Bonds of Morality totally have the same background.
January 5, 2016 11:15 a.m.
They do have the same background, but, hey...
January 5, 2016 11:19 a.m.
Oh my god I just love Hedron Alignment. The Johnny in me is salivating.
Oath of Chandra is meh? Idk. Fall of the Titans is great and will definitely find a place in my Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck.
Bonds of Mortality seems like a staple in all Green decks in most formats. Idk about Limited, but at least it draws a card.
January 5, 2016 11:19 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #18
AgentGreen I dont know how "legal" this is but he should just allow old cards. The gameday would break down completly because every deck will miss cards. But that's just me.
January 5, 2016 11:24 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #19
Hedron Alignment. Good in Limited and maybe in Standard, almost absolutely useless in EDH. (Hexproof scry outlet/mana sink is good, but you will literally never get off its alternate win-con.)
January 5, 2016 11:29 a.m.
Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor says... #20
I gotta say, I am pretty interested in a lot of the spoilers released today:
1) The return of Jeskai aggro in standard? T1: Monastery Swiftspear, T2: Stormchaser Mage, T3: Mantis Rider. Plus Abbot of Keral Keep in the mix. Not to mention the new Fall of the Titans card which could be surged easily and used as a double removal spell or to just burn out your opponent.
2) Reality Smasher looks suuuuuuuuuper fun and should see play. It also protects against multi targeting spells.
3) The new uncommon Vampire maybe pushes B/W allies life-gain into being competitive?
4) Maybe the resurgence of Sidisi delve decks for a while with the new Inverter of Truth as a finisher?
5) Hedron Alignment is just hilarious and I hope someone breaks it.
6) My Mayael EDH deck is not too happy about Bonds of Mortality...
January 5, 2016 11:31 a.m.
RedDiomedes says... #21
Hedron alignment can never become a serious thing can it with utter obliteration in the format at the same time? I cant imagine how you would pull off that alternate win con anyway however. Mill a 2nd card accidentally, its practically over. Get two of them exiled, its over.
Reality Smasher looks great. A 5/5 trampler with haste is playable. His removal evasion is almost a guaranteed 2 for 1! Could be my new siege rhino/thunderbreak regent one day.
January 5, 2016 12:04 p.m.
RedDiomedes - You mean Infinite Obliteration which names creature cards? Also, the combo is easier in Legacy with Force of Will and Intuition.
January 5, 2016 12:07 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #23
Wait. Infinite Obliteration actually has a use now? Le gasp.
EDIT: Oh wait no, it specifies creature cards. Oh well. Go back to sucking, IO.
January 5, 2016 12:07 p.m. Edited.
Now the oaths are more or less done (Unless we get an Oath of Sorin, Oath of Nixilis or Oath of Ugin for SOME reason) I'm kind of salivating at the idea of a G/U (or even Bant) based Superfriends deck in Modern. God knows it'd suck, but it's my colours of suck.
January 5, 2016 12:14 p.m.
RedDiomedes says... #25
True! Still I won't be worried about that combo happening any time soon against me.
Is it just me or is cohort going to be completely unplayable in constructed. Tap 2 creatures to get a 2/2 vampire or support 2 etc. Its slower than even outlast.
January 5, 2016 12:15 p.m.
I think Psychatog is hungry for Hedrons... just need a way to get all 4 Hedrons in hand.
January 5, 2016 12:23 p.m. Edited.
beakedbard says... #27
I really want to create 4 colour oath superfriends now. If only it could actually work.
January 5, 2016 12:24 p.m.
Hedron Alignment strategy in Standart: Play selfmill, delve and reclaim
January 5, 2016 12:26 p.m.
zephramtripp says... #29
I've got it. With one Hedron Alignment and Psychatog in play, you can cast Intuition for three Hedron Alignments, exile one and the Intuition with Psychatog, and win on upkeep of turn 5.
January 5, 2016 12:31 p.m.
MurderHood says... #30
It's actually pretty easy guys. You could probably pull off a turn five+ win. T1 tapped land or Island. Turn two Taigam's Scheming popping one/2 Hedron Alignments in the yard. Turn three cast the one in your hand. Turn four Dig Through Time, exiling your Hedron Alignment and fetches and stuff. Turn five, reveal the one in hand win :)
January 5, 2016 12:34 p.m.
Hedron Alignment could work nicely in GUB. It'd be pretty hard to pull off, obviously, but a deck with 3-4 of the following:- Hedron Alignment- Tasigur, the Golden Fang- Dark Petition- Logic Knot- Dark Deal- Jace, Vryn's Prodigy- Dig Through Time- Bring to Light- ReclaimThe rest of the deck would be filled with various graveyard filling things.
Dark Petition searches for Hedron Alignments, and Tasigur is used to both delve one into exile and put one either into the grave or pull one out. Dark Deal can discard one from your hand, and gives you a good chance at drawing another, whilst Jace's looting either helps you draw or discard and also recasts Dark Petition when flipped. Reclaim brings lost ones back, and Bring to Light either tutors and casts or tutors and exiles, depending on what is needed. Dig is for exiling one and hopefully drawing another, and Logic Knot lets you play one, and as you do so counter it and delve another from your grave.
Not sure how well that'd do, likely not very, but it could win on turn 5. Start with 4 in hand, or just draw them when needed, turn 2 Jace, turn 3 loot one into grave, play another. turn 4, loot another into grave and delve one and use 2 for Logic Knot in their turn, turn 5 win.
January 5, 2016 12:42 p.m.
Dammit forgot card tags, but also didn't realise Logic Knot was a different set, but it's not really important to the combo as many things can delve to it.
But MurderHood's is prolly better, as it's a bit less reliant on luck haha.
January 5, 2016 12:44 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #33
I'm so hyped about it.
January 5, 2016 12:45 p.m.
Yeah, I was kidding. It does seem like a solid card in some Awaken deck though (which is happening, I hope).
Standard is looking really fun all of a sudden :)
January 5, 2016 12:54 p.m.
So with Roilmage we can have like... counterburn now... right?
January 5, 2016 12:54 p.m.
MurderHood says... #42
@elpokitolama How so? I've read the card multiple times, but I really don't understand the power level or ways to abuse it. It's similar to Jtms's anthem against yourself?
January 5, 2016 12:56 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #43
I like Sylvan Advocate. It's actually relevant if you draw it in the lategame and it's quite powerful if you drop it on turn 2.
January 5, 2016 12:57 p.m.
So... Oath of Gideon, in /
2x 1/1 tokens, and Elspeth Tirel can now ultimate when she hits the battlefield.
Okay, not great... but I'm just brainstorming at the moment.
Other PW's it works well with
Tezzeret the Seeker - Immediate Ultimate
Garruk Wildspeaker - Immediate Ultimate
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas - Immediate Ultimate
Garruk Relentless
Flip - Can kill a 3/3 and still live to flip.
Gideon Jura - can kill 3 tapped creatures in a row, and still live.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar - Immediate Emblem, and still live.
Karn Liberated - Exile 2 permanents in a row, and still live.
Sarkhan the Mad - Can now ultimate twice.
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Ultimate the turn after it is played.
Vraska the Unseen - Ultimate the turn after it is played.
Sorin, Solemn Visitor - Ultimate the turn after it is played.
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - Ultimate the turn after it is played.
... and, of course ...
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded - Still sucks!
January 5, 2016 1:03 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #45
@MurderHood almost instant win with Laboratory Maniac, "choosing" in some ways what to keep in your library (->increasing consistency of the deck by milling a specific part of th deck), Misthollow Griffin right after, throwing a big "NOPE" at an eventual mill player...
January 5, 2016 1:42 p.m.
elpokitolama, not a standard play, not sure what format it is, but you can:
T1: Swamp, Entomb for Laboratory Maniac
T2: Swamp, Dark Ritual, Inverter of Truth, Gitaxian Probe
You win on T2, I think. ALthough requiring 6 cards may be a stretch, even when 2 are swamps.
January 5, 2016 1:45 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #47
Turn four or five, wouldn't it be?
You need to get Laboratory maniac onto the battlefield so t3 Island, maniac.
also the dark ritual and entomb have to be drawn before you have an empty library because they would ALSO be in the graveyard by the time Inverter of Truth resolves
January 5, 2016 1:50 p.m.
Oh yeah, good point, completely forgot about actually needing to play Lab Maniac haha, not as good as it seemed haha.
January 5, 2016 1:55 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #49
Maniac has to be in play... It's a turn 4 win with the probe, tho. ;)
The best thing to do with it is to play Memory's Journey. My fav art, by the way :>
The problem is that we can't use Pull from Eternity as a dumb tutor because of the face down issue :<
January 5, 2016 1:56 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #50
....thinking about it, no, it's turn five, Turn two: your library becomes maniac, entomb, and dark ritual. Probe draws one of the three.
T3: island, draw the second of the three, ideally one of the two is maniac, play maniact4: draw the third cardt5: draw from an empty library, which actually triggers maniac.
if you mean to say you have a second probe then sure, but that requires your opening hand and turn two draw to be exactly 2 swamps, 1 island, 2 probes, Ritual, Entomb, Inverter of Truth, which adds a further level of unlikeliness to you opponent not having any form of removal, countermagic, or hand attack for 5 turns.
AgentGreen says... #1
EpicFreddi Those who went to the SOI prerelease will have an advantage
January 5, 2016 10:01 a.m.