Post Rotation Deck Speculation (Standard)

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on March 22, 2016, 4:22 p.m. by FYREKNIGHT

I'm interested to here what everyone thinks the post rotation decks will be in standard. A few I think might come up are:

Esper Control - using planeswalkers like Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, and Narset Transcendent and boardwipes.

B/R Vampires - Using madness and new vampires + Drana to burn and beat the opponent down quickly

Jund Midrange - With a variety of burn/ removal and using delrium and cards like Mindwrack Demon and Soul Swallower as wincons.

B/U Zombies - Not sure if this will actually become a thing but possible with new zombies.

R/U Prowess - The classic prowess deck using a quick instants/sorcery filled deck and prowess creatures.

G/W Tokens - With cards like Secure the Wastes, Second Harvest, and Westvale Abbey.

These are just a few I could come up with. I would love to here other speculation as to what everyone thinks the new standard meta will be like.

TMBRLZ says... #2

  • Gruul Wolves

  • Mardu Control

  • Bant Midrange will definitely stay in the mix.

  • Zombies has a lot of potential

  • Dimir Mill also has a lot of potential

March 22, 2016 4:45 p.m.

abenz419 says... #3

mono black, edrazi control. The deck is already great at ripping apart your opponents hand, answering threats, and playing threats on it's own..... and it literally loses nothing when rotation comes.

March 22, 2016 4:46 p.m.

jchudz says... #4

I'm anticipating some X builds centered around Odric, Lunarch Marshal and cards like drana that are saturated with abilities. Kind of like this By Our Powers Combined (SOI).

March 22, 2016 5:04 p.m.

Mindgrind says... #5

Goldnight castigator and Assault Formation is a possible basis for a new deck. A 9/9 flyer,hasty on turn 4 is something to deal with

March 22, 2016 6:08 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #6

Alright, here is a super long explanation on what I feel, based on the cards we have seen, have a good chance of making up the future COMPETITIVE meta (as that is what I care about). I will also comment on the deck choices of the OP (not to criticize just to comment) and also on decks that I will personally try but not necessarily competitively.

Firstly, OP's deck choices:

Esper Control: Yes, I do think this will be a deck but only if there are some more control cards. Blue decks just are not that good unless they can do things that other decks cannot do like in the past Dig Through Time. Currently, their card advantage sweet is nothing that something like BW control cannot do and I do not think that things like Narset or Jace are good enough to out pace or out grind decks like that.

B/R vampires: So I do agree that a deck like this will exist but I dont think it will necessarily be a "vampire deck" but more so a madness aggro deck or just a BR aggro deck. There is not much else to say about this other than the fact that UR madness can also be a thing but it plays differently and it has jace which is an all-star.

Jund Midrange: Honestly, if this was not good enough pre rotation, which maybe it was and no one tried it enough, I have a hard time believing it will for post rotation. People forget that these new dual lands we are getting are more often than not guildgates so running 12 duals and some basics are not nearly as good as playing with duals and fetches so 3 color mana bases are very very difficult, trust me I have tried. I think that the mana will be too unreliable and too slow and will inevitably be this decks downfall.

B/U zombies: Yeah it could be a fringe deck or a casual deck not necessarily competitive. The card that I feel helps a lot is the blue bounce spell that makes them discard a card if you have a zombie. It is a very good tempo card and making them discard is super gross. It has some decent creatures with high resilience and thats its strong suit but remember Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet will be every where exiling all your crap so the resilience is not as good as it would be.

U/R Prowess: Unfortunately I do not think this will break any metas or any tournaments its just not good enough. Its pretty decent for FNM and such but it just does not have the card draw and it also loses its star 1-drop Monastery Swiftspear plus not being able to splash black for Painful Truths makes it almost a dead deck.

G/W tokens: Actually I have been playing this pre rotation a bit and it gets almost nothing from SOI, at least not as an auto include, and loses its star Wingmate Roc (rip in pepperonis rawk hawk). The deck is just so good at going wide and doesnt care about board wipes which is awesome but losing its hard hitter in wingmate roc and the only flier combined with its natural lack of card draw/advantage can hurt it. FNM recommended but second harvest is very bad in the deck because its not often you have a lot of tokens you just tend to burst them with secure the waste + anthem effect.

Cool, now lets talk about what I personally think will be competitive. If the deck as already been named above then I will not talk about it and just name the deck archetype.

Esper control: Possible just depends on the other decks.

B/W control/tokens: Honestly I expect this to be the best deck it does not lose much and gains a lot in Anguished Unmaking and the new sorin. It has an insane curve, a lot of great removal, a lot of card advantage, it is only 2 colors and very consistent in its mana base, and it has a man land which helps against a lot of decks.

BR madness/aggro/UR madness: also possible just gotta build it right maybe.

BR control/BR dragons: BR control with kalitas and dark dwellers is pretty decent and has all of the good spot removal and some card advantage I could see it being pretty good when you want a slower deck. BR dragons as an aggro deck with Thunderbreak Regent Hangarback Walker and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury will also be very good if you want an aggressive flying deck because that is not something people will be doing otherwise.

Mardu midrange: It gets 2 man lands and a good suite of removal and even possibly Thought-Knot Seer with a good mana base. The main issue is itll kill itself so if it can over come that it has good plainswalkers and plenty of midgame to choose from and could be a good option.

Honestly it is hard for me to guess any other decks that did not really exist before rotation so this is what I have for now but theres a lot of other options I am sure.

Decks that I have tested a little and think could be fun/good at FNM

B/G rock: Similar to BR control it gets black removal and a good mana base an things like kalitas, ob nixilis, sylvan advocate, and hissing quagmire. Is this enough? I dont know probably not but I played with it and it did ok and it was fun but I also just like green a lot.

B/W DEMONIC PACT: Someone suggested this in a twitch stream chat I was watching and I fell in love because I have wanted to play demonic pact for awhile without blue. The card that holds it together is angelic purge this 3 mana spell allows you to sac the pact and kill a creature or just sac a permanent and exile the pact. I think it could be really cool and I already got my pacts to start playing with it. It also has Felidar Cub and Anguished Unmaking as other options as well.

G/W tokens: Like I said has no card advantage and loses wingmate roc but its still fun if you want to try it try out a one of or two of Tajuru Warcaller that card is sick wtih gideon tokens Oath of Gideon tokens and Sylvan Advocate.

Naya tokens/ planeswalkers: This deck is cool I tested it a bit and it has a lot of good options but the mana base might be finicky. Basically you play the 3 oaths and Oath of Nissa helps you play arlin gideon maybe nahiri and chandra. Then you can just play a token game and hope you win. It looks very fun just not that consistent.

Anyway thats my thoughts feel free to disagree or comment on what I said. I have been brewing a lot with post rotation (not really with SOI, I hate this set) and SOI did give some good cards to play with so yeah itll be a fun time and I like to talk about what is possible.

Ill end with some star cards I think will be big role players coming up: Anguished Unmaking, Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Chandra, Flamecaller , Grasp of Darkness , Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip , Languish/ Planar Outburst , Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet , Shambling Vent and Needle Spires plus many more but those I think will just be in the majority of decks. Black is very good right now.

March 22, 2016 6:28 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #7

I gotta say EmblemMan, using Demonic Pact with Angelic Purge is super spicy.

March 22, 2016 7:04 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #8

GoldGhost012 IKR? I cant even take credit for it because its that sweet

March 22, 2016 7:10 p.m.

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